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How do you keep your spirits up?


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This will sound pretty emo, but here goes.


What do you guys do when everything seems to suck?

Picture this, no job, car is broke, you have no extra money because your wife is paying for everything, and nothing seems to be getting better. I managed to get myself into the same place I was last year, fucked. Right now I wouldn't care if everything burnt down so i could just start over. I've been activly job searching and getting counseling, both of which just seem like a waste of time. Normally I'd go for a drive to take my mind off of things, or going to work would make things go by faster. Time is just dragging on and I'm going nuts.


Since I waste time on CR all day I figured I'd just make a thread about it.

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Dude always remember someone else has it worse. you didnt appear like a guy who comes off as you jhave these kind of problems when i seen you at track day


I hide it well. I've been with my wife for 12 years and she learns more about me all the time. One of my biggest problems is I can't sit still so not having anything to do fucks with my head.

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Dude always remember someone else has it worse.

I don't think that that will somehow make his life better.


Sit down and make a list of things about your life and self that you want to change and/or make better. Realistic things. Having a wife and family help would be preferable. Have them help you achieve these things. The whole idea of doing this is it will build family bond, confidence, it will keep you busy and once you achieve them, you'll sense pride.

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As I have found in my life and it appears we are pretty much the same person in alot of respects, seeing as though we have similar beliefs and issues, alot of people have issues and everyone thinks their issues warrant some kind of acknowledgement. Make sense? Sorry its hard to type on this little thing
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As I have found in my life and it appears we are pretty much the same person in alot of respects, seeing as though we have similar beliefs and issues, alot of people have issues and everyone thinks their issues warrant some kind of acknowledgement. Make sense? Sorry its hard to type on this little thing



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Scott, if it will cheer you up, I will try to be Evel Knievel again. :p


In all seriousness, if you ever feel the need to vent or need someone to hang out with on the weekends, shoot me a text or give me a call. I'm only a little ways down the road and you know I'm always willing to make the drive out there. ;)

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Take walks and think.


Find mindless time consuming things to do (like online games)


Make your daughter a special lunch or present... leave her a thoughtful note in her backpack to put a smile on her face at school


Make a to do list and immediately start doing it


Do a home project


Basically... find things to get your mind off of thinking about yourself.

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Oh this computer sucks ass. sorry, i am 800 miles away using a crappy wireless signal thingy. i struggle with the same issues, although seeing as though i may never be able to work again, has made our struggles even more similar. i havent worked in 6 months and feel worthless. its easy to get down on yourself so its my opinion thatif this is the life you choose to live(seeing as though there is always the alternative), then live it how you want. do what makes you happy.
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I have realized over the years that although everyone has made an effort to give good advice to me and opinions over the years, it takes someone who has undergone the same thing to get it.


You are welcome to hang out anytime you like. Honestly I would be doing much worse if I was in your shoes, I hope you take that as a compliment.

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eh, ask me in a few days. g/f ended up moving back in with her parents after 3.5 years. while it was pretty expected and known that it was turning into a relationSHIT, ive just been sitting here the last couple hours doing small things around the house like...fuck, this actually kinda sucks.
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You should volunteer at the Franklin county animal shelter. When you see these dogs trapped in these little cages hoping for someone to take them with you and you decide to take them out an play with them, they seem so happy. Honestly when I feel really down I talk to my dogs. Try it out sometime
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like jason said, first and formost, just remember some one, some where has it much worse off than you do. And i know exactly what your going through. back when i was on a roll with blowing up motors, i had to sell a few things i never wanted to, just to pay for motors bc even though i had a job, it barely paid for my bills which left me nothing to fix the car with, and it was the only one i had at the time. just keep in mind to, things will get better, just wait. Also like brian said, video have always helped me get my mind off of shit to. ive got a 360, and im sure paul will be nice enough to get online and let you kick his ass in some forza lol.
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like jason said, first and formost, just remember some one, some where has it much worse off than you do. And i know exactly what your going through. back when i was on a roll with blowing up motors, i had to sell a few things i never wanted to, just to pay for motors bc even though i had a job, it barely paid for my bills which left me nothing to fix the car with, and it was the only one i had at the time. just keep in mind to, things will get better, just wait. Also like brian said, video have always helped me get my mind off of shit to. ive got a 360, and im sure paul will be nice enough to get online and let you kick his ass in some forza lol.


sounds like someone needed to figure out what "priorities" are in life.


i know what you're saying though. a few years ago, i loved working on my car, dropping $$ into it...then i realized there were much better things i could do, and just slow down on the car a little bit.


i will say though...2 years later without doing any modding, and im actually somewhat glad i stopped. ive got extra money again, extra time, etc...but modding a house - way more fun and costly than a car...plus, you'll get your money back (hopefully/eventually) with a house.

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I'm in the same boat as you actually. No real job, car is temporarily out of commission, my girlfriend is getting tired of waiting for me to get a job, no family support, etc. It's really hard to be positive when everything around you seems to be holding you back. In all honesty, it's getting hard to wake up every morning and try to make something of the day.


What gets me through it though, are the people you surround you with. I've made made friends over the past couple of months who are interested in things like cars, football, stuff of that nature and it's been a huge help. Being able to get away from things, laugh about stupid shit that's said/done, has helped a lot.


Job hunting is hard, but it helps you feel like you've done something, even if you know you won't hear back from anyone. And when I get tired of that, I go work out, read a magazine, watch a movie, or go for a drive like you do. As gay as it sounds, MafiaWars on Facebook has been a good time waster too. But at this point, I'll take what I can get.


A lot of good advice in here. Definitely given me some ideas to help me personally.

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Scott, if it will cheer you up, I will try to be Evel Knievel again. :p


In all seriousness, if you ever feel the need to vent or need someone to hang out with on the weekends, shoot me a text or give me a call. I'm only a little ways down the road and you know I'm always willing to make the drive out there. ;)


I won't launch anything, but I'll second this. I'm off round 9 every night.

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sounds like someone needed to figure out what "priorities" are in life.


i know what you're saying though. a few years ago, i loved working on my car, dropping $$ into it...then i realized there were much better things i could do, and just slow down on the car a little bit.


i will say though...2 years later without doing any modding, and im actually somewhat glad i stopped. ive got extra money again, extra time, etc...but modding a house - way more fun and costly than a car...plus, you'll get your money back (hopefully/eventually) with a house.


This is exactly why I quit modding my car. To a T!

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