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HB 191 Strret Racing Law, being debated today


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Well.........every law needs updated hopefully that one is next. To say accidents only happen while driving recklessly drunk and racing is not usually a factor is also ignorant.


But actually racing was the driving force....alcohol was just as much to blame as was the need to race on a highway. It's no different than the cowardish act of a person wanting to off themselves and takes innocent family members with them.


What was proven?


well brandon was not guilty for racing....... doubt any of us will ever know what really happened. but I am with anthony. it bothers me most that these penalties are worse than a dui.

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Wow.......I wasn't going to get involved in a post like this, but are you serious?


Sorry man but what an ignorant comment. Nobody is stopping what you love to do......"which is just drive my car around, and spend time with my friends". What they are saying is use some damn sense when driving and drive with due regard! Don't drive like a jack ass.


I can't even find the right words to describe how much your first and last statements piss me off. God forbid you ever find yourself in their situtation.......Get a grip on reality man. "They should feel lucky their daughter is still alive".....like someone did them and her a big favor!


Because acouple ignorant assholes decided to act carelessly on a public roadway this woman spent 6 months in ICU and will never live a normal life again!


Fuck people like that, sorry guys but so help me god, if i ever am faced with a situtation like this in my life dealing with a family member let alone a child.........I'd do everything possible to burn every motherfucker involved to the ground.


What a comment...........


God taught us to forgive, not burn every motherfucker to the ground.... What Kurt meant was that it could be worse and there daughter could be dead....

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What was factually proven is that George was well beyond the legal limit for blood alcohol and that the "race" was not proven because the other driver (Brandon) was cleared of the street racing charges.


So I see this as a crutch for the bill to target street racing just so the masses can sleep better at night while the government gets fat off of alcohol sales.


That's not ignorance, that's reality.


Well.........every law needs updated hopefully that one is next. To say accidents only happen while driving recklessly drunk and racing is not usually a factor is also ignorant.


But actually racing was the driving force....alcohol was just as much to blame as was the need to race on a highway. It's no different than the cowardish act of a person wanting to off themselves and takes innocent family members with them.


What was proven?

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+1 Sir


What was factually proven is that George was well beyond the legal limit for blood alcohol and that the "race" was not proven because the other driver (Brandon) was cleared of the street racing charges.


So I see this as a crutch for the bill to target street racing just so the masses can sleep better at night while the government gets fat off of alcohol sales.


That's not ignorance, that's reality.

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Perfect example is how my idiot little brother goes out and gets hammered. Get's stopped on the other side of town, as if drinking with a short drive isn't bad enough, and to be honest he made out easy. He didn't have to go to jail (my parents picked him up), plead guilty, had most of his sentence suspended, paid a small fine $200 or so, and lost his liscence with work privledges for 6 months. Guess what his dumb ass has been doing the past few weeks? Out drinking. It's only a matter of time before he gets caught again, and then who knows. At least when I'm out playing in my car I'm stone sober.
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Wow.......I wasn't going to get involved in a post like this, but are you serious?


Sorry man but what an ignorant comment. Nobody is stopping what you love to do......"which is just drive my car around, and spend time with my friends". What they are saying is use some damn sense when driving and drive with due regard! Don't drive like a jack ass.


I can't even find the right words to describe how much your first and last statements piss me off. God forbid you ever find yourself in their situtation.......Get a grip on reality man. "They should feel lucky their daughter is still alive".....like someone did them and her a big favor!


Because acouple ignorant assholes decided to act carelessly on a public roadway this woman spent 6 months in ICU and will never live a normal life again!


Fuck people like that, sorry guys but so help me god, if i ever am faced with a situtation like this in my life dealing with a family member let alone a child.........I'd do everything possible to burn every motherfucker involved to the ground.


What a comment...........


Since you dont know me, let me tell you who I am. I'm a motherfucker who likes to drive his car and hang out with friends. (not you apparently) Who told you I drive like a jackass? Oh, wait I forgot , you dont know me, if you did, you'd know a little better. I'm 40 with 3 kids and a grandaughter, and IF anything like this ever happened I would be very thankfull that they lived to take another breath. Would I go after those involved, of course. Would I try to have a bill passed that gives every cop in state a free pass to fuck with me because of the car I drive, I dont think so. My reality is this. Life happens, and tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

I am not one of the motherfuckers involved, so I dont need to be burned to the ground.

So, if my statements piss you off, why dont you just dig a little deeper, and maybe you'll find the right words, and if you dont have the time for that, just fuck-off.

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Since you dont know me, let me tell you who I am. I'm a motherfucker who likes to drive his car and hang out with friends. (not you apparently) Who told you I drive like a jackass? Oh, wait I forgot , you dont know me, if you did, you'd know a little better. I'm 40 with 3 kids and a grandaughter, and IF anything like this ever happened I would be very thankfull that they lived to take another breath. Would I go after those involved, of course. Would I try to have a bill passed that gives every cop in state a free pass to fuck with me because of the car I drive, I dont think so. My reality is this. Life happens, and tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

I am not one of the motherfuckers involved, so I dont need to be burned to the ground.

So, if my statements piss you off, why dont you just dig a little deeper, and maybe you'll find the right words, and if you dont have the time for that, just fuck-off.


No one said YOU drive like a jackass, it was in reference to people who do. Did i say Kurt B does this? NO! So fucking take a step back. Do I like to drive my car and cruise to a show or hangout with friends who share a common interest? I sure do....What I DONT DO is act like a total dumb fuck on the road while doing it and endangering other motorist. Your 40 I'm sure you understand the difference were talking about. If your not breaking any laws or endangering others on the road people have nothing to worry about.


Do I agree with giving a cop judgement stick on the roadway and singling out or targeting certain types of cars? NO, But people have to realize people aren't giving law enforcement many options here. If people keep doing this it's just making it easier and easier.


"You say life isn't promised to anyone"......Thats very true......Does that give the right to some drunk asshole to take to the roadways and put peoples lives at stake cause their too stupid to realize this might not be a wise move? Anyone could face their demise at anytime......I don't need some piece of shits help doing that.


Again No one said you were one of the "motherfuckers" involved and no one said you "need to be burned to the ground". However your statements towards the woman involved and her family were lacking class! And your right I don't know you...I don't know anything about you. And you know nothing of me, Hopefully you make better decisions on the roadway than others have. If you do i commend you.


Bottom line if people has some sense on the roads these laws, bills, threads, discussion's would not be necessary.


I doubt i'll have the time to dig alittle deeper, i'll be on the lookout trying to protect my family from idiots driving like crazy and drunks on the roads. So i'll take your advice and "fuck off" and you can take my advice and kiss my ass.


Happy Holidays

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No one said YOU drive like a jackass, it was in reference to people who do. Did i say Kurt B does this? NO! So fucking take a step back. Do I like to drive my car and cruise to a show or hangout with friends who share a common interest? I sure do....What I DONT DO is act like a total dumb fuck on the road while doing it and endangering other motorist. Your 40 I'm sure you understand the difference were talking about. If your not breaking any laws or endangering others on the road people have nothing to worry about.


Do I agree with giving a cop judgement stick on the roadway and singling out or targeting certain types of cars? NO, But people have to realize people aren't giving law enforcement many options here. If people keep doing this it's just making it easier and easier.


"You say life isn't promised to anyone"......Thats very true......Does that give the right to some drunk asshole to take to the roadways and put peoples lives at stake cause their too stupid to realize this might not be a wise move? Anyone could face their demise at anytime......I don't need some piece of shits help doing that.


Again No one said you were one of the "motherfuckers" involved and no one said you "need to be burned to the ground". However your statements towards the woman involved and her family were lacking class! And your right I don't know you...I don't know anything about you. And you know nothing of me, Hopefully you make better decisions on the roadway than others have. If you do i commend you.


Bottom line if people has some sense on the roads these laws, bills, threads, discussion's would not be necessary.


I doubt i'll have the time to dig alittle deeper, i'll be on the lookout trying to protect my family from idiots driving like crazy and drunks on the roads. So i'll take your advice and "fuck off" and you can take my advice and kiss my ass.


Happy Holidays


see that just it. it wouldn't take someone driving like a dumbass to have their car taken and life ruined. if I take off too fast from a stop for a officers liking then I am screwed. how is that fair? all b/c of the car I drive......

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I think overall the government needs to work harder rather then putting the burden back on the citizens. Laws like this are designed to help law enforcement and the “system” for lack of better word work less. By making something so general, so all inclusive the government can interpret it anyway they want. Rather then having to look closely and provide evidence, fact and TRUTH. They can fathom up whatever scenario they want to get whatever result they want. You talk back to the cop because he’s had a shitty day, your ticket went from speeding to street racing.


It’s not at all about making the roads safer, it not about the poor girl that was injured, it’s not about the young kid who may or may not have been racing at the time. It’s not about the dead father/ husband or the judgment of the others involved. It’s about making things easier for the government. Had this been an open and close case do you think we would be talking about a new law right now…? That’s what pisses me off. They way they use peoples emotions and situations to scare others into believing their shit! Be afraid of the evil street racers with their death machines terrorizing the streets of Columbus. You must pass this law!


Here’s an idea, why not go after people who text & drive, or who don’t obey traffic laws that are already in place! Like the once we all see being broken every day that lead to accidents. Nooo, shit no. That would involve effort. Tell me it’s about wanting to make things better when half the rules of the road don’t even get enforced to begin with. And the other half you see “law enforcement” break. Hahaha

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What was factually proven is that George was well beyond the legal limit for blood alcohol and that the "race" was not proven because the other driver (Brandon) was cleared of the street racing charges.


So I see this as a crutch for the bill to target street racing just so the masses can sleep better at night while the government gets fat off of alcohol sales.


That's not ignorance, that's reality.


Well Said

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Guest tbutera2112

got a responce


Dear Tyler Butera,


Thanks for sharing your concerns. I will keep them in mind. This bill has not gotten much attention so far in the Senate.


Sincerely yours,

Dale Miller,

State Senator

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well brandon was not guilty for racing....... doubt any of us will ever know what really happened. but I am with anthony. it bothers me most that these penalties are worse than a dui.



He wasn't found guilty, but according to the testimony, they were there to race. "Michelle Staton said that she and her husband were drinking with Smith when they planned the race. She said that she followed the race in another car." "George didn't let anybody ride with him when he goes out to race, so we just went behind to watch," Michelle Staton said."


So regardless of whether he was actually found guilty or not, the reality of it is they were likely there to race. I hate when folks hide behind the details of what really happened vs what may have been proven. Truth is truth, quit hiding behind BS. Hell, I remember the thread that debated weather there was alcohol involved. Guess what...it was.....no shit.


In the end, this bill isn't just about a pissed off dad. Sure, he's pissed, I would be and am too and it's not even my daughter. He certainly has a right to be as does she. So he has the leverage and will to fight to get it done. How many times have we seen whiners on here bitch about something yet do nothing. Truth is this guy did and made it happen. Good for him.


The bill in it's current form seems strict, has some gray area and may not eliminate the issues, but it sure as fuck addresses it in a way that got some attention. I highly doubt her dad gives a shit about it being "fair" Life isn't fair and he and her know that first hand.


Drive safely and it won't be an issue. Drive otherwise and you play and perhaps pay.

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Drive safely and it won't be an issue. Drive otherwise and you play and perhaps pay.

Have you ever accelerated faster than necessary from a light? Have you ever decided to see how your car can handle turns (even within the speed limit) on a curvy road? I hope not, otherwise you are a street racer.


This bill is simply bad policy. Removing judicial oversight has proven in every state in the union to be bad policy. Please tell me why a pissed off dad should be responsible for introducing a bill? Emotions have little place in legislation like this. I believe we are all for responsible legislation, so why should we settle for this shit bill?

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You mean the same woman that stated they weren't racing, but then changed her story months later when they threatened a civil suit on HER and to take her kids away?


If her testimony was legit, they would have bagged Brandon for street racing. Plain and simple.


They didn't. Remember this when you need to speed up in a lane merge and get nailed for "street racing" since you have a sporty looking car.


He wasn't found guilty, but according to the testimony, they were there to race. "Michelle Staton said that she and her husband were drinking with Smith when they planned the race. She said that she followed the race in another car." "George didn't let anybody ride with him when he goes out to race, so we just went behind to watch," Michelle Staton said."


So regardless of whether he was actually found guilty or not, the reality of it is they were likely there to race. I hate when folks hide behind the details of what really happened vs what may have been proven. Truth is truth, quit hiding behind BS. Hell, I remember the thread that debated weather there was alcohol involved. Guess what...it was.....no shit.


In the end, this bill isn't just about a pissed off dad. Sure, he's pissed, I would be and am too and it's not even my daughter. He certainly has a right to be as does she. So he has the leverage and will to fight to get it done. How many times have we seen whiners on here bitch about something yet do nothing. Truth is this guy did and made it happen. Good for him.


The bill in it's current form seems strict, has some gray area and may not eliminate the issues, but it sure as fuck addresses it in a way that got some attention. I highly doubt her dad gives a shit about it being "fair" Life isn't fair and he and her know that first hand.


Drive safely and it won't be an issue. Drive otherwise and you play and perhaps pay.

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The bill in it's current form seems strict, has some gray area and may not eliminate the issues, but it sure as fuck addresses it in a way that got some attention. I highly doubt her dad gives a shit about it being "fair" Life isn't fair and he and her know that first hand.


Drive safely and it won't be an issue. Drive otherwise and you play and perhaps pay.


I don't care about strict, strict is fine. What I care about is "gray area" and this bill is NOTHING BUT gray area. The potential for abuse is horrific, and I think every single person on this board could probably find at least one instance where some Ohio police dept has abused their authority. For fuck's sake, do you not remember New Rome? How many years did they keep a clearly illegal speed trap on Broad St and skim off the top of the ticket proceeds? Could you imagine someplace like New Rome being handed a law like this, where they are given the right to seize a car, sell it, and keep the money?

You don't have to be driving like an idiot to get fucked by this. You don't even have to break ANY current laws to meet the definition of street racing laid out by this Bill. It is ENTIRELY at officer's discretion, with no limits placed on that discretion at all, and if/when a person is convicted, it leaves almost ZERO discretion to a sentencing judge.

The section on "street racing manslaughter" is fine, it seems to work, but the rest of the law is completely ridiculous.

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Guest Removed
He wasn't found guilty, but according to the testimony, they were there to race. "Michelle Staton said that she and her husband were drinking with Smith when they planned the race. She said that she followed the race in another car." "George didn't let anybody ride with him when he goes out to race, so we just went behind to watch," Michelle Staton said."



drinking and racing....now there 2 brilliant ideas combined together.

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Have you ever accelerated faster than necessary from a light?


Rarely. I'm rarely the first to leave from a light. Not only is it dangerous because way too many idiots blow yellows, but it's pointless really. I enjoy 2nd through 4th gear more.


Have you ever decided to see how your car can handle turns (even within the speed limit) on a curvy road? I hope not, otherwise you are a street racer.


Yes....and I'm guilty like many of playing on the freeway from a roll. I've also likely opened myself up to a pretty bad charge should a LEO pull me over for doing so. Just because I might go alone and dick around on a twisty road to see how my car handles doesn't mean I'm not just as guilty as one or two others doing the same thing as they chase or run side-by-side. The essence of what they are after is to punish me just same for doing just the same.


Please tell me why a pissed off dad should be responsible for introducing a bill?


Tell me why any dad should not. You're right, emotions have no place. Perhaps only Vulcans are the only ones who should actually get off their ass to do anything to invoke change. Bottom line, he's within his rights just as any of us to pursue a change in the law. He just happens to have a pretty good case to leverage when pushing for such change.


You mean the same woman that stated they weren't racing, but then changed her story months later when they threatened a civil suit on HER and to take her kids away?


Yes....and I think it was in the part of the case where Brandon said he backed off the gas when he started to lose traction.


If her testimony was legit, they would have bagged Brandon for street racing. Plain and simple.


Your right, and the police admitted they fucked up the investigation. So essentially a few technicalities cost them the case. But call spade a spade already, I for one don't buy for a minute they weren't there to play around.


They didn't. Remember this when you need to speed up in a lane merge and get nailed for "street racing" since you have a sporty looking car.


I'll probably do it again someday too, and perhaps under the guidelines of the old law I would get off, but under the new law, yeah, they could bust me for racing my car. In the end though, I have to admit, I've raced my car to pull ahead of another car as the merge lane comes to an end. Perhaps not every time, sometimes, I just casually merge, but there are times where I drop to 4th, hit full boost and pull a 85-90mph merge. Guilty. Can't say I love it, but another side of me says perhaps I should just back off and actually slow down to merge vs speeding up. Thankfully the MS3 is more of a sleeper economy car.


Hey, I'm just looking at the other side of things....


I don't care about strict, strict is fine. What I care about is "gray area" and this bill is NOTHING BUT gray area. The potential for abuse is horrific, and I think every single person on this board could probably find at least one instance where some Ohio police dept has abused their authority.


You're right, the gray area sucks. However, in the end, a LEO could say I was flying down Sawmill Rd at 65mph and not have officially clocked me. He could also throw a reckless driving charge at me for doing so at 20+mph over the limit. I run that risk anytime I go over the 45mph limit and do so in a manner to really get his/her attention.


For fuck's sake, do you not remember New Rome? How many years did they keep a clearly illegal speed trap on Broad St and skim off the top of the ticket proceeds? Could you imagine someplace like New Rome being handed a law like this, where they are given the right to seize a car, sell it, and keep the money?


You don't have to be driving like an idiot to get fucked by this. You don't even have to break ANY current laws to meet the definition of street racing laid out by this Bill. It is ENTIRELY at officer's discretion, with no limits placed on that discretion at all, and if/when a person is convicted, it leaves almost ZERO discretion to a sentencing judge.


The section on "street racing manslaughter" is fine, it seems to work, but the rest of the law is completely ridiculous.


Sounds like you're pretty fired up over the whole matter. That's cool. Let's go do something about it....but you better talk with Hal about it as he doesn't feel emotions have any place in such matters.


Again, just looking at the other side folks......completely one sided threads are pretty boring.

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What was factually proven is that George was well beyond the legal limit for blood alcohol and that the "race" was not proven because the other driver (Brandon) was cleared of the street racing charges.


So I see this as a crutch for the bill to target street racing just so the masses can sleep better at night while the government gets fat off of alcohol sales.


That's not ignorance, that's reality.



Brandon was cleared of all charges because of a botched investigation that let to a lack of evidence and witness statements. Everyone/anyone with half a brain knows what they were doing out there, even the police. But they didn't have any hard evidence to nail him with.


This bill opens up the definition of street racing so something like that doesn't happen again. The evidence doesn't have to be as damning in order to charge someone, i.e. they don't have to have video of a race with each driver showing proper ID for identification.


The law is broad. I hope it's not abused, but I imagine if you get charged for no reason and have a good lawyer things will be ok.

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Rarely. I'm rarely the first to leave from a light. Not only is it dangerous because way too many idiots blow yellows, but it's pointless really. I enjoy 2nd through 4th gear more.




Yes....and I'm guilty like many of playing on the freeway from a roll. I've also likely opened myself up to a pretty bad charge should a LEO pull me over for doing so. Just because I might go alone and dick around on a twisty road to see how my car handles doesn't mean I'm not just as guilty as one or two others doing the same thing as they chase or run side-by-side. The essence of what they are after is to punish me just same for doing just the same.




Tell me why any dad should not. You're right, emotions have no place. Perhaps only Vulcans are the only ones who should actually get off their ass to do anything to invoke change. Bottom line, he's within his rights just as any of us to pursue a change in the law. He just happens to have a pretty good case to leverage when pushing for such change.

Rarely does mean you have done it, as has everyone. That would be considered street racing, which it is not. We already have laws designed to curb reckless driving and exhibition of speed. Somehow I don't think that you are saying you are fine taking the new strict penalties when you were not doing anything wrong.


Like I've said before, I'm all for responsible legislation and this is not it. This is kneejerk policy which almost always fails, so why not work to get it right the first time? I understand that her father has the right to pursue legislation, but he is doing his daughter a disservice for pursuing ignorant legislation based on emotion and anger.

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Here's a side for you. Me in my Cobra at a stop light, and some spoiled rich kid in his daddys 600hp Mercedes S-65 AMG, he lights them up, and I laugh at him, and watch him take off, oops there's a cop in the parking lot we just passed, who gonna get stopped here? Him? I dont think so.
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