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CCW Peeps when do you normally carry?


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I should have everything done with my CCW by next tuesday (I went in for prints last tuesday so a week will be next tuesday) and I was thinking about when and where I will carry. I want to carry as much as possible, but I was wondering if there are places that people tend to avoid carrying besides the obvious (bars, schools, city buildings, work)


so where does everyone avoid? Things I should watch out for? (I will typically carry with a holster that goes on the inside of my waist band.... can people do anything if I happen to strech and see it or do I need to make sure to always wear huge shirts while carrying?)

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At all times. Everywhere that is legal to do so.


I don't get to call the BGs and schedule an appointment. Anything less then at all times is just silly.


"Sorry Mr. Badguy. Ummm actually, this is not a very good time for me. You see the thing is, I don't have my gun on me right now. Would you be able to come back later? Maybe when it's night time?"


Just silly.

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I'm kind of siding with Ray on this one but I didn't know if there were places that you purposely avoid wearing. Also, does anyone know what happens if you happen to carry in a place that just has a sign out front that says gun free zone, but you didn't notice the sign? do they just ask you to leave or are there legal repremands that can happen?
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I'm kind of siding with Ray on this one but I didn't know if there were places that you purposely avoid wearing. Also, does anyone know what happens if you happen to carry in a place that just has a sign out front that says gun free zone, but you didn't notice the sign? do they just ask you to leave or are there legal repremands that can happen?


I'm trying to remember what the rule on that was. Partially it depends on the place. If it's not a place that is illegal to carry then you will probably be asked to leave, possibly by the police. I assume the store employees would not approach an an individual they know to be armed and ask if they have CCW, probably just call the cops. Either way I hardly ever carry. I got it mainly to make sure I didn't get into any trouble transporting to and from the range. Also because my H&K USP 9mm is a little too large for me to CC.

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I carry everywhere I legally can. If you see me and it's not in a place that serves alcohol...I am carrying.


If someone happens to see the gun, I doubt there is much legally that could be done to you since open carry is legal in ohio anyway so you are covered on all eneds whether you are concealing or open carrying. The only worry i would have is maybe the cops hitting you up on "disturbing the peace or inducing panic. I don't know how that would ever hold up in court though.

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I carry everywhere I legally can. If you see me and it's not in a place that serves alcohol...I am carrying.


If someone happens to see the gun, I doubt there is much legally that could be done to you since open carry is legal in ohio anyway so you are covered on all eneds whether you are concealing or open carrying. The only worry i would have is maybe the cops hitting you up on "disturbing the peace or inducing panic. I don't know how that would ever hold up in court though.


here here.

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I'm kind of siding with Ray on this one but I didn't know if there were places that you purposely avoid wearing. Also, does anyone know what happens if you happen to carry in a place that just has a sign out front that says gun free zone, but you didn't notice the sign? do they just ask you to leave or are there legal repremands that can happen?



It is your responsibility to pay attention to the signs, however, it has to be in a conspicuous location and I believe it has to be one of the legal anti-CCW signs, not just something they made it Microsoft Paint.


If they did their part, and you missed or ignore it, then you could be charged with criminal trespassing. If they don't have a sign, but say they happen to notice that you're carrying, and they ask you to leave, and you don't, then it's criminal trespassing.


As for someone accidentally seeing your gun; that's their problem. So long as you aren't pulling the thing out and waving it around, you're fine. As was said by someone else; Ohio is an open carry state as well, so even if it is showing, you're OK.

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It is your responsibility to pay attention to the signs, however, it has to be in a conspicuous location and I believe it has to be one of the legal anti-CCW signs, not just something they made it Microsoft Paint.


If they did their part, and you missed or ignore it, then you could be charged with criminal trespassing. If they don't have a sign, but say they happen to notice that you're carrying, and they ask you to leave, and you don't, then it's criminal trespassing.


As for someone accidentally seeing your gun; that's their problem. So long as you aren't pulling the thing out and waving it around, you're fine. As was said by someone else; Ohio is an open carry state as well, so even if it is showing, you're OK.



I do not believe there is a "legal" anti'gun sign, but the attorney general offer's "suggestions" on designs but I do not believe there is a specific format.

Somebody correct me if I am wrong.

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I do not believe there is a "legal" anti'gun sign, but the attorney general offer's "suggestions" on designs but I do not believe there is a specific format.

Somebody correct me if I am wrong.


I could have sworn there was a particular sign that had to be posted; something like a XXX30.30 sign. I can't remember exactly.


I could be wrong on that.

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I could have sworn there was a particular sign that had to be posted; something like a XXX30.30 sign. I can't remember exactly.


I could be wrong on that.


Here is the link to the CCW booklet published by the AG. Page 17 and 18 covers signage. I interpret this as confiming my current veiw but let me know if you interpret it differently.



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I could have sworn there was a particular sign that had to be posted; something like a XXX30.30 sign. I can't remember exactly.


You're thinking of the Texas civil code section that defines their "No-CCW" signage. Texas requires a specific size and format for the sign. BTW It's actually 30.06, not 30.30, but that's okay...both are effective for deer!

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I carry almost everywhere that I legally can. As mentioned before if I know I'm going to be drinking I leave it at home. From what I've heard most cops don't care as long as you tell them if you're ever pulled over. My wife did have a cop on campus treat her like a criminal when she was pulled over for going like 5mph over. The car is in my name btw, so when he ran the plates...
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In a lot of other states you don't have to inform the officer. It's non of their business. You can carry in police stations as well. Ohio needs to pass SB 239 so I can carry in restaurants too. I hate having to choose between eating and being vunerable or going hungry but being able to protect myself.
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When I first started carrying it is really weird. It feels like you have a sign on your side that says "I'm carrying a gun". You feel the need to check to make sure you have it concealed well and no one's going to notice it. After a while it feels like just another piece of your daily equipment; keys, wallet, phone, etc. Sometimes I don't even remember it's there, but I know I would if the occasion to use it would arise.


Although to answer your question, everywhere that's legal. Soon, hopefully, I'll be able to actually go to a decent restaurant to eat even as long as Senate Bill 239 is passed.


Also, if I don't see a sign posted on the front door and it's noticeable, then it's not a legal sign. They can ask you to leave, but if no one notices your weapon you'll be fine. Just like Tuttle Mall. They have signs posted on the foodcourt doors and some main entrance doors, but if you enter at Macy's or Sears there are no signs making it legal for you to be able to carry throughout the mall. Of course you shouldn't admit that you know the doors at the foodcourt have signs, in that case you could be charged with trespassing.

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If it's not on me, it's real close. I'll leave it at that. Especially when on the road/traveling around town. My old job had a policy about company property but I didn't park on company property, so they didn't push me on it. HR was the only one that cared but only that I didn't bring it into the office.
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When I first started carrying it is really weird. It feels like you have a sign on your side that says "I'm carrying a gun". You feel the need to check to make sure you have it concealed well and no one's going to notice it. After a while it feels like just another piece of your daily equipment; keys, wallet, phone, etc. Sometimes I don't even remember it's there, but I know I would if the occasion to use it would arise.


Although to answer your question, everywhere that's legal. Soon, hopefully, I'll be able to actually go to a decent restaurant to eat even as long as Senate Bill 239 is passed.


Also, if I don't see a sign posted on the front door and it's noticeable, then it's not a legal sign. They can ask you to leave, but if no one notices your weapon you'll be fine. Just like Tuttle Mall. They have signs posted on the foodcourt doors and some main entrance doors, but if you enter at Macy's or Sears there are no signs making it legal for you to be able to carry throughout the mall. Of course you shouldn't admit that you know the doors at the foodcourt have signs, in that case you could be charged with trespassing.


I have a checklist before I leave the house; phone, wallet, keys, gat.

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In a lot of other states you don't have to inform the officer. It's non of their business. You can carry in police stations as well. Ohio needs to pass SB 239 so I can carry in restaurants too. I hate having to choose between eating and being vunerable or going hungry but being able to protect myself.


you can carry into a resturant. You just have to know which type of liquor license they have.

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