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Took a bike ride today to test out my new app.


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If you have Android or a Garmin you can use this FREE app.... it's amazing if your into bike riding, running, skiing, it even has swimming, but I am not sure how that would work. I was extremely impressed with how good and simple to use this app is.



Cycling Workout

Calories:2207 kcal

Distance:34.99 miles

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solid work! i just got the FREE imapmyride app on my evo. i just used it to log my ride today but not really wanting to use the recording feature.


I can foresee tracking being a pain since i do a 1/2 mile warm up and cool down before i start the timer.

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Cool app.


I'll stick with my Garmin, I'd rather not have my phone on me during a ride or a run. I also like having my heart rate on it.


But this apps free so it wins in that battle!


Oh, looks like you can import to that website from a Garmin!

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Cool app.


I'll stick with my Garmin, I'd rather not have my phone on me during a ride or a run. I also like having my heart rate on it.


But this apps free so it wins in that battle!


Oh, looks like you can import to that website from a Garmin!


This app works with any Bluetooth heart rate monitor also.


And I always take my phone with me, especially on a ride, if I crash and it breaks that would suck, but it't worth it to have the security blanket in case something happens or I break down.

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This app works with any Bluetooth heart rate monitor also.


Didn't know they made those.


And I always take my phone with me, especially on a ride, if I crash and it breaks that would suck, but it't worth it to have the security blanket in case something happens or I break down.


Road riding I sometimes take my phone. I just got the tip the other day to carry some cash, I need to start doing that. Not having your phone would be much less of an issue if you have a few bucks on you. But I don't road ride too often, I mostly ride up at Alum though so increased risk of phone breakage and less of an issue if my bike brakes so I don't take my phone. If I'm in a higher risk situation, one where others aren't on the trail (winter or night), I usually take my phone. I guess mostly I'm not a worrier and can figure something out if an issue arises so I don't worry about needing my phone. Good lord.. what did people do before cell phones? :p


I can also fix most issues that come up on my bike, at least enough to limp it home if I need to. My friend called me the other day because he was riding to to work and got a flat. He didn't have what he needed to fix it. Keep in mind his goal is to ride to work every day this month, so he does this quite a bit. Needless to say he got a small lecture the next time we saw each other. :o

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thats cool. ive actually been looking through some of these since my incredible will be here in about a week and a half.


i was at my dads yesterday and he just got the droid x, and i downloaded mapmyride on his phone. would have been nice to have my phone w/ a program on it yesterday. 33.02 miles according to my bike odometer. i was riding with a new guy from my work, and our average was like 12mph, but i could probably do 15-16 without him.


to the OP - are those fairly busy roads you were riding on? im not familiar with the area. im always looking for a new route in the 30-50 mile range

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yeah...i dont mind driving a little bit to get to a new spot. the same thing over and over can get boring. ive done the johnstown to hanover path 3-4x now, 60 miles total...would just like to find a new route that i dont have to ride on super busy roads
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Trouble: I am not much of a worrier either and I also can fix most things to limp my bike home as I have been riding for 15+ years "seriously". I just like to have it with me, but trust me I am on your side when it comes to "what did people do before cell phones". I also take some cash and ID with me also.


Evan; The route starts at my Dads house (he went with me yesterday) and hits a really nice bike path (rails to trails) at about mile 4 till we got to mile 20.5 and then it is on a semi busy country road. If you look at most of the mile times up to 20 there are some sub 3 min miles and mostly 3:30 miles then after 20 it gets pretty hilly + I was getting really HOT yesterday. It was like 90 out. Our avg for the first 10 was almost 18 which isn't to bad considering half of that was in regular traffic (stop and go). If I use one of my dads amazing "Lance Tour Bikes" I can AVG 20 easily for the first 10.

Oh and we can make this route much more than 30 easily... that bike path goes from Dayton to Cincy. :^)

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Just downloaded it and went for a run... It actually told me when and where I changed my songs and you can see how I picked up pace to the better beats. One of the best apps I have.



+rep for you sir


Thanks, yeah I love how it can tell me my lap times (verbally while riding), it also really makes me want to see how the HR monitor works.


If you want to add me as a friend my go to friends and search for

Michael J Reitz

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