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got a ticket and i wasnt driving!


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My neighbor was called in as back up for a routine stop that turned into a search. Upon arriving he saw a gay guy dressed like a drug dealer throwing a tantrum. Searching the car turned up no drugs or weapons, just racquets, nike headbands, and a blow up doll. The guy thought he was recording the conversation but he actually called V8 Beast by mistake who talked to his officer friend while the perp was being cavity searched.. (Hilarious story)

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My neighbor was called in as back up for a routine stop that turned into a search. Upon arriving he saw a gay guy dressed like a drug dealer throwing a tantrum. Searching the car turned up no drugs or weapons, just racquets, nike headbands, and a blow up doll. The guy thought he was recording the conversation but he actually called V8 Beast by mistake who talked to his officer friend while the perp was being cavity searched.. (Hilarious story)



Why does Phil have you on Speed Dial???





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Steve, he's black... Hell yeah he deserved it.


This post is no way a reflection of CR or its management. Brian is an independent asshole acting under his own power. Further unlawful duplicating or copywriting of Brians greatness is prohibited.

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Yeah harrassing innocent people is really putting their life on the line. Do you know anything or does shit just run out of your mouth?


Not saying its not a dangerous job sometimes but that does not give them the right to be a dick. Again they knew what they were signing up for when they took the job.




But you have the right to be a dick to them for no reason?

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I stopped a lady.. 50-25..


I walked up to the car..

she says IM LATE FOR A PARTY and just takes off..


she was 92 she stopped about 1/2 mile up the road at the party..

no driving record

she got a warning.. haha


so what did you get out of the deal?

did she take care of you ya know a little sucky sucky.I here your in to that whole kinda thing with older ladies

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So I'm in the passenger seat and we get pulled over. Cop comes up asking the basic questions, then looks at me and says I need your lisence. I'm like ok whatever, he claims he pulled us over cause there was no license on the front of the car, she states the lisence is in the window, cop replies, well I can see that since ur window is dirty. Then says I noticed u didn't h ave on your seat belt wen u were getting on the ramp, and I said no I put it on once we got on the ramp cause we jus got out of wendys, then I said funny thing, u can't see her lisence which is in front of me but u could see I had no seat belt on. He said well yeah your a biger obejct, and again reply, no you weren't looking for her license plate, you saw what you wanted to see, so please give me the ticket so we can move the fuck on.


Cop asking for your ID as a passenger is pretty common. You really need to carry ID with you so what’s the issue? You could have a warrant just the same as a driver.


Car had no front plate. Sounds like a pretty dumb move in Central Ohio, especially a small town where such shit is usually what leads to bigger police drug busts. IMO, and proven by history, drug dealers and people up to such no good are dumbasses and do stupid shit like that. It’s very likely one reason why such laws exist. Regardless of why “you think” you were pulled over, if you had no front plate, nothing matters. Fuck the small talk about your seat belt. Did you have it on when the car began to roll? You stated clearly not…thank you very much, guilty on two accounts.


He asks me to step out of the car, because he wants to check the car. I laugh and kindly refuse. You didn't pull us over because there is no front plate, now that you see 2 young people in a nice car you want to question us. Sir give me the ticket and go on with your day. At this point I'm getting pissed cause there is no reason for him to have even pulled us over. He looks at me and asks why we were in mt gilead to begin with and my girl says , that's actually non of your buisness, that information does not need to be given to you for a routine stop on a front plate. Just write the ticket. He says she has a smart mouth and shit gets out of hand at this point. He radios in for back up, they show up 4 mins tops, they ask us to get out of the car on suspision of drugs.


All in all sounds pretty reasonable. You didn’t have to grant permission, but then if you are being uncooperative, have a shitty attitude, I would have called for back up too. You can fight he profiling all day long, but if the shoe fits…..I’m sure he will easily come up with a reason suspicion that will fit the bill to have tossed your car. I doubt it’s the guy’s first week on the job. Your word vs his. IMO, he’s not profiling you. He asked you what you’re doing in Mt. Gilead and you refused to answer so in other words, it could be to see your grandma or deal drugs. You gave him the option to error on the side of safety. You didn’t have to, but you could have just answered the fucking question and made things a little easier.


I bust out laughing, so I get out and he says he wants to check me for weapons, now mind you, I'm in a black hoodie, a pair of jeans and tims( boots) I'm like man profiling a bit much arnt we officer. He looks at me and says if I wasn't dressed like a gun toting drug dealer, this would all go over alit smoother. I look at hime and say I want you badge number, your police station number and your full name. You jus fucked yourself cause my lawyer has nothing better to do besides rip apart a police station. They search the car , find nothing, and write us both tickets. I have my info and it the convo was recorded on my phone. Can't wait to get home now.


Again, getting you out and searching for weapons, sounds pretty reasonable. I’m not going to pull two guys that are uncooperative and obviously agitated out and NOT do that. It’s about safety for the officer man. IMO, again, if you dress the part, then what do you expect? Fucking look the part, get treated like the part. I’m sure you wouldn’t’ t be complaining that if you were dressed in a suite looking like you were on your way home from Sunday mass if they just cut you loose with a warning. Cuts both ways.


Say what you want, but I don’t think you were profiled. I think you were treated like I would expect to be treated myself if put in that situation and I’m as white as can be. You broke the law, got agitated when called on it, were uncooperative, evasive and in general, appeared suspicious and he acted just as I would expect regardless of your color.

In the end on this thread…….I call Total BS until the audio appears. Great job at stirring the pot though :p Entertaining for sure.

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I'm white and have been pretty shitty to many an officer after I get the "You know speed kills right?" speech for doing 72 in a 65. Fucking RE-tarded what some of these guys say during a stop. And I have never had my car searched. In fact One officer threatened to search my car after I told him to go fuck himself after I got the soap box, blood on the Highway speech, I said "go ahead I got all night". He still didn't search my car. This was Highway Patrol in Delaware.


If you think it doesn't have anything to do with the color of your skin you are fucking blind. Go sit in Franklin County traffic court and see the list of tickets Black folk get and white people get 1 ticket. I was in there 1 time, I had no front plate, 20%tint, didn't signal a lane change, and I was speeding. I was written for the speed. Had to go to court because it was like 2nd or third in a year. Whatever. I'm sitting there and one black kid gets up there and he is charged with Speeding, failure to stop at a stop sign, busted tail light, muffler violation, missing headlight, and no front plate. It was like a broken record as I watched person after person walk up and hear the list of charges. I walk up and I am there for just speeding, and I could have had all those charges. It made me sick.

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Cop asking for your ID as a passenger is pretty common. You really need to carry ID with you so what’s the issue?


Unless you are driving and are required to produce an operators license, all you are required to provide is your name and possibly your address or social to the officer. Law states that you do not have to offer an ID.

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Yet another story of cops making money for the government. Granted there are a lot of "good" cops out there doing an honest job but too many people who were bullied or have the need to control others go into law enforcement. I have been pulled over countless times for not having front plates but only in my Eclipse. I can speed past cops with no front plate and tinted windows in my Cobalt without a second look. Police profile and have quotas they are expected to meet. I do find it interesting that many people who claim to understand "freedom" see no issue with being forced to carry identification cards and wear seatbelts.


Words of advice for being pulled over:


Never admit ANYTHING.

Be polite but do not be afraid or intimidated by the officer.

Be as unmemorable as possible.

Take plenty of notes ASAP even stuff about what the weather was like, landmark, what you were wearing, etc for court.

ALWAYS go to court!!!!! This is YOUR RIGHT and the ONLY way to not be completely trampled by the system.

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Yes, its called the stop and ID law.... you are required to give the officer a name and dob. Now if that information does not come back or you are feeding him a line of crap then his reasonable suspicion and totality of the circumstances could escalate to the level of detaining you for proper ID. Of course if you werent wearing a seat belt or did something else that is citation worthy and you dont provide ID then that is one of the exceptions to arrest for MM and you COULD goto jail.
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Yes, its called the stop and ID law.... you are required to give the officer a name and dob. Now if that information does not come back or you are feeding him a line of crap then his reasonable suspicion and totality of the circumstances could escalate to the level of detaining you for proper ID. Of course if you werent wearing a seat belt or did something else that is citation worthy and you dont provide ID then that is one of the exceptions to arrest for MM and you COULD goto jail.


State of Ohio says that ID is name, DOB, address etc. ID card is just for convenience. Basically the Supreme Court has ruled that we do not have to provide "papers" unless a specific need (concealed carry license, driver's license, medical license, etc)


I think we are saying the same thing

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ALWAYS go to court!!!!! This is YOUR RIGHT and the ONLY way to not be completely trampled by the system.

But the system can still trample you. Even if it "works." Get a non-moving violation, so it's only a fine and no points. The time it takes to do the whole court thing for many folks (loss of work time/wages, personal time used, etc.) is more costly than just paying the fine.

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But the system can still trample you. Even if it "works." Get a non-moving violation, so it's only a fine and no points. The time it takes to do the whole court thing for many folks (loss of work time/wages, personal time used, etc.) is more costly than just paying the fine.


I didn't say going to court will avoid being trampled, just that it is the only choice that you have besides just forking over money. You have to go to court to get an equipment violation out of a speeding ticket or some other moving violation. You have to remember paying the ticket is not the only cost involved as you have to consider insurance rate hikes as well. If the officer doesn't show, it never happened and this is probably the best situation you can work out. Lastly, no points speeding tickets are a joke anyway because insurance companies can still raise rates by looking at driving records and not just the amount of points.

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You catch more flies with honey then you do vinegar...


always be nice, and most of the time they will be nice back..


My brother and I were pulled over a few months ago while we were doing a few WOT pulls on a fresh motor in his stealth RT. I was driving and he was watching the laptop. The radar detector went full blast for laser, and we get pulled over.

The cop walked up to my window and asked if we knew how fast we were going and he said laser hit me at 86mph. I said, and I quote ' "really? that's all, I think I was closer to 90, sir, I was definitely speeding, I'm sorry, we just got this car running again and perhaps we were a little too excited to drive it again..."


The cop stood at my window with the most blank expression on his face for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually he spoke and he said I have never in his career had anyone tell me i low-balled them on the speed before, and i think he said he was a 15 year veteran (hwy patrol)


He thanked me for my honesty, asked when my last ticket was (over 2 years) and grabbed my ID and papers.

A few min later he walked back to the car, and gave me a warning, no ticket at all.


I'm pretty sure only because I am just so damn charming and polite...

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If you got the bank, Call my dude


Sam Shamansky


511 S High Street

Columbus, OH 43215-5602 map


Works every time. Dude should have a fucking Iphone APP.


Just sayin, personal experience.



Five star service.

The man is the shit. He got me out of my trouble this spring and I was in alot of trouble. The man can work magic and knows the system like the back of his hand. The system is very flawed these days. The best attorney money can buy, and the will to spend whatever it takes to buy yourself out of trouble will work.

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First time I was asked for my license as a passenger I got pretty upset as well. We were also in a small town and got pulled over from some bullshit....other than I was black and she was white...and probably hotter than his woman.....LOLZ.

:) :)


I kidz...true story though.

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