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Worst physical pain in your life?

V8 Beast

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I'm practically on bed rest with a pulled muscle in my back (mix of too much working out, not enough stretching, and not allowing my older muscles time to heal).


Earlier today I was trying to go to the bathroom and slipped. I would not wish that pain on anyone! It felt worse than the time I almost cut off my finger. My wife wanted to call an ambulance.. probably because I was screaming like I was dying... but the thought of them trying to move me made me just SUFFER through it.. After a few minutes most of the pain went away. Until this thing heals a little more Im going to have to be a lot more careful... Im not 27 anymore :no:



Whats the worst pain you can remember?

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Injured something around my jolly bits when I was still working out every night. Doctor had them do an ultrasound on my funbag, and said everything looked fine and to basically wait till it healed.


I had a mild case of testicular torsion in high school from running in boxers all the time.


But I would have to say doing high jump in high school and missing the mat and landing on my head, or the pain after getting my tonsils out a couple months ago. Anyone that's had it done as an adult knows its 10x worse than when you're a kid. I was in bed doped up on liquid hydrocodone for a week straight. I damn near developed an addiction to the crap after a few days. Even with the meds I couldn't eat or drink much, could only sleep for an hour or so at a time as well. The worst of it only lasted about a week, but it was miserable.


I'm a big baby though to be perfectly honest, and I've been fairly lucky with injuries and stuff like that. I've had some back issues as a result of getting hit by a jeep while I was standing still on my old bike, so I can only imagine what Brian is going through is immeasurable.

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Kidney Stones and damage from methylated prohormones was horrible but the worst pain I can ever recall was an infection in my mucus sac inside my jaw. In between recovery from surgery on a tooth and my jaw, one of the mucus sacs became infected and within 3 hours of any type of symtoms, the pain was unbearable and the pressure was causing me to loose vision. The worst part was that I was going to school at Wyotech in PA and was on my way home at the Ohio border when my vision started to go. My dentist actually came in early and opened up his office at 6am for me. Vicodin 750s wouldnt touch the pain.
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pulled my back a few years ago, hurt pretty bad...took a day off work because i couldn't get out of bed...but like stated above, ive been pretty lucky with injuries, which is surprising growning up with 3 siblings within 5 years of me
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I had a small kidney stone, that wasn't fun. I'd say the worst I ever had was a migraine I had last summer, or when I was a kid I had a double ear/double sinus infection. I woke up to smashing my head into a concrete floor trying to stop the pain, literally using my hands to help my head smash into the concrete. The pain was indescribable. The migraine was just as bad, I was in the fetal position but upright, with my head on the bed debating screaming or crying. The best part is my bosses called and asked when I would be back in, and when I told them I wouldn't be, they got pissed and wished me the best of luck with "my little headache." 13 hours of joyous, why did I ever quit drinking pain later, I finally passed out and was able to function like a person again.
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I dont know what i did, but i think it was a pinched nerve in my back in high school... Holy Shit, it was paralyzing pain it was so bad. I just laid down on the floor and stayed there for an hour but thankfully nothing major was wrong. By far the worst.
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I was helping my parents get out a root from a tree they cut down with an ax when I was 15. Twisted wrong. I couldn't move for 3 hours and I just dropped to the grass after I dropped the ax. After 3 hours we finally wrestled me to the back doc who didn't do much but a little bit later I was able to move around. Till this day I still have back problems. :(
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+1 more for back problems. Pulled or pinched something one time, I dunno what I did, but the pain was awful and I couldn't move. Collapsed into a chair and basically froze up. if I tried to get up, it was so bad I nearly passed out. The squad came and got me, and few hours later I was able to walk (barely) out of the ER. It hurt for a few days afterwards. Still have various issues/soreness pretty often.


Another time I slipped on ice, fell and landed funny, and partially tore the MCL in my knee. Got up and quickly hobbled into my truck in extreme pain thinking it was a really bad sprain, until I got in my truck and pretty much went into shock. Passed out for a minute, then managed to start the truck and crank the air conditioning to full blast (even though it was below freezing outside) because my face felt like it was on fire. My body was numb for about 15 minutes, I could barely move my fingers or open my mouth. It took a long time to heal, which was pretty annoying.


I used to occasionally get migraines when I was younger that were so bad, I'd start shivering and puking. FUCK migraines.

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Dislocated my knee at a remote ski resort. As it happened I tried to slam it back in my punching my knee cap, now located on the exterior part of my knee, up and back in. No luck, just results in more profanity. So ski patrol does their thing and I arrive at the medical hut. The old Doc at the medical hut had never reduced one before...so the md, a medical on staff and the xray tech had to wrench on my until it finally went. I'm talking this took so long the doc took a smoke break in between. I'm never an easy reduction but tbis was intense. And to add to it morphine dosent touch me. I can take 1 vicodin and I'm in lala land, but I need 2 to 3 times the reg dose of morphine for an effect. I then had an 8 hr ride home with a knee immobilizer do cap off the day
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Hanging my right arm from the ceiling and then hanging a 25 lb weight from my arm and the doctor trying to relocate my broken and dislocated wrist back in place for 20 min only to fail and give up.


Riding a stationary bike for 2 min on day two after my ACL replacement in my knee.


3 nurses scrubbing the denim out of my road rash didn't feel good either.


Oh and having your tonsils, adenoids, uvula removed, along with a correction of a deviated septum all in one surgery sucked at the age of 31. Doctor told me many women that have that done say childbirth is less pain.

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Oh one more, hopping off a 7 foot shelf trying to clear a book cart only to come short and catch the corner of the cart on your tailbone and your feet don't make contact with the floor until you bounce off your tailbone and break it. That one I almost threw up from the pain.
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Kidney stone and the multiple ACL tears. Tore both ACL's and then tore the graft in my left knee after the first reconstruction. The tearing of the graft hurt a hell of lot more than the original tear. That's when I felt the screw in my knee sticking out more than usual. It had backed out and I had it removed when they went in to repair the cartilage that I tore at the same time. I still have it in a specimen cup.

I also had my uvula removed recently, the thing that hangs down in the back of your throat, and it did not feel very good at all.

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I've passed a kidney stone. It was a bloody scream fest! Pulled a muscle in my lower back that was almost crippling. Tonsils swollen together with Mono. Sinusitis so bad I couldn't turn a light on, or even stand up.


Although I've always had a incredibly high tolerance for pain, the worst was when I seperated my shoulder on the soccer field. Had it popped back in one the field, but due to the lack of insurance at the time, never saw a doctor so no meds either. It was 2 weeks of no sleep and constant pain. Still hurts when I sleep on my left side, 15 years later.

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its well known that a kidney stone is THE worst pain a person can endure. everything else, while quite painful, does not compare to passing a large stone


I forgot to mention that when I did get to the hospital the doctor was "checking" my back to see if it was a kidney stone and he lightly tapped me on the back. It felt like he hit me with a bat. I actually turned towards him with my fist clenched. He had an odd look on his face at that point. I didn't realize that I did that until I looked down at my hand.

My favorite part was the fact that I was throwing up along with all of the other bs. The nurse didn't believe me that I was about to get sick at one point and I filled the "tub" that she handed me. I asked if she believed me then. She wasn't too happy. Oh well. Definitely not the best feeling in the world.

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