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Worst physical pain in your life?

V8 Beast

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Having crohns disease and never knowing when or what is going to make you double over in pain for what seems like no reason.


Annnnnd, breaking the bones in the bottom of my foot and having to skate off the ice afterwards. OW!

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Hmmm. Perhaps I could put a small pain clinic inside the clubhouse, finance the whole place without having to charge anyone a membership fee. :thumbup: Sounds like a few of you fellas would be willing cash customers when the time was right.
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I think some people misuse the term "migraine". The ones I would get when I was young would incapacitate me. I couldn't be around light or noise of any kind, I would have to change from cold to hot compresses on the back of my head, and the only relief I got was from puking and then falling asleep. They don't make drugs that can get rid of that pain.


Never had a KS though, can't comment on that. Sounds rough.


Mine are definitely migraines, can't get 'em diagnosed now though because I don't have insurance, so I don't want a pre-existing condition. But yeah, light/sound/movement aversion, excruciating pain, the norm. Never puked though. The one I mentioned was so bad I nearly stabbed my dogs because they wouldn't stop barking and it felt like it was killing me.

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I had a bleeding stomach ulcer about 2 years ago. I have to say that was probably the worst pain I have ever gone through. If felt like someone was scooping my guts out with an ice cream scooper. I was in the hospital for 4 days. The Dr. says I bled out 1/4 of my blood before it stopped.
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Hmmm. Perhaps I could put a small pain clinic inside the clubhouse, finance the whole place without having to charge anyone a membership fee. :thumbup: Sounds like a few of you fellas would be willing cash customers when the time was right.


DRUGS!!!! :masturboy:

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Age 2 I fell down a flight of stairs resulting in a 3" scar on my forehead.


5yrs old I accidentally layed on a hot kerosene heater, my stomach was pretty torched.


Riding a bike down a 100' hill at age 12 with no chain nor brakes. missed my turn, rolled and landed in a ditch upside down on the back of my neck.


Showing off for an Army chick in Iraq, pulled a super duper flying squirrel off the high dive landed on my right ear. Busted ear drum. That shit was the worst evar!!!

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Ok, I'll fess-up...my tattoos hurt far worse than I expected before I got my first one. I'm Irish and I've read that we have relatively low pain tolerance...especially when it comes to skin pain. Whatever...if it wasn't voluntary...like if it was some kind of torture...no way would I have taken it. I would have talked. Seriously. There were times when I would look down to see if chunks of flesh were being carved off. I was completely surprised not to see gore.
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Ok, I'll fess-up...my tattoos hurt far worse than I expected before I got my first one. I'm Irish and I've read that we have relatively low pain tolerance...especially when it comes to skin pain. Whatever...if it wasn't voluntary...like if it was some kind of torture...no way would I have taken it. I would have talked. Seriously. There were times when I would look down to see if chunks of flesh were being carved off. I was completely surprised not to see gore.


Note to self, don't tat your ball sack. :no:

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Ok, I'll fess-up...my tattoos hurt far worse than I expected before I got my first one. I'm Irish and I've read that we have relatively low pain tolerance...especially when it comes to skin pain. Whatever...if it wasn't voluntary...like if it was some kind of torture...no way would I have taken it. I would have talked. Seriously. There were times when I would look down to see if chunks of flesh were being carved off. I was completely surprised not to see gore.


Where did you get them? Mine didn't really bother me at all. A couple of spots a little, but everyone told me that the underside of the arm was terrible and it didn't bother me one bit.

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broke my wrist in 9 places playing football with people i should not have been. I tried to make a tackle on a tall guy and when i landed on the ground hands first, the back of my right hand slapped my right forearm. Hurties ensued. Didnt go to the hospital for 20 hours...they had to slice skin around the break in a few places and squeeze out the fluid so i could get a cast on it.
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Where did you get them? Mine didn't really bother me at all. A couple of spots a little, but everyone told me that the underside of the arm was terrible and it didn't bother me one bit.


tats under arm wasnt horrible...the arm pit is a different story. my right arm on the inside got a traditional tattoo that was "tapped" in. little asian dude pops up with a bamboo stick with 3 long needles on it...that sucked a lot.

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I've had some bad things... Various broken bones, emergency appendectomy that I woke up in the middle of. Broke both bones in my arm at same time. Broke my tibia, fibula and my ankle at the same time. Parents even made me walk on it for 3days. But that's a whole 'nother story about great parenting.

Hit by a car in the head. I've also herniated the disc in my back multiple times. Broken my jaw clean thru in two places. (Kinda looked like a Predator.)


And though a couple of those are a close 2nd, nothing ever prepared me for in infected tooth/cavity that reached my nerve. I've had multiple women with children tell me they're rather have another childbirth than go thru that again themselves. The thoughts that went thru my head were unbelievable, smashing my own teeth out, wishing I'd die, screaming until I would pass out from pain in a pillow only to come to moments later screaming again. No other pain has ever done this to me or affected me in such a way.

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Having crohns disease and never knowing when or what is going to make you double over in pain for what seems like no reason.


Annnnnd, breaking the bones in the bottom of my foot and having to skate off the ice afterwards. OW!


Were you playing hockey?


I've got to say, after reading this entire thread, I feel SO lucky. I'm 36 and have had very little major pain compared to a lot of you. Got burned by hot coffee when I was a year old, hurt my back sledding once, a couple of ankle injuries from ice hockey, and a couple of pucks to the face is about all I've ever had. Be it lucky or taking care of myself, I don't know. But I don't want any of your guy's pain! :)

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8 years old:




They had to stick a needle between 2 of my vertebrae and drain some cerebrospinal fluid to see if i had bacterial meningitis. By far the worst pain I've ever felt, and my dad to this day said its the hardest thing he's ever had to do as a father to hold me down while they did it; and he watched my heart rate drop to nearly nothing when I was born.

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Mine are definitely migraines, can't get 'em diagnosed now though because I don't have insurance, so I don't want a pre-existing condition. But yeah, light/sound/movement aversion, excruciating pain, the norm. Never puked though. The one I mentioned was so bad I nearly stabbed my dogs because they wouldn't stop barking and it felt like it was killing me.


I didn't even notice your post, only Just2Sweet's. That definitely sounds like what I had.

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Prolly breaking my wrist and hand , my bone ontop of my hand was lumped up 2 inches. Went to the doctor and they said I needed surgery , but had to wait a day. After they set the wrap to keep my stuff together is when the pain became really bad.



Btw what are kidney stones caused by? I only thought old people get them.

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I broke my nose swimming. Lots of pressure in my head after my face hit that wall.


A day after laying down my bike the second time I felt like a mummy. The little bits of road rash I had hurt but nothing too bad.


I'm just glad I'm not going to be pushing a kid out of me in my lifetime, I'll take any other pain that's given to me in equal trade and be happy about it.

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