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WTB: Full Supension Mtn Bike


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I get my tax return back in a week so I've started looking for a decent used mountain bike. I've only ridden once at Alum Creek on a borrowed bike, but it was fun and a damn good workout. I've been told to just go ahead and get a full-suspension if I can find a good deal. I'm 5'10" so I guess I need something like a 17.5 frame. Looking to spend at most $1k on a good all-purpose trail bike.


Let me know what you've got

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eww :dumb:


I don't like the idea of their FS bikes, as I don't like the idea of any cheap FS bike. But Carl's Forge hard tail is speced about the same as my $500 (msrp) Giant hard tail. They are NOT your typical wally-world bike. They are great bikes at a good price for someone looking to get into the sport who knows how to work on their own stuff. Which I would hope most people here could work on a bike. If you can't work on most things on a bike you should never touch your own car.


EDIT: Hmm, looks like they've jacked the prices up on the Forge's since I last looked, the hard tail's don't seem to be priced much cheaper than the big brands. I still don't like that FS bike, the parts spec is not very good (worse than their HT bike), and they suspension design is... well it looks like they just threw it together.


For $1000 you could get a really nice brand new bike


Not a new FS bike. I would guess that's why he is here, to see if anyone has something used in his price range.


...and have enough to get some good lighting and other goodies.


Unless he knows that he is going to ride at night or on the road, I don't suggest to worry about lighting. If he's going to ride on the road, then I would say he should get an inexpensive light set. You at least need a white light out front and red in the back for the cars to see you (and be legal). Planet bike has some nice stuff for good prices, you can get it online or at Performance. If you want to ride at night on trails I would say to worry about a light later as they can get

expensive to get one worth a shit on the trails.


But I agree about other 'goodies', he will at least need to buy a helmet. Not only is it mandatory at most trails but it's really dumb to not wear one. Lock if he's going to use it to run errands or whatever else and needs to lock it up. Maybe some clothes. Maybe some shoes unless he has something suited that he doesn't mind getting dirty. These little things add up.

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I don't like the idea of their FS bikes, as I don't like the idea of any cheap FS bike. But Carl's Forge hard tail is speced about the same as my $500 (msrp) Giant hard tail.


It 5 years ago I bought my Forge and it has stood up to hard beatings.


The ew factor is they sell some of their bikes through Target but it is better bike than that,

I bought online and saved,the local bike shops were twice the price .

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For $1000 you could get a really nice brand new bike and have enough to get some good lighting and other goodies.


Id worry about a gopro before I would lighting...


I blew around 1g on my bike and wish I would have spent more


honestly get a 29er hard tail, full suspension is useless around here.


Then why do I want one so bad? Seriously though the only exception to getting a FS is maybe justified by Alum and thats if you be boogy'N. No other place around here really needs FS. But I'd still like to have it.

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It appears I have made a mistake. I didn't realize F/S cost so much more than hard tail front suspended bikes. I have been out of the market for bikes for quite a while. I logged several thousand miles of trials back when I lived in Cali. But ever since I moved to ohio i fell out of the hobby more and more as the years rolled by. Sounds like there are several guys on CR that are into the hobby of hard core riding. If there is ever a group ride I wouldn't mind riding along if that would by cool with others.
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Not to threadjack but what makes a good mountain bike? I nver heard of someone spending that kind of loot on one and was curious. I have a schwinn mesa gsx in the garage and if my parents havent donated it yet(not seen in years), I have a schwinn moab 2 at their place, are these decent or what your looking to buy, sorry if these are $99 walmart specials, I dont know bikes.
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What im curious about is if you guys get bored riding the same trails...im sure theres a few places to go locally, but does it get boring at the same places every time? Im sure its more challenging than road, but the fact that my options for a route are endless keeps it interesting. Maybe ill see if someone has a spare bike and i can get out and try it this year.
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It appears I have made a mistake. I didn't realize F/S cost so much more than hard tail front suspended bikes. I have been out of the market for bikes for quite a while. I logged several thousand miles of trials back when I lived in Cali. But ever since I moved to ohio i fell out of the hobby more and more as the years rolled by. Sounds like there are several guys on CR that are into the hobby of hard core riding. If there is ever a group ride I wouldn't mind riding along if that would by cool with others.


Glad to hear you are getting back into it. There are a few others who didn't post that are into mountain biking too. We did a few group rides last year, I'm sure there will be more this year and in the past they've been posted up in the Meetings section and open to all. :)

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What im curious about is if you guys get bored riding the same trails...im sure theres a few places to go locally, but does it get boring at the same places every time? Im sure its more challenging than road, but the fact that my options for a route are endless keeps it interesting. Maybe ill see if someone has a spare bike and i can get out and try it this year.


I love alum (more difficult), but there a lot of other places around to go. I can see where you think it could get boring fast, but it really doesn't. I find road biking more boring because you can locate objects easier than in the woods. For example on the road you can see what lies a mile or so ahead and I tend to focus on that, "am i there yet, am i there yet, am i there yet," plus most of the road riding I do I know the route because I drive them all the time. I try to get to a trail at least once a week and never get tired of riding the same trail. The trails at alum are around 6mi and I average 40-45 min lap pace. There are so many different variables to work on , line choices, gear choices, all kinds of different setups. I compare it more to motocross than road biking. You're in the woods, ripping past trees and splashing thru creeks, jumping roots hitting obstacles. For me it doesn't get any better. Demo a bike and I promise you, you'll love it. Completely different work out.

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Not to threadjack but what makes a good mountain bike? I nver heard of someone spending that kind of loot on one and was curious. I have a schwinn mesa gsx in the garage and if my parents havent donated it yet(not seen in years), I have a schwinn moab 2 at their place, are these decent or what your looking to buy, sorry if these are $99 walmart specials, I dont know bikes.


Sorry to say that if you were to ride your Schwinn hard on PI or PII you will eventually break it. More expensive bikes are made to take the abuse you give it on an actual single track trail. Your Schwinn is fine for ridin' with the kids in the neighboorhood, but no actual off-road riding. I used to work at Roll on Polaris and I would see guys bring in their cheap brand bikes with the frame cracked in two because they tried to take it on Phase I. On the more expensive bikes the welds are stronger, the componentry is better, wheelsets are stronger, brakes are better, shocks are better......This can all be related back to cars.....you get what you pay for. Do you buy the Ebay-no name headers, or do you buy the qualtiy name brand ones.......


What im curious about is if you guys get bored riding the same trails...im sure theres a few places to go locally, but does it get boring at the same places every time? Im sure its more challenging than road, but the fact that my options for a route are endless keeps it interesting. Maybe ill see if someone has a spare bike and i can get out and try it this year.


I can see where you might get bored, what I usually do is time myself and I wear a heart rate monitor when I ride. I am constantly trying to be my previous time when I go out, which makes for a kick ass workout and and interesting ride. If you can go sub 40 mins on Phase I you're moving....Combo and OMBA are both great websites for local (within and hour or two drive) If you want a challenge, go ride the full trail at Mohican :fuckyeah:


Here are a couple of links with maps, etc.







ill sell ya my Gary Fisher Big Sur for $1k. If you think you need full suspension at alum, you are out of your mind. I ride mine actually with the front fork locked out. ill get you specs on my bike later. it is 17.5".


this ^^

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What im curious about is if you guys get bored riding the same trails...im sure theres a few places to go locally, but does it get boring at the same places every time? Im sure its more challenging than road, but the fact that my options for a route are endless keeps it interesting. Maybe ill see if someone has a spare bike and i can get out and try it this year.


Years ago Jesse told me about Alum Creek, I bought a bike and have been going ever since. It kicks my ass. So does it get boring? I'd have to say no, its a challenge every time. Once you master part of the trail there is still more to master. Ride it dry for some time, then go a few days after a good rain. And you have options to take on some sections of the trail.

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