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I wonder the poop would do after it fell from my pants and hit someone below?




There were at least 27 documented incidents of blue ice impacts in the United States between 1979 and 2003.[1] These incidents typically happen under airport landing paths as the mass warms sufficiently to detach from the plane during its descent. A rare incident of falling blue ice causing damage to the roof of a home was reported on October 20, 2006 in Chino, California.[2] A similar incident was reported in Leicester, UK, in 2007.[3]

In 1971, a chunk of ice from an aircraft tore a large hole in the roof of the Essex Street Chapel in Kensington, London, and was one trigger for the demolition of the building.[4] In November 2011 a chunk of ice, the size of an orange, broke through the roof of a private house in Ratingen-Hösel, Germany.

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