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Offical Coshocton Ride 7-26-09


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Adam is winnar!!! No rain. Thanks for putting this together and to the other local guys for leading the way as Adam was tending to the group. I had fun and hope to make the third one of these rides this summer.

There were 30 bikes that started out on the first loop, nice turn out and Cleveland showed up with 11 bikes. There would have been more bikes going out but a few left about 11:20 when it didn't appear things were too well organized. I don't blame them for leaving but they did miss a good ride. I guess I need to learn what 10:30 - 11:00ish means. I made sure the Cleveland crew made it to Adams at 10:30 only to wait around over an hour before we started to ride. I still had a good time and it was nice to meet more folks from this site.

I rode 342 miles today, 6:02 moving, 11:00 total trip time, average moving speed of 56.6 MPH and an overall trip average of 31.1 MPH.

I got to ride the devils road five times because Adam crashed! (Not really) I was toward the front of the group when we came to a stop and started to wait for the rest of the group to catch up. After a long wait I decided to go back to see if something had happened. When I get to a group of bikes pulled over I'm sure it’s not good. I see Adam laying on the side of the road half in the road not moving, shit this is not good. I get up to him and he looks up at me raises his hand with a thumbs up but doesn't move, fuck Adam is hurt. I can't really do anything for him and assume someone out of the dozen people there have already called for a life flight, Adam gets a helicopter ride. I go farther down the road to turn around and as I come back by the group that is pulled over I'm yelling at them to get someone down the road to stop traffic because it's coming up on them blind and I don't want them to run over Adam who is half lying in the road. I then go down the road to the stop when the first group is waiting. I tell them Adam is down he isn't moving but he is conscious, so back to the scene of Adams crash to wait for the helicopter. As I'm riding that way I start to see bikes coming toward me but I'm not paying real close attention I want to see how things are going back at the crash site. Hey wait a minute that was Adam's bike that just went past the other way. Was that Adam on it? More bikes go past me the other way and still more, that has to be all the bikes on this ride. No one is following me now from the first stop so I turn around. The group is now waiting on me at the first stopping point and I see Adam up front on his bike. The fucker was laying on the road from being worn out because he helped to push the bike that went down up the hill. I feel like an idiot now. Sorry for making a false alarm guys, I'll make sure I have more facts the next time.

I got to ride another section of the second loop three times to go help McLovin with his tire. The baby has all kinds of things in its bag but I don't have to watch it too closely because that baby bites.

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I feel like I need a t-shirt that says 'I survived Coshocton's Devil Road'

Nice ride today guys. Glad everyone is home in one piece and seems to have had as good of a time as I did.

Nice to meet more friends from the board today

ross and i did a price check on shirts that said that haha we were to lazy to make it happen tho...

do a seach ull laugh

I'm home too tired to post anything now, maybe tonight after I get a nap. Oh yea fuck you fat ass Parks for playing opossum on the side of the road and scarring me.

im fat and that was to much physical activity

Ron Burgundy was holding me back all day...then when I had the chance to pass him, he threw thumb tacks or something on the ground and put a hole in my rear tire :bigfinger:...thankfully Uncle Punk's baby was carrying plugs and an air compressor or else I would've had to kick Ron Burgundy's bike over. Thanks Uncle Punk, you saved Ron Burgundy's bike!

i lol'd

I had a great time today guys and gals...nice meeting everyone. I want to hit these roads again...just minus the gravel. This way a nice way to send my rear tire to tire heaven.

thanks for ur help! nice meeting u, but damn it ur real name slips my mind an dits driving me crazy.

next time we can do a cleveland day and then a cbus day for rides cuz damn 30 bikes was crazy for me to keep track of haha

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next time we can do a cleveland day and then a cbus day for rides cuz damn 30 bikes was crazy for me to keep track of haha

I told you we were going to keep piling bike on you until you cried uncle. I wanted to see your breaking point because I thought you guys did a good job the last time. This might have been too many but once we got going it went okay.

Ron Burgundy was holding me back all day...then when I had the chance to pass him, he threw thumb tacks or something on the ground and put a hole in my rear tire :bigfinger:...thankfully Uncle Punk's baby was carrying plugs and an air compressor or else I would've had to kick Ron Burgundy's bike over. Thanks Uncle Punk, you saved Ron Burgundy's bike!

Ron Burgundy should have bought my dinner at that gay bar for saving his bike.

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ross and i did a price check on shirts that said that haha we were to lazy to make it happen tho...

found it :cool:
I told you we were going to keep piling bike on you until you cried uncle. I wanted to see your breaking point because I thought you guys did a good job the last time. This might have been too many but once we got going it went okay.

im waving my white flag! :violin:

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+1 ... The words "I'll never ride on the back of your bike again"... ummmm, seems to me I've both heard that, and said that. :lol:

ok in my defence ive only heard it twice and the first time she just didnt have a sense of humor and the second time well i didnt think i was going "that" fast and i though she was joking when she said she was gonna puke

it took forever to get my jacket clean and i just threw that helmet away and now im a better listner so its all good j3 can ride safe

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ok in my defence ive only heard it twice and the first time she just didnt have a sense of humor and the second time well i didnt think i was going "that" fast and i though she was joking when she said she was gonna puke

it took forever to get my jacket clean and i just threw that helmet away and now im a better listner so its all good j3 can ride safe

hence the phrase "I scared the puke out of her"

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I do think that I am real close to the edge of the capabilities(for me anyhow) of my dual sport tires on my bike. I was just out looking them over and I was able to get some wear all the way to the edge of the tread blocks. And they started getting kinda squirmy over there:eek:

Go ahead.... Somebody say it..... "Hey DUMBASS.... Those tires(and bike) aren't made for doing this stupid shit":D

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Go ahead.... Somebody say it..... "Hey DUMBASS.... Those tires(and bike) aren't made for doing this stupid shit":D

No, but I'm sure they came in handy when that minivan ran you off the road. Had that happened to any other bike they would have eaten it. :)

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