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beginners ride to coshocton roads saturday


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Well I'm prolly the first one back. What a day.

Here goes.

2 riders down. Both Riders are relativly uninjured as well as the bikes. Some scuffs and bruises. Bikes have some grass stains. Both happened at prolly the same time but about 2 miles apart. The first group rider down was SnowMan(red/black CBR). Went wide on a curve off the shoulder and bike went into a ditch. He ninja-flipped over the bars and rolled back to his feet. I was 1 rider behind him. We braked and got out of the way. We thought the other group was right behind. We didn't know the other guy went down too. A local ran down from his house as he saw it happen. His wife is a Medic so she looked him over. He seemed ok shaken obviously. By now the 5/6 riders ahead had come back and another guy and I went to see where everybody else was. We get back to this really tight gravelly S curve. Bluekat (IIRC), rides a blue Katana, didn't make it and lowsided in some gravel. he seemed OK too. Told the others what was up and had MedicMandi come back with us to check out snowman. She said his back was fine. Then the local guy brought us a big bag of Popsicles and we BSed for a bit then headed to Coshoctons Finest dining establishment.

McDonalds. :D

The rest of them continued with the ride. I hope the rest of the ride was uneventful.

Thanks to the Coshocton crew for everything. This was not your fault at all. I'll be back out to do it again. Just no more Katanas. :D

Edited by jagr
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Thanks to the Coshocton crew for everything. This was not your fault at all. I'll be back out to do it again. Just no more Katanas. :D

You're welcome man!

And before this turns into another pissing match about how coshocton rides are so called "dangerous" and "unorganized", if anyone that wasn't on the ride would like to voice their opinion of how we operate a ride you can contact me.

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So now I have to come in here and bitch at you about Coshocton right? lol jk bro.

No matter where, who, when, what people are riding, a big group will have people go down. So if anyone wants to bitch about the Coshocton group, might as well just not.

Heck I've never rode Coshocton but everytime theres a big ride anywhere, people are going to go down, things happen.

All that matters is that everyone is safe, bikes can be replaced, lives cant.

Glad everyone is in this case. Give me 1-2 weeks and Im back in the seat.

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You're welcome man!

And before this turns into another pissing match about how coshocton rides are so called "dangerous" and "unorganized", if anyone that wasn't on the ride would like to voice their opinion of how we operate a ride you can contact me.

I would never question the Coshocton guys and their safety, or abilities. Unless I would witness them actually being squids, which I doubt, from the guys from OR.

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You're welcome man!

And before this turns into another pissing match about how coshocton rides are so called "dangerous" and "unorganized", if anyone that wasn't on the ride would like to voice their opinion of how we operate a ride you can contact me.

It is never someone else fault someone goes down, I mean they don't twist the throttle. ( as they say ride at your own pace) they will wait on you

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That is one thing I can honestly say about these guys from Coshocton they will never leave you behind!

i think we proved that today more than once ;)

anyway i had a good time i broke off to head home i am going camping tonight and riding 4wheelers :banana: so i wanted a nap before i go.

good times all.

Edited by kawi kid
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most of us are back now and no more incidents occured on our fast after party ride ...... and agreed with Ross the couple people that turned the last coshocton ride thread into a pissing match "and weren't even on the ride" Im not gonna name names you know who you are can keep your keyboards closed or talk to us in person we're at the same bike nite you guys are and you know who we are so if its important enough to you to bitch about bring it up there Ill be glad to talk to you about it ..... Ive no idea what happened to make those two go down I was leading at the time and was NOT going fast , slowed everyone down at those areas it was a freak thing that happend ........ rant over just wanted to nip it before it got started

and I had a great time thanks goes to the 22 riders that showed up

that is all :)

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