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Do you need insurance to ride at the track?


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I searched a few threads about insurance and what everyone is paying but I can't get a straight answer from anyone I talk to. Do I need to carry some kind of coverage to ride tracks like: MidO, Gingerman, BG, Grattan etc? My biggest concern (and that of my agent as well) is that if, hypothetically, I pitch my bike into someone else and do serious bodily harm or even death am I at all susceptible to legal action? My agent made it very clear that if I do damage to my bike 'operating in an unsafe manner even within a designated area' that they will not cover the loss, but that I still need to leave coverages on the bike?! That makes zero sense to me because so many people have designated Bill of Sale or junk bikes to ride at the track, I figure this stuff would be covered in the fine print of the waivers we sign at the track?

She sure did her homework because last time I talked to her we agreed it would be advanced rider training but now its a whole different story. :-/

Thanks in advance.

Edited by tomato_racing
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Here's the skinny... If you do a NESBA or STT event, your insurance will cover the cost of damage to your bike. Well, they should... Basically, both orgs are track days and do not include information pertaining to racing. Clubs like Fasttrax, Apex2Apex, and even Team Promotion can easily be argued to be slanted towards racing. FT is a race organization and would be tough to win on. Apex2Apex promotes the racers and getting race licenses over most anything else and that would be a tough nut. Team Promotion actually has a mock race at the end of the day. NO WAY you'd get that covered...

Point is that rider training is what is going on at NESBA and STT. If you crash your steed, Monte at STT will write a letter explaining what happened and what was going on for that day and telling them it was NOT a race based event or structured towards racing. They can see on the site, etc.

As for health coverage, you really should have health insurance when riding a track in ANY capacity. If you get hurt and have to be transported and stay one night with tests, etc., you'll be racking up money owed to the tune of over $10k plus... Most transports cost at least $5k...

As for hitting someone and they sue, it is really based on what you did. It really would be a civil issue moreso as you all sign a waiver that explains in detail the associated dangers of track riding... Now, if someone does something stupid and causes injury or death, typically the track or the organization gets a lawsuit...

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100% true. Not reqired. But, pretty ignorant to not have it when doing this sporting activity...

Of course of course... health insurance is not the issue. Obviously I have that but I wanted to make sure if I say lowside and hit someone else with my bike and inflict harm do I need my motorcycle insurance to protect me from the liability of a lawsuit?

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100% true. Not reqired. But, pretty ignorant to not have it when doing this sporting activity...

really?i got 20000 bike and dont have insurance.if your insurance pay for your bike damage they also increase your premiun on rest of your vehicles.since i got benz and beamer its cheaper for me to pay to fix the bike.thats what im doing now since i crash yesterday.:eek:

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really?i got 20000 bike and dont have insurance.if your insurance pay for your bike damage they also increase your premiun on rest of your vehicles.since i got benz and beamer its cheaper for me to pay to fix the bike.thats what im doing now since i crash yesterday.:eek:

He is talking about health insurance Rusty ;)

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thats where the waiver you sign at the gate comes in and track day people know the risks theyre not sue happy ...... go try it youll be hooked

that doesn't always cover them or you. just this year I think it was someone was suing the track owners I think over their kid getting hurt while riding there.

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Anyone can sue you for anything. Heck, I can sue you for posting this thread. Will I lose, sure. But can you afford the lawyer and all the bs to beat me? If you hurt someone they can sue you, the track and everyone involved. I don't think they will win but who knows.

You can get a 1 million dollar personal liability rider for about 200 bucks a year. It kicks in after your other insurance is tapped out or does not cover you. If you have that, the insurance company hires the lawyers and does it all for you.

Well worth it.

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I'll post this, Progressive insurance contract specifically excludes all race and timed events. I don't know the other carriers but I'll bet they are the same.

As far as "so and so doesn't call it a race so your insurance will cover it" if your claims adjuster finds out you dropped it on the track you'll likely get your claim denied... no ifs ands or buts. Plain and simple cut and dry, track = claim denied, you might finagle something but any check you get will be because the adjuster didn't do their job right/by the book.

Standard disclaimer: I am not a licensed agent nor do I speak for Progressive. My opinion is my own and Rpgressive does not endorse it.

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A track day is not a race or timed event. It is the advanced MSF school duh!

lol it's the same thing as at fault not at fault accidents. You can get cited and your carrier can determine you not at fault (and vice versa). Insurance carriers don't argue semantics "oh well you were advancing your skills!", you can sue in court for coverage but what a pain

Personally I certainly wouldn't have my adjuster meet me at the paddock :)

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Most transports cost at least $5k...
a heli ride maybe. but not a ambulance. they are right around $500 typically. at least the two rides I've had were.

It's a public service...You don't have to pay anything. Thats what you pay taxes for. If you've got insurance, they normally cover it. But with no insurance you don't owe that bill. They just double dip with insurance and insurance pays out normally.

Heli is different, that's owned by the hospital, you owe that bill. And a heli ride starts at about 8-10K.

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