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I was at Tombstone, Brian. It's a disappointment, unless you like Harley boutiques and Disney-esque carnival bullshit. The whole town went up in flames and only two buildings are original...and you have to pay to see inside them.


I graduated from Tombstone High School, and I loved the road and desert in the area.  There is a ton of Department of the Interior land that can be camped on without fees(you just need to know where to look on the map).


Tombstone itself is a tourist trap, but the old high school is being converted into a brewery/distillery, from a local company that has a good reputation for their products.

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The Snoop channel on Pandora is probably not the greatest medium for NASCAR ads.

Pretty sure they hack your browser history.

I got an email for a seminar last week. Completely forgot about it until my calendar sent me a reminder saying I need to leave in 10 minutes to make it there with traffic. And, I never even added it to my calendar.

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Do people think turning around at the next street is instant death? Today in rush hour stopped at a freeway overpass intersection there was a car at the front in the left straight lane. I assumed they wanted in the right straight lane for the next turn and wondered why they didn;t gas it off the line to get in front of the other lane traffic.

No, they wanted to cut  2 lanes over to the freeway entrance ramp turn lane with cars already speeding up to merge.

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Point taken.   I've lived in a combination of IN, IL and OH my entire life so shitty weather forecasting are not a new phenomenon. 



Have you been in Ohio long? Forecasters are ~Usually~ wrong. Otherwise you'd never ride because its raining when they said it wouldn;t and and when they say it would you didn;t ride and it doesn;t.

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Bump, did you ever even ride the 599 or did it just accumulate mileage from being rolled back and forth? I changed the oil today and it was sparkling clean. Not a bit of metal or clutch material in it at all

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Bump, did you ever even ride the 599 or did it just accumulate mileage from being rolled back and forth? I changed the oil today and it was sparkling clean. Not a bit of metal or clutch material in it at all

Changed oil and filter every spring regardless of miles. I didn't change it this spring though. It's a Honda, they're tuff and I don't drop the clutch, I'm easy on my motorized gadgets.

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I find it rather annoying when people complain about "today's" music being bad.

Plenty of great artists and bands out there, simply look farther than the radio dial. 


Not to mention today's technology makes finding, sharing and listening to any generation or genre of music easier than ever before.

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