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  On 3/16/2016 at 12:17 PM, Isaac's Papa said:
  On 3/16/2016 at 3:10 AM, HeavyDuty said:

W.T.F. Why cant Ohio seem to get anything right.


Wrong thread. Politics go somewhere else. 


Just a random thought where did I say anything about politics.???????


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  On 3/17/2016 at 2:03 PM, TimTheAzn said:

Someone had a bad experience lol. I'm not a cat person per-say, but I've enjoyed all the cat's I've met in my lifetime.


Why I hate cats list:

Litter box area is a mess

Requires daily poop scooping

Litter tracked everywhere

Cat paw tracks 10' radius around the litter box

Can't hang towels on towels racks they get pulled down, et cetera

Ruins shirts with claws or ruins anything new brought into the house left sitting, with claws or leaves hair all over it

Leaves piles of hair in random places

can't leave a clothes basket with clean clothe sin or it becomes a cat hair fest bed

Randomly pukes in places mostly at 3am on the bed

Ruins furniture with claws or teeth

Ruins curtains or pulls them down

Pee's on beds if litter box is not "clean" enough

Wakes me up in the morning

ruins silk table cloths

ruins work benches

ruins carpet if it sneaks into a damn room and you lock it in there

scratches countertops

continuously puts it's ass in my face

briefcase ruined

holes in suit jackets

hairy countertops

2 mattresses ruined

A area can be spotless and I leave for a week and it's trashed by him when I get back

He's an asshole




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  On 3/18/2016 at 6:19 AM, motocat12 said:

Train a pet to know who's the alpha and you won't have a problem. Give them one old sacrificial item to scratch.


The dogs and the cat know I'm the alpha.  He's not unruly but very friendly, trusting, playful cat who communicates when he needs something very clearly. He's just a high maintenance, dirty, destroying, asshole creature by nature, who provides little in return compared to dogs. He's more expensive than horses or dogs.

I'm amazed at the amount of cat supporters here. Never again. He ate rat poison the other week, I thought I would be free of him, but he didn't eat enough. How did he get rat poison? By climbing up the countertop, then up the fridge, then up to the top of wall cabinets. I've had pets all my life. This cat is hands down the biggest pain in the ass. I'd never suggest a cat to anyone unless it lived outside.

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Get that cat whisperer dude to come over. The metro sexual hipster guy with the guitar case full of cat toys that is on Animal Planet or Discovery Channel.

He will straighten out your behavior so the cat doesn't have to keep trying to get the point across.

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  On 3/19/2016 at 12:21 AM, snot said:

I don't think it's the cat. Maybe it was hiding from you? Playing with kitty will help it behave. 



I don't beat the cat. It follows me everywhere. It's just a cat and cats are assholes.

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  On 3/19/2016 at 3:26 AM, Gump said:

I don't beat the cat. It follows me everywhere. It's just a cat and cats are assholes.


I have a cat and she is sweet. She will follow me everywhere but stays off of counters. I don't smell her butt so she only puts her face in my face.

Maybe it's because I spoil her with toys and attention.


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I'll give you that, my cat also ate rat poison I didn't know about on top of the fridge ( do rats go there?)

But if it wasn't enticing rats wouldn't eat it either. I bet the box says don;t leave it in the open.

I'd rather have a problem solving pet than a dumb one.

And,obviously, If you have a cat you won't need rat poison. 

I can put a bowl of milk and can of tuna on the ground and tell my cat "No" and he won't eat it until i say he can.

I used to be a dog person until I had a job where I met ~10% of the city's dogs at their houses.


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  On 3/19/2016 at 6:41 PM, Tonik said:

Your cats hate you and life so much they are trying to kill themselves with rat poison. You suck.


I feed the rats the poison then feed the rats to the cat. :trollface:


Seriously though, we have a outside cat and she's kinda cool. We have and agreement. She agrees to kill mice and stay the fuck off my motor vehicles, I agree to feed her and not shoot her with my 30-06.

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