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Christian SportBike Association Ride #1 for 2010


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I'm not exactly religious, but I'm going to ride with them again. My non-religious opinion of them, are they are just cool people who like to ride, with a focus on safety and Fun! Pastor Dave (I think was his name) says a prayer before the ride, and that's about it as far as religion goes.

My first time riding with them, I was a little worried about what it would be like. They treated me with respect, and welcomed me with very friendly, and open arms. It is mainly due to them, that I ended up getting full protective gear. Great group to ride with.

It's always nice to ride with religious people..They can pray for good weather for us :-)

See you there

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do I have to be Christian or be called Christian?

Very good question and the answer is NO. Everyone is welcome and there are no "bible thumpers" in our group. It's a group of great guys who like to ride we say a prayer before we leave and say grace before we eat lunch but you do not have to take part in that if you do not want to and nothing will be forced on you. However if you have questions about religion or Christianity there are several of us that will be more than happy to talk with you about it if you ask, but it will never be forced on you.

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I definitely would like to come. Was this started by a certain church or something?

I am not sure if you are referring to the CSBA or just the monthly rides so I will answer both. The Christian Sport Bike Association was started by a group of guys that saw a need to meet and reach out to the sport bike crowd. The only thing out there at the time was the CMA and they have a very hard time attracting sport bikers to their rides since they like slow parades for the most part (sorry to all you CMA'ers). The organization has been around since 2000. If you would like to learn more you can check out www.christiansportbike.com.

The monthly central Ohio rides started 3 years ago. The first year of the rides I had a hard time getting the word out plus I started the rides from different locations each month which was a mistake. Last year one of our members posted an add on Criagslist about the rides and it has caused us to gain a few great committed riders to join us. We always depart from the same location which I think makes it much better. We have done some great rides and unfortunately have had some bikes go down. I am praying that this year we will not have the same type of results. I would like to spend more time getting to know each other as well as putting on some great spirited rides.

Looking forward to meeting and riding with all of you on the 17th.

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Great I've got 2 others coming with me from out here we'll hook up with you and Porter as we come by your place

I might have to cut out a bit early, after getting things squared away, my wife plans a birthday party for 1:00 on that day. Any idea what time the ride would be wrapping up?

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Sweet! I hope you got your deal in writting though JP....you know women change their mind and have selective memories. :-)

About that selective memory.... Anyway, she said whe's not even planning me being here. I still want to get home though for it though, got to stay in good with the step kids.

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I know just givin you a hard time, you need to come with this group though good time and very well organized. I'll hook up with you in Newark and show you the way to the start point.

Hey Todd, what time you plan on heading out and where do you want to meet next Saturday?

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