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Ride Mandates&Rules for Group rides this year!


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  Tpoppa said:
Faster more experienced riders to the front. Newbs to the rear. Passing should only take place to correct the riding order. And really you shouldn't have to pass, if you are holding up the rider behind you wave him by. Stop to count bikes before turning onto a new road or at a major junction. If the group contains really new riders, or someone who has never ridden a particular road before, then put an experienced rider in the sweeper position. Rinse. Repeat.

Let's assume for a second that everyone here agrees with you 100%; who determines who is a "faster and more experienced rider?"

Edited by redkow97
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  redkow97 said:
Let's assume for a second that everyone here agrees with you 100%; who determines who is a "faster and more experienced rider?"

Maybe I'm going on the wrong rides... I've yet to go on a ride where a specific order is defined...

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^ so if it's a passing free-for-all, won't the slowest riders always end up in the back, regardless of where they start?

My point was really about the ego involved in someone 'deciding' who should be up front, and how you define "faster and more experienced." If rider A has ridden the route 1,000 times, that gives him experience. If rider B has an expert WERA license, that makes him fast. I'm going to guess we probably get more people with rider A's experience.

shit, where's QuickZX9R when you need him?

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  redkow97 said:
^ so if it's a passing free-for-all, won't the slowest riders always end up in the back, regardless of where they start?

My point was really about the ego involved in someone 'deciding' who should be up front, and how you define "faster and more experienced." If rider A has ridden the route 1,000 times, that gives him experience. If rider B has an expert WERA license, that makes him fast. I'm going to guess we probably get more people with rider A's experience.

shit, where's QuickZX9R when you need him?

I think most of this thread after post 1 is in direct violation of rule 1. Everyone turns this into a dick measuring contest. You're absolutely right, if the ride leader is a local who rides it all the time and tells Rider B to ride near the middle behind a few locals I can't imagine Rider B is going to say "Sure!" unless it's someone without an ego...

There's a lot of folks here who don't give a shit where they ride in a group, and there's plenty of folks who will throw a hissy fit if they aren't lead or drag, so w/e. I just ride, if someone wants to pass me, pass me. but like I said, if you hit me you better hope I don't get up.

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  redkow97 said:
^ so if it's a passing free-for-all, won't the slowest riders always end up in the back, regardless of where they start?

My point was really about the ego involved in someone 'deciding' who should be up front, and how you define "faster and more experienced." If rider A has ridden the route 1,000 times, that gives him experience. If rider B has an expert WERA license, that makes him fast. I'm going to guess we probably get more people with rider A's experience.

shit, where's QuickZX9R when you need him?

Say his name three times just like CandyMan and he will appear....:) He might just have some chicken wings for you too...

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  Likwid said:
I think most of this thread after post 1 is in direct violation of rule 1. Everyone turns this into a dick measuring contest. You're absolutely right, if the ride leader is a local who rides it all the time and tells Rider B to ride near the middle behind a few locals I can't imagine Rider B is going to say "Sure!" unless it's someone without an ego...

There's a lot of folks here who don't give a shit where they ride in a group, and there's plenty of folks who will throw a hissy fit if they aren't lead or drag, so w/e. I just ride, if someone wants to pass me, pass me. but like I said, if you hit me you better hope I don't get up.

This is why rule #1 should be:


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  redkow97 said:
Let's assume for a second that everyone here agrees with you 100%; who determines who is a "faster and more experienced rider?"

Well, if you've ridden together before you already know. If not...talk...ask about a rider's level of experience. If you get an answer like "what's counter steering?," then you know they're should be near the rear.

This should make for a reasonable starting point if not, "Passing should only take place to correct the riding order. And really you shouldn't have to pass, if you are holding up the rider behind you wave him by."

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  Isaac said:
Not that it is a perfect tell-all' date=' but tires are the rat fink of riding ability. One can gauge another rider's skill level by a simple glance at a front and rear tire. If a new rider comes to the table and his tires show signs of him never being on a road that changes directions I'll tend to stay away from that rider. Be it in the front or way in the back... I keep a distance, because chances are he's going to eat shit on this ride.[/quote']

True dat. Once, I was on I ride where someone armor-alled the tire tread on his Ducati.

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The tire tread trick is not always accurate. On one hand if you are getting off of your bike it is possible to leave a nice wide chicken strip and still keep pace with a fast group. On the other hand I have ridden with riders who have no chicken strips at all who should ride in the back of any group ride that doesn't include cruisers.

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This whole thread rubs me the wrong way.

1: The title. If anyone is going to post a "Rules" thread for OR group rides, it should be Casper. Maybe a moderator, but not even then without the friendly ghost's explicit consent. Make the title "My opinions and suggestions for group rides"

EDIT: To expand on #1 a little bit. I know a lot of you are good friends with Ben, and thats great. However its been said that this place seems like a small group of friends that have a website. I think threads like this are discouraging and un-welcoming of new members.

2: The OP states:

Asking for riding tips on here is ok but remember, there are allot of opinions and opinions are like assholes and they all stink. What works for someone with more experience wont exactly work for you.

So asking for riding tips on OR is pointless, UNLESS its group riding tips from you? :nono:

3. Most everyone in this thread bitching about noobsauce is an experienced rider telling everyone "if you can't keep up slow down". If you're leading a ride, why don't you just slow down? Then you don't have to worry about noobs riding up your arsehole.

Edited by wrillo
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  Isaac said:
Not that it is a perfect tell-all' date=' but tires are the rat fink of riding ability. One can gauge another rider's skill level by a simple glance at a front and rear tire. [/quote']

...or the guy is using all the tire because he has huge balls and shitty body position.

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  Pedro said:
We'll stop and get those on the way... Just like last year. :D

HOLD UPPPP! Those were great and you know it!!! If it weren't for me you would have no idea how awesome popsicles are on a hot day of riding. It's all good though cuz I didn't talk like the rodeo dude...lol!

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I have a large ego...just not on a bike thankfully. Stick my extreme newbness in the back and I'll see you at the next change in the route if someone waits. If not, I'm a big boy and I'll find my way home

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  wrillo said:
Most everyone in this thread bitching about noobsauce is an experienced rider telling everyone "if you can't keep up slow down". If you're leading a ride, why don't you just slow down? Then you don't have to worry about noobs riding up your arsehole.

I handle this two different ways. One is to get out of sight up front in a hurry so they don't ride over their heads. I still get to go for a ride and show them some good roads. They get to ride their pace. Two is I will slow down for people who want to learn and have a level head about them. I then talk to them at stops about what they are concerned about and pick a pace that tows them along.

I really don't see how staying closer to someone keeps them from running up my butt.

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  Isaac said:
Not that it is a perfect tell-all' date=' but tires are the rat fink of riding ability. One can gauge another rider's skill level by a simple glance at a front and rear tire. If a new rider comes to the table and his tires show signs of him never being on a road that changes directions I'll tend to stay away from that rider. Be it in the front or way in the back... I keep a distance, because chances are he's going to eat shit on this ride.[/quote']

I use a scotch bright pad and rub the edges of my treads so I look cool. :cool::rolleyes:

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  JRMMiii said:
I can't trust newbs in the back either. Last time I was out with Jinx, some guy on a ZZR dumped it right next to me getting off an off ramp @ 83 in Woooooooster. :nono:

Ahhhh you finally dropped in. Perfect example here, JRMMiii was riding faster than I last time in Coshocton, I noticed he was behind and instead of feeling the pressure to push harder into corners I waited for a straight and waved him past.

Now that wasn't so hard was it? Fast in front, slow in back, experienced in sweep.

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