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Would you put your kid in one of these?


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I am concerned, both sides of this are wrong... Bad324 I am not picking on you when I say they would have to be strapped in... kids fall asleep a lot... most all the time. So if they were not strapped in they go down or possibly both of you.

Then the other side is they are strapped in and you go down, are freed from the bike but the kid has to ride it out.

I see no good side to this.

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Yeah, there's no seatbelt guys.

As for the kid falling asleep, if your kid between the ages of 5 and 8 has a problem of falling asleep so much that they'd fall asleep on the back of a motorcycle, you might want to take them to a doctor.

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Yeah, there's no seatbelt guys.

As for the kid falling asleep, if your kid between the ages of 5 and 8 has a problem of falling asleep so much that they'd fall asleep on the back of a motorcycle, you might want to take them to a doctor.

Naw MAN! just give 'em a mountain dew before the ride!


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When my daughter was younger, I used a device that she was strapped into and then was strapped to me. It had a small block of nylon covered foam that was a buffer between her and me and it had handlebars on the block for her to hold on to.

I liked it because since it was attached to me she wouldn't be too far should the worst case scenario happen. Much like anything else, especially in motorcycling, it's all about the individual rider's acceptable level of risk. You are ultimately responsible for yourself and your child.

I still have the child safety harness in my attic. I should pull it out and see if anyone on the board would like it.

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and when i was 15, you wouldnt catch me dead on the back of my dads bike...lol...he had to pick me up from school one day and he was on the bike and i actually walked to my uncles house and had my dad pick me up there so nobody i knew would see me riding on the back lol

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the seat is great! Always scared my son will somehow flip off the back when I'm whoolying it. I would use it just not strap him in.

Fixed! :lol:

Just kidding!

I think it would have to depend on the kid. If the kid is ok to ride with, then ya, it would be good. Kid strapped to the rider, I'm not so sure about, since an adult could easily crush a kid if the bike would go down. I guess that would give new meaning to back protector!

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