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Ohio Riders Track Day Options.. Poll!!!


Which track/ dates do you prefer?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Which track/ dates do you prefer?

    • Mid Ohio - Monday/Tuesday Event. May 9/10. or June 6/7
    • BeaveRun with Moto Series.. Only 1 day event. June 25
    • Putnam Park 1 day event with Indy Ducati - May 29
    • Grattan - STT 2 day event. Farthest to drive. June 4/5

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I will say that STT does a very good job with Novice riders. Motoseries novice instruction was not as good as STT but it certainly wasn't horrible and unworthy of taking.

I think we all can agree that getting more new riders to the track is a worthy effort.

Oh, and the sausage fest love thing in the garage is just as worthy.

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I started a thread with the hopes of getting some new track day riders to chime in or possible candidates to chime in so we can see what is being thought about.


I said love fest and you guys added "sausage"... You guys scare me. I'll stick with pitting out of my own trailer...:p

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A BIG thing to consider folks...

STT and Mid-O do Novice based classroom instruction. The idea is that if this is going to be the typical track day group and we are simply getting together for a love fest in a garage, it doesn't matter where we go as most will cross paths.

My thoughts are that we look at trying to invite and pursue getting newer riders to the track. We have a site owner that has never been to the track, we have mods on here that haven't been to the track and we have members that outnumber us GREATLY that have never been.

If we want to get more interest and more members, we need to consider the Novice aspect.

With all due respect to MotoSeries, Indy Ducati and NESBA, they do not have good novice level instruction and not the depth of instructors at that level. Intermediate and Advanced are easy to work.

So, my thoughts are that we need to promote a track day that is inviting to the newer riders. We all get to play whenever and wherever we want with any org.

We need to consider the newer riders...

Well said. I think I'd change my vote from Beaverun to MO if that was possible.

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A BIG thing to consider folks...

STT and Mid-O do Novice based classroom instruction. The idea is that if this is going to be the typical track day group and we are simply getting together for a love fest in a garage, it doesn't matter where we go as most will cross paths.

My thoughts are that we look at trying to invite and pursue getting newer riders to the track. We have a site owner that has never been to the track, we have mods on here that haven't been to the track and we have members that outnumber us GREATLY that have never been.

If we want to get more interest and more members, we need to consider the Novice aspect.

With all due respect to MotoSeries, Indy Ducati and NESBA, they do not have good novice level instruction and not the depth of instructors at that level. Intermediate and Advanced are easy to work.

So, my thoughts are that we need to promote a track day that is inviting to the newer riders. We all get to play whenever and wherever we want with any org.

We need to consider the newer riders...


Thats why my vote went to Grattan. Its a drive, but atleast its the weekend and better instructional classes for riders like myself.

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I dont know how many others are in the same boat as I am but right now weekends are my only choice i just started a new job and have no vacations day, wouldnt want to call in sick because that means less money for more track days, i would have to agree with casper its a "OR" thing and should be something in OHIO and somewhere we could get the most participation out of.

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I dont know how many others are in the same boat as I am but right now weekends are my only choice i just started a new job and have no vacations day, wouldnt want to call in sick because that means less money for more track days, i would have to agree with casper its a "OR" thing and should be something in OHIO and somewhere we could get the most participation out of.

Unfortunately that would only leave Nelson ledges on a weekend. Mid O doesn't have any weekend dates besides max time in the evening.

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Thats why my vote went to Grattan. Its a drive, but atleast its the weekend and better instructional classes for riders like myself.

Dude, there are enough if us regular track day goers that we can accommodate meeting you, ride share with you, help you at the track, etc. You WILL NOT BE ALONE!


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Unfortunately that would only leave Nelson ledges on a weekend. Mid O doesn't have any weekend dates besides max time in the evening.

Out of curiosity, are there reasons noobs should stay away from Nelson's ie school quality, track conditions, etc?

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Out of curiosity, are there reasons noobs should stay away from Nelson's ie school quality, track conditions, etc?

The track surface is too bumpy for some people, but it is not awful. The main issue people have with Nelson is the run off.

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The track surface is too bumpy for some people, but it is not awful. The main issue people have with Nelson is the run off.

It's both...

For newer riders, it is honestly an OK place to go.

If it was $99 vs $195, I could see it, but when you factor that Mid-Ohio charges $350 for two days, it drops to $175 and for $50, you are comparing two totally different tracks.

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run off? are you talking about like rain run off onto the track?

Ruts from cars that were never regraded and smoothed out. Tire walls that are WAY too close to the track - due to a few things like a water shed area that cannot be changed.

Now, before the fellows chime in and think I am anti-MotoSeries, I will say that never once have I said anything about the staff, the coaches, the racers, the series. I think Motoseries is a great entry level race series and perfect for those that want to get their feet wet.

I will say that they are VERY laid back and are a very clicky type group. Which is fine. However, what I don't want to paint a picture of is that I am angry or have hatred towards the series.

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i couldn't comment on the owners or the run off (though i have heard things about both, and seen the horrors of the ruts while walking around), but from what i do know of the place, as everyone on both "sides" has been saying: the layout is fun, and the motoseries people are cool. very friendly place to get a taste of club racing, and everyone is willing to help.

Edited by APCh8r
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