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You are living in a computer simluation (mathematical 'proof' the matrix is real)


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Well, not exactly... the article has (3) premises, any of which could be true (or false). But only if the third premise is true, does it mean you're in a simulation.

If someone reads the actual paper (second link), the author attempts to show where religion comes in, or why one would establish some reward/punishment system for acting morally and ethically - for an afterlife.

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It could actually be true. Not that it can be proved at all, not yet.

Almost everyone missed it, but a couple of novel concepts have been developed in quantum physics. Short story: There are reasons to believe that the entire universe as we know it in three dimensions, is a representation (a holographic projection) of what happens in a two dimensional universe we can't see. A little hard to deal with, and any attempts to come up with a test and proof of any of it will take a long time.

The most recent discovery, is the one satellite looking for gravity waves, was hit with a constant load of noise and static. When it was filtered to a signal, they found a constant identical signal (holographic) everywhere in the universe. It's tentatively thought to be fluctuations in quantum motion (ripples) from when the three dimensional universe created itself from a two dimensional universe. This has physicists a bit stunned...

The other concept, is that the universe started as one dimensional, then went to two dimensional, and then to three dimensional. Gravity doesn't exist in one and two dimensions. That would allow the two major theories of particle physics to co-exist. There would actually be one theory of everything. The two concepts fit together and re-enforce each other.

What does it mean? Not much. It does mean the universe is potentially a three dimensional holographic projection of a two dimensional universe. It doesn't change who we are, that we know of. It might mean everything is co-dependent on something we can't even see, a two dimensional universe. Or even linked to the original one dimensional universe. Only time will tell.

And to confuse even more, eventually another dimension should develop throughout the universe. What that will be, I don't know.

That makes my head hurt.

Edited by ReconRat
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how do we know we even exist at all? i mean, for all you know you're just a brain in a jar on a shelfbeing subjected to electrical impulses that make you think you're living a life.

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