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One in the chamber when you carry?


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Guys and Gals,

Please quit talking about guns. I am very sensitive and they scare me to be around them or the murderous people that own and carry them. I cant believe the people on this site are so oblivious to the fact that guns kill people! You need to open your eyes and realize this. Thank you for your understanding.



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  flounder said:
Guys and Gals,

Please quit talking about guns. I am very sensitive and they scare me to be around them or the murderous people that own and carry them. I cant believe the people on this site are so oblivious to the fact that guns kill people! You need to open your eyes and realize this. Thank you for your understanding.



So sowwy...

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[QrUOTE=quwip10;683119]I agree, but my father will not let me carry one in the chamber while at his house. So when I visit I have to remove it from the chamber.

Lie to him! Does he check to see if you have a round in the chamber?

How I carry depends on firearm, but I always have a round in the chamber.

My primary carry Springfield EMP cocked and locked safety on I carry my Springfield RO 1911 the same as EMP

FNP-45 safety off hammer down so its in DA mode

Wife's Sig 2340 no safety uhammer down in DA mode

LCP no safety one in the chamber

XDM no manual safety, but it has a grip safety

Now on the Sig and FNP if I suspect a real threat I can easily pull hammer back so its in SA mode. If the threat does not fully develop or leaves I restore to DA mode in bathroom or other discreet place

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  quwip10 said:
I agree, but my father will not let me carry one in the chamber while at his house. So when I visit I have to remove it from the chamber.

I can't help but picture Andy taking Barney's bullet (singular) on the Andy Griffith Show...:D

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  flounder said:
Guys and Gals,

Please quit talking about guns. I am very sensitive and they scare me to be around them or the murderous people that own and carry them. I cant believe the people on this site are so oblivious to the fact that guns kill people! You need to open your eyes and realize this. Thank you for your understanding.



My guns have killed less people than Ted Kennedy's car!


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  quwip10 said:
I agree, but my father will not let me carry one in the chamber while at his house. So when I visit I have to remove it from the chamber.

As you elevate the risk level by drawing, handling, ejecting the round, putting the round back in the magazine, reloading the gun, and then racking the slide again when you leave.. Take dad shooting and familiarize him with guns. Whereas an object at rest tends to remain at rest.

And don't lie to your dad. Fuck-ups can be forgiven. Lying cannot, in my eyes.

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  C-bus said:

And don't lie to your dad. Fuck-ups can be forgiven. Lying cannot, in my eyes.

As the father of a compulsive liar, I couldn't agree more. Trust goes sooooo far in my book. Lie to me

Once, I'll never fully trust your word again.

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Sometimes its easy to lie to my father he can be difficult and NEVER let's up even when he is 110% wrong. The man tries to control my life yet isn't in control of his life. I love the man but i can't open up to him and tell him somethings. If you don't like lying I have another option I use with my old man.

If your father asks you if you a round in the chamber just say I know your rule. Or. Ask him now what is your rule. We he tells you say okay then.

Now you haven't lied.

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  idodishez said:
Seems to go both ways when this question gets asked. So do you guys carry with one in the chamber? Safety on or off? Reasons behind your answer?

On in the chamber, and what's a safety? When you need to use your gun, there should never be a question of "did I rack it?" And mine doesn't have a safety.

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  crb said:
Sometimes its easy to lie to my father he can be difficult and NEVER let's up even when he is 110% wrong. The man tries to control my life yet isn't in control of his life. I love the man but i can't open up to him and tell him somethings.

Wow. I think my son hacked your account and is posting under your username. Except he will never say he loves me. That, and I'm NEVER wrong:). (ok, in all seriousness, I try to be good about admitting and apologizing when I'm wrong) He's just young and thinks he knows more that old dad who been around for a while.

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  Likwid said:
If you're not cocked, locked, and ready to rock you may as well be carrying an expensive paper weight.

+1 on this.

To add, if you're not practicing with your draw and fire, then you're carrying an expensive paper weight.

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