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Where do you put your wallet when you ride?


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Or house keys, or other stuff? I like to keep my wallet ON ME when I ride, and not under the seat or anything, just in case, y'know?

I wasn't comfortable with it in my back pocket, because sometimes as I move on the seat, it'd work it's way out of my back pocket. So I'd put it in the front pocket of my jeans (just got new riding pants though) and that wasn't particularly comfortable against my hip.

Just wondering what others do in case there's a common sense thing I missed. I also have my normal house keys separate from my MC key, since I don't want crap jangling around while I ride.

Ninja edit: I wear a tight leather jacket, not a roomy textile, so jacket pocket won't really work for wallet, btw.

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Lose the dead cow jacket and get a proper textile one. You will solve your problem with having the ability to store your phone, wallet or whatever. My C14 also has a glove compartment on the tank, so my wallet typically goes in there when I ride. Maybe a tankbag or a tail bag might be a good idea too.

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I carry my license, credit card, few bucks worth of cash with my money clip in my front pocket. Bike is keyless ignition, so FOB stays in riding jacket, have a key safe bolted to the front porch of house which alleviates the need to carry house key(s).

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Normal riding it's in my back pocket. If I have my riding pants on it's in the front zip up pocket.

Same here. When i go out for a real "ride" I usually transfer my goods to my chain wallet. It's longer and thinner, and well, has a chain.

If I wear my leather riding pants though it still has to go in my jacket cause the pants don't have pockets.

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I put mine in the left breast inside pocket of my jacket. All my jackets have these. But be very careful of the Tank Bag, not so much fr it coming off, but if it has magnets, it can fry the scan bar on any cards you have, rendering them useless, not good on a ride.

Ride safe all, and ATGATT please.


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I put mine in the left breast inside pocket of my jacket. All my jackets have these. But be very careful of the Tank Bag, not so much fr it coming off, but if it has magnets, it can fry the scan bar on any cards you have, rendering them useless, not good on a ride.

Ride safe all, and ATGATT please.


dayum never thought of that, is it common? i was about to order a small magnetic tank bag

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I always carry my wallet in my front left pocket. Stays there when I ride.

If I know I'm going to a store then I'll put my wallet in my jacket pocket for easy easy access at the store. (ATGATT = overpants = difficult to get at the wallet without looking like I'm taking my pants off)

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