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why did you get off the street


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No i get it track people are track people and superior in every aspect of riding, and street riders are trash! it is how everyone of these street vs track thread goes. I was trying to say lap traffic is as dangerous or more dangerous then street traffic is crazy. Why is it that the track day guys always talk of pushing the limits. All i want to do is enjoy the ride at my pace. I think track day guys crash more due to there lack of self preservation thinking that the track is a safety bubble when pushing the limits. You can only ride within your limits period. If you push to hard you're gonna get bit be it on the track or the road. So push yourself all you want at the track and crash and learn, I will stay on the street in my comfort zone and ride another 500 mile day.

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I did have fun at the trackday. But after 10 years of exploring every back road in SE OH, WV, and VA this is this is the type of ride I look forward to most:


I may do another track day. I will definitely be on lots more group rides. To each their own.

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Papa and I are good. I actually didn't get the joke and was sympathizing with him as I have unfortunately lost friends very dear to me at the track. I have seen some pretty awful results of street crashes also...

But, all I wanna say and am done (unless we all wanna take this to goofyville which is actually what I was trying to do with Andy's pic post and Twisted wife comment) is that the idea that track guys are superior is bullshit.

Here's the drill... What I think gets lost on a few core street guys that actually never take a trip to the track is that we are saying you can learn more about the bike, expand your ability and excell faster. Of course, that can come with a price. What Speedy isn't catching is that it isn't about who crashes the most and who is a squid and who just wants to ride and enjoy the sport or the hobby... It's about learning. That's all. Again, the baseball thing...

The fact is that the street is WAAAAY more dangerous for all the reasons and more listed. Deer, cars, SUVs with people texting, gravel, assholes, semi trucks, etc... Tracks are by far a more safe and controlled environment and YESSSSS!!! We see PLENTY of tools that come out and think they are MotoGP gods and push too fast and too hard. When a guy crashes and splits a frame on an R1 in NOVICE group, he's not doing it right. But, there are several success stories of guys that I know personally and am one of that have used the track to better themselves as a street rider.

Yes, Speedy, it isn't about going Mach 1 and it is very much about enjoying and getting away from the real world at times. BUT, as a racer and an avid track day guy that doesn't ride the street regularly (But probably puts a few thousand miles on each year due to events and group rides) anymore, I can sit back, ride and enjoy. Racing and track days has helped me to be a better rider outside being able to handle a lot of curves, handle the speed, etc. I have had the honor of riding some epic roads that I have never seen before and the ability that I have gained at this stage has allowed me to enjoy those rides and handle the unexpected easier than had I not been a racer or track day. Personal experience is all I am going off.

Is there going to be an asshole that does track days and goes out on the street and blazes around and showboats and rides like a retard? Sure. Those same guys are the ones getting their liter bike riding asses handed to them by guys on EX500s while at the track. To them, they track day to boast how great they are, how fast they can ride and the ever famous "My buddy clocked me at near Pole Position for the last AMA Superbike race here"... Point is that motorcycles are awesome and we are all part of a unique club. We are all brothers and I will never turn away anyone that wants to learn more. Again, if you think you know more than someone else, remember one thing... There is ALWAYS someone better...

Everyone, be safe, have a great New Year and pray for a short winter so we can get back out and ride!

Now, back to the Andy photos... :D

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No i get it track people are track people and superior in every aspect of riding, and street riders are trash! it is how everyone of these street vs track thread goes. I was trying to say lap traffic is as dangerous or more dangerous then street traffic is crazy. Why is it that the track day guys always talk of pushing the limits. All i want to do is enjoy the ride at my pace. I think track day guys crash more due to there lack of self preservation thinking that the track is a safety bubble when pushing the limits. You can only ride within your limits period. If you push to hard you're gonna get bit be it on the track or the road. So push yourself all you want at the track and crash and learn, I will stay on the street in my comfort zone and ride another 500 mile day.

I can tell you that I'm all about my own personal preservation, regardless of where I ride. I ride my own pace on the street or the track. When I do want to push myself it's always at the track because it is safer than on the street.

I agree with you Speedy, that riding within your own limits should be #1 when on the street or anywhere for that matter. But some peoples idea of their limit is way too high for their actual riding skills. These are the guys that think they can back it in to a corner on the street and that picking gravel out of their road rash is cool.

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I guess it just takes year of street riding to learn it, much quicker on the track.

I think for street it also depends on who you ride with and how willing you are to ask for advice.

If you are are new rider, riding with your squid buddies who are also new riders you may never learn proper technique. More than a few, myself included, were lucky enough to ride with some seasoned vets that showed me the way to avoid climbing up the Squid Power Rankings.

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I just started riding this past may, came off the motocross bike and got into the sportbike scene. Started riding with a few guys that have done numerous trackdays and learned so much from them just starting out on the street. They quite frequently told me to get my ass out on the track and the knowledge learned there in just one day would be worth it. Unfortunately with just starting a new job and no vacation my first trackday was the last one at Mid-O and I spent every session out in the rain. I couldnt work on anything but being smooth but even with that it got me hooked. I can't wait to get out there next year in the dry and be able to actually push it.. If there's one thing I miss the most about MX it's the racing.. Just too bad this sportbike stuff is so expensive. One thing I will say is everyone at Mid-O was really helpful in any questions i had, and the advice was given when needed. I just dont think I could give up the street though, I don't think there's anything better than being able to go out on any nice day and twist the throttle on some good roads.. I just hate having to constantly scan and look out for gravel and other hazards when entering/exiting corners. Looking forward to riding with some of you guys at the track next season!

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I love both. If I had to choose only one, I'd choose the track, but I'd be sad. I don't have the free time nor limitless funds to track every other weekend (kids, wife, honey-do-lists, work, etc) to keep me satiated.

There are just those days when the morning sky is a bright baby blue, the wife is taking the kids to the in-laws, and I've got a few hours to kill. Firing up the other woman, pulling on my gear, and rolling on the throttle. Heading to new roads with the purpose of getting lost both literally and in the moment. Listening to nothing but the pistons firing at my firm yet gentle command. A better day is when you meet up with friends and talk up the usual bravado over a greasy burger in a long forgotten town. Reliving old adventures, weekend trips to WV and the Gap, and the errant bird that pummeled into the side of my friends helmet.

The track to me is such a rush because I can be ripping open my steed at 9/tenths rather than with much more reserve on the streets. Feeling like I am an AMA Rookie on the fast track to sponsorship. Even when the 50 year old grandmother of 13 drags her knee down on my inside line and reminds me, politely, that I don't know shit; it's nirvana. The long legs of my ride wearing her fine italian shoes dances while I apply the nylon lipstick from my knees onto the dark dreamy asphalt-laden lips...

How and why would anyone be monogamus? Having a preference I understand, but I don't see why does it have to be mutually exclusive?

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I just lost the thrill of the street after awhile. I spent so much time on gravel (hazard) patrol and it just got to a point where I was riding too timid...hence not as much fun.

Sure it sucks every now and then where theres a nice day out. One of these days ill get another street bike...possibly a sumo or such.

My bike is now a dedicated track bike, and my riding skills have gone up dramatically. I'm a better rider now because of the track. At the track, I can go balls to the wall (but still controlled) and spend more of my riding time focused on riding.

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Track bug didn't bite me. It was fun, but too expensive and too infrequent to even remotely scratch my itch.

Dual sporting is a better fix for me, because it not only lets me ride the same streets that everyone else does, but urges me to get the fuck away from all the traffic and BS and ride in areas where the normal problems of the street don't exist.

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I probably did 7 trackdays last season and had a blast. I might of ridden a total of 6 times on the street. If you are doing a trackday a couple times a month sometime it's hard to fit in a street ride. I would love to commute more but it's hard to fit a baby seat on my bike to pick up the little one:).

Your need to get a VFR. For just a few dollars more it comes equipped with a baby seat. SEE!!! :D

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