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12 Things You Should Stop Paying for in 2012


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Coffee Shop Visits

Incandescent Light Bulbs

Disposable Water Bottles

Baggage Fees

Subscriptions You Don't Use

Baby Food

Credit Score Fees


Landline Phones

Cleaning Supplies

ATM Fees

Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself

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Coffee Shop Visits - not homo, doesn't apply

Incandescent Light Bulbs - never gonna give 'em up

Disposable Water Bottles - don't use

Baggage Fees - 'elite' status takes care of that

Subscriptions You Don't Use - only pay for the newspaper

Baby Food - pray to God I won't need that stuff again

Credit Score Fees - don't care what my score is

Cable - keeping

Landline Phones - don't have

Cleaning Supplies - woman's work

ATM Fees - credit union

Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself - check

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Coffee Shop Visits- none, keurig took care of this

Incandescent Light Bulbs- already using, more light while using less energy, sure

Disposable Water Bottles- never. Just energy drinks

Baby Food- god no!

Cable- not cancelling any time soon

Landline Phones- haven't had one for years

Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself-check

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Coffee Shop Visits - free at work

Incandescent Light Bulbs - never go bad

Disposable Water Bottles - steal from recycle bin and fill with tap water

Baggage Fees - dont fly

Subscriptions You Don't Use - donuts read

Baby Food - never bought hope i never do

Credit Score Fees - donuts care

Cable - free on internets

Landline Phones - ha people still have these?

Cleaning Supplies - spit shine

ATM Fees - no cash

Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself - always diy bob vila

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Coffee Shop Visits- Don't drink coffee

Incandescent Light Bulbs-Most all of mine are florescent

Disposable Water Bottles-I reuse them or get plastic ones.

Baggage Fees- I don't usually fly.

Subscriptions You Don't Use- Only a couple that I do read.

Baby Food-I hope not.

Credit Score Fees-My score is effed so I don't care.


Landline Phones-What's that?

Cleaning Supplies-Wait...we're not supposed to clean in 2012?

ATM Fees-No fees with the ATM's I use.

Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself- Yep, but landlord fixes the stuff.

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Coffee Shop Visits - meh, sometimes I get the itch. Not a usual habit, once a month.

Incandescent Light Bulbs - LED/CFL's don't work with the dimmers I use.

Disposable Water Bottles - yep.

Baggage Fees - I lose my Delta Elite status in February. Fuck.

Subscriptions You Don't Use - Don't subscribe to anything, so yep.

Baby Food - no kids, so yep.

Credit Score Fees - creditkarma.com. yep.

Cable - Stopped paying for cable last year, built a PC for the living room instead. Major fucking yep.

Landline Phones - yep.

Cleaning Supplies - seriously? Whipping up your own laundry detergent is a little excessive.

ATM Fees - USAA/Schwab/Internet banking/credit union. If you're still paying for these, you're an idiot.

Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself That Will End Up Costing More Than If You Hired It Out

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Cleaning supplies: Diluted vinegar is an excellent cleaner. Many of the cleaners that most of us use (and even most body/ hair care products) have toxic ingredients. Shampoo has some scary stuff in it that absorbs through the skin.

Incandescent bulbs: Why? So I can have a bunch of toxic mercury in my house, and if one breaks I'm supposed to call the EPA? When I sell my house, do I have to disclose that its infested with mercury? Hell no. Gimme incandescent. Besides, I hate the light that the twisties give off. My neighbor has twisties in his carriage lights, outside his garage. Leaves them on 24/7. Now THATS earth smart, huh? Probably logging the hours to see if he truly gets a million hours out of each bulb, so that if he doesn't, he can sue the manufacturer.

Land line: Tried that many years ago, when unlimited calling plans on cell phones were crazy expensive. First cell bill afterwards was $375. Granted, that was a different time...

As much as I hate my landline, the extra cell phones would cost me more than it does.

All the other stuff: I pretty much agree. Gave up Starbucks a long time ago, even as an infrequent "luxury".

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Cleaning supplies: Diluted vinegar is an excellent cleaner. Many of the cleaners that most of us use (and even most body/ hair care products) have toxic ingredients. Shampoo has some scary stuff in it that absorbs through the skin.

Incandescent bulbs: Why? So I can have a bunch of toxic mercury in my house, and if one breaks I'm supposed to call the EPA? When I sell my house, do I have to disclose that its infested with mercury? Hell no. Gimme incandescent. Besides, I hate the light that the twisties give off. My neighbor has twisties in his carriage lights, outside his garage. Leaves them on 24/7. Now THATS earth smart, huh? Probably logging the hours to see if he truly gets a million hours out of each bulb, so that if he doesn't, he can sue the manufacturer.

Land line: Tried that many years ago, when unlimited calling plans on cell phones were crazy expensive. First cell bill afterwards was $375. Granted, that was a different time...

As much as I hate my landline, the extra cell phones would cost me more than it does.

All the other stuff: I pretty much agree. Gave up Starbucks a long time ago, even as an infrequent "luxury".

The mercury kinda chaffed my ass as well. I also wasn't thrilled about the "warm up time" either. LED's at $20-30 a bulb are too goddamn expensive and the light doesn't diffuse well.

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Coffee Shop Visits Never go--All I want is a 'large black coffee' and apparently they don't have that...at least at not for what I want to pay for coffee.

Incandescent Light Bulbs Fluorescent messes with my head--Not sure if I like it, so that's a maybe

Disposable Water Bottles N/A

Baggage Fees N/A...Rarely go anywhere (or way) I don't handle my own bags

Subscriptions You Don't Use N/A

Baby Food No more Pizza, french fries and Coke?!

Credit Score Fees Really don't want to know anyway

Cable "Sposed to pay for cable?

Landline Phones Prolly get rid of it this year

Cleaning Supplies Will try to cut back on cleanliness this year

ATM Fees N/A

Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself I only pay for the ones that are beyond my own skills and will otherwise later mess with my OCD

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mmm that list should say florescent lights not incandescent. what do you want landfills and ground water full of mercury or a bulb the burns a little too much electric.

as far as cell phones replacing land lines...lol. yeah that ain't happening anytime soon. fuck there are hundreds of spots in town people lose signals. I can't use mine in my house.

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Haven't had a land line in almost 8 years or an incandescent bulb.

Security system is cell based system that includes sharks with frikkin laser beams attached to their heads.


Bought all curly bulbs when we bought our house. They weren't that cheap back then.

I have 48 of these bad boys in the house right now. In that time I've had 2 fail and I broke one. Dog knocked one of the free standing pole light thangs over and a busted a hole in the tip. Landed on a rug. I pitched the rug and mailed off the bulb in a disposal box that came with when I bought them. Don't mind the warm up time nor the light.

As for coffee it almost always home brew. But if I'm out I'll drop $2 to Timmy Horton and skip the Fivebucks(Starbucks)

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Coffee Shop Visits - Don't crink coffee.

Incandescent Light Bulbs - I use the twisties. Love em.

Disposable Water Bottles - Who gives a shit? I am not gonna be a tree hugger and go to the fountain and fill my aluminum water bottle when I am thirsty. I travel a shit ton and I buy bottled water 5 plus times a day. I then throw them in a trash can. Eat me.

Baggage Fees - Southwest. I have enough miles to get a few free round trips. Love em.

Subscriptions You Don't Use - This is stupid. Who gets a subscription they aren't going to use? If I am dumb enough to buy a subscription to a mag I am not gonna read, I need to not worry about saving money and worry about why I am an idiot.

Baby Food - We've been off the stuff for several months, but this too is stupid. Baby food is a needed item if you have a baby. If you don't have a baby, why would it be on the list? I gotta craving for blended meat? Really...

Credit Score Fees - I know that I pay my bills early and usually, we pay everything off super early. I don't need to pay a doucher to find out I am holding a high credit score. Again, if you're an idiot and don't know whether or not you pay your bills early or on time, that you are over extended or sitting well, etc., you're a dumb ass.

Cable - One word. Broadband. We HAVE to run Dish and MiFi for being out in the country. I swear to 8lb, 6 oz baby Jesus that if the fucking signal gets dropped in a mild rain or heavy snow again, I am gonna stab my tonsils out from the outside with a pencil.

Landline Phones - I need it for the fax machine. I ain't paying for internet faxing. I pay $12 and get a useless line that I use about as often as the sun shines in our state. I hate that I do and because I need it for work, guess who pays for it? Not I!

Cleaning Supplies - WTF? You gotta clean the toilets. You gotta clean the counter tops. You gotta clean carpet stains. If you don't, you're a slob and a dirt ball with apparently no kids... I know, I should take that money and pay a maid. Baller. Or, let it all stack up and get shit, filthy and live like a caveman or use the environmental friendly stuff that takes 5 times as much effort to clean because the tree huggers demand clean air. F' em.

ATM Fees - I agree. I don't carry cash and use a card for everything. Well, except PA toll booths. "Cash only!" Bullshit.

Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself - By all means! But, here again, many people SHOULDN'T do as Home Depot says and do it themselves. I've looked at more than enough houses where ol' boy saw DIY Network and figured it was easy enough for him to do it. Ever seen the shows like "Reinvation Horrors"? Nuff said...

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Coffee Shop Visits-Never go

Incandescent Light Bulbs-LOL

Disposable Water Bottles-Very seldom buy them.

Baggage Fees-Never Fly

Subscriptions You Don't Use-Very few, use what I subscribe to

Baby Food-Nope

Credit Score Fees-Nope

Cable-gotsta have

Landline Phones-Free long distance

Cleaning Supplies-LOL

ATM Fees-Nope

Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself-I do most everything myself

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Coffee Shop Visits-make mine at home

Incandescent Light Bulbs-should be LED

Disposable Water Bottles-rare for me to buy...makes me pee a lot...

Baggage Fees-never fly

Subscriptions You Don't Use-don't have any

Baby Food-never have never will

Credit Score Fees-don't need to check my free reports instead

Cable-I want to live, hubby would kill me if it was gone

Landline Phones-number I give to people I don't want to talk to (utilities,work,etc.)

Cleaning Supplies-not giving these up!

ATM Fees-none

Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself-diy already very good at demo!

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Coffee Shop Visits-never...drink it 10 times a year at best

Incandescent Light Bulbs-CFL- Epa is coming down hard on incandescents and flourescents. LED's costs too much still

Disposable Water Bottles-?

Baggage Fees-not sure how to not pay that

Subscriptions You Don't Use-nope

Baby Food-I pray not

Credit Score Fees-never

Cable-SATT,just reduced it from $60/m to $20/m be gone if kids didn't like disney channel

Landline Phones-Gone 5 years ago

Cleaning Supplies-? there is this thing?http://www.activeion.com/us/Default.aspx

Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself-check

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Hows about everyone just STOP paying their mortgages.

Now, how fast do you think all banks will finally agree to help people who need help with their mortgages.

Just an idea, I for one would love the extra cash in my pocket.

What are the banks going to do, forclose on every single account ?

Just my $.02.



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Hows about everyone just STOP paying their mortgages.

Now, how fast do you think all banks will finally agree to help people who need help with their mortgages.

Just an idea, I for one would love the extra cash in my pocket.

What are the banks going to do, forclose on every single account ?

Just my $.02.



yes, they indeed will

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