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"Nice bike"


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I would take it as a compliment to your taste of bikes. Sometimes I remark about someones bike and its because of the color scheme or style I may not have seen in person yet, up close it may look like a custom to that person.

Me too. I commented on abdecal's because I liked that color better then my lime green.

Also, friend of mine has a very clean 01 929 with over 30k miles and always gets compliments because of the good condition it's in. He's done some mods but still stock for the most part.

I usually don't get "nice bike" I get "what the hell is that thing" ..lol


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I slowly take off my sunglasses, just stare at them with a distant look in my eyes and start to drool at the mouth. That usually makes them walk/run away quickly as to avoid further conversation. Then i tell me wife later that some dude ran away after i said thanks to their compliment about my bike. hahahaha.... none the wiser.

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there is no bounds to people's ignorance. The people who THINK they know what they're talkign about are often worse than those who simply know nothing.

With the F2 in the bed of my truck (on my way to NJMP, I think?), I had stopped at a rest area to get gas and food, and some guy asks "what kind of bike is that?"

I told him it was a Honda, and his response was that he thought they only made dirt bikes... I told him "I've had this one in the dirt a couple times. never ended well." he didn't get it.

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usually what a guy means when he says this is: Nice set of balls you have there. I'm not willing to face the cagers, dangers, speed, or cost of owning one.....therefore i'm jealous. And....my wife won't let me.

And what a woman really means is: Nice set of balls you have there......i'd actually like to check them out further.

thisss !!!!!

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I told him it was a Honda, and his response was that he thought they only made dirt bikes... I told him "I've had this one in the dirt a couple times. never ended well." he didn't get it.

LOL !!!

I had a guy at a local bike night tell me the idle was too high on my Daytona 675 !

I told him it was fine,cuz it's fuel injected !

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Sometimes I hear the nice bike comments, but I tend to get "that looks like a beast" or "damn, why so much bike?"

I just tell them "Yeah, Kaw did a nice job on it" or "I have a big bike because I exceed weight limits on smaller models"

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Assuming your bike is not custom or modified in any way, what do you say when someone says, "Nice bike?"

This is always akward for me. It's not like I had anything to do with the way it is. I didn't design it, I didn't modify it, I just bought it. You can find the same piece of machinery on the floor of your local dealer. I want to just say, "Yeah, it is," but that sounds dickish somehow so I usually just say, "Thanks." Then I feel stupid because it feels like I'm taking credit for it somehow.

I guess it could be taken as a compliment on my taste? I don't believe I have ever said this to anyone unless it was something custom.

P.S. Wanted to add a poll but don't know how.

This is what makes you lose sleep at night?

Just reply, "nice tits" and move on......unless she has nice tits, then smile and see what happens next.

If its a dude, just say, "I'm not gay" and get the hell out of there.

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This is what makes you lose sleep at night?

No, it's dumb shit like this that pops into my head when I can't sleep at night for other reasons. I had just had such an encounter at the gas station a few hours before.

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Sometimes I hear the nice bike comments, but I tend to get "that looks like a beast" or "damn, why so much bike?"

I just tell them "Yeah, Kaw did a nice job on it" or "I have a big bike because I exceed weight limits on smaller models"

I will be using this in the near future. :wtf:

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I usually throw out the compliment if I see a well taken care of older bike or a unique bike. If it is something I am jealous of or would like to own, I usually start out with how do you like your........? It works pretty well as a conversation starter.

On the recieving end I usally get," Nice bike, I used to have one of those I learned to ride on."

" What a coincidence, I'm learnig to ride on this one."

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Most people seem to be looking to open a conversation with you, so as to tell you about the Harley they want to buy, or the 1974 RD400 in their grage that is currently missing an engine.

I usually say "thanks" but unless the person is obviously an enthusiast and not just a gas station tire kicker, I don't engage in conversation with them.

I also go into uber awareness mode when some stranger seeks me out and begins playing twenty questions about the bike. I remain polite but already have a plan in place for killing them, if / when necessary.

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"An r6."

"Yah it's supposed to have plastics. I wrecked."

"No, just underestimated a stoplight in the rain."

"no, I don't wheely."

"no, you can't ride it. I'm the only one who rides it."

"sorry. Seeya."

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