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Dream Ride 2012: Feeler


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Have a safe ride guys. The risk factors are up. Roads don't dry uniformly or quickly in cool cloudy weather. Cold tires lack traction. Wet leaves are really slick. It's rutting season. (No, I'm not your mom, just a guy with crooked ribs & a lumpy collarbone).

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According to Lancaster's weather report, the possibility of rain should subside by noon at the latest leaving the afternoon semi-sunny and in the higher 50's. So the ride there could be fair to shitty, but we'll troop it out anyway! Most likely the roads there that are tree canopied will be wet all day, so those leading will have to watch out for the rest of us and signal accordingly - I still think it will be a good time as long as everyone layers up to keep warm

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Our side of Ohio looks good tomorrow, but SEO is gonna be wet n chilly until noon followed by less chilly and random wet roadways throughout the day. Whats everyone else think? I'm game so long as its nots dumping water, I dont like wet roads but I CAN ride them slow n easy. Not as fun but still doable

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its with heavy heart i must post this, the whole purpose of this ride was to bring together every OR riders from all corners of ohio to one spot to enjoy the spirit of motorcycling, getting to meet every one was top priority and having a safe fun ride was the next one. At this point the safety and fun factor has dwindled down to next to none. till last moment i was hoping for some miracle to happen but it didnt. So officially i guess the dream ride is called off for this weekend so as not to make it a nightmare for someone and their family.

Really sorry for doing this every one, but if something goes wrong it will be too bad a memory to live with. If still interested we can give this a try next weekend, sat/sunday.

Now having said this, from NEO i dont think any body will be willing to take the risk of riding in rain and cold. If any one still wishes to ride down do let me know. If its not actively raining in am i plan to ride down to meet others from central and SWO. But one thing for sure, this weekend not at all a good day to have a fun ride. :(

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