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They are coming today to take your guns.


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Any emergency, crisis, natural disaster, etc. may be used as an excuse to break into your home and take your guns. They did it during hurricane Katrina, in affluent areas, far from the flooded areas. Verbal resistance was met with violence and detainment. Physical resistance was met with death.

They are coming. The next emergency or disaster in your area could put you right in the target zone.

Remember the lengthy power outages we've had in the past over widespread areas? Food shortages, gas shortages, no electricity, no heat, no water, etc. could trigger panic that would result in desperate attempts by people to feed themselves and their families and take from those who have prepared and stored food and water ahead of time.

Police with families in these areas also have to feed their families. You could be driving along some night and come upon a roadblock. They would tell you it's an emergency situation, and they take half of your gasoline. Or, they "commandeer" your four-wheel drive. The sheriff has the authority to do that in an emergency. They've taken people's generators during power outages so that they had power for their own needs.

They are coming. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGptM01HccY&feature=em-uploademail

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They may get my guns, but they'll never take my elbows

Until now...

police are now removing elbows from anyone they deem to be a threat to national security...

Did you post something on the web that is unflattering to the administration? better watch out, you will no longer be able to bend your arms. They have removed elbows from hundreds of people already, you're next!

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Until now...

police are now removing elbows from anyone they deem to be a threat to national security...

Did you post something on the web that is unflattering to the administration? better watch out, you will no longer be able to bend your arms. They have removed elbows from hundreds of people already, you're next!

Well shit. And it's on the webz so it's true, there goes my last line of defense

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Until now...

police are now removing elbows from anyone they deem to be a threat to national security...

Did you post something on the web that is unflattering to the administration? better watch out, you will no longer be able to bend your arms. They have removed elbows from hundreds of people already, you're next!

Knees are next. :cry:

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I've been trying to tell you people the Redcoats are coming too and you've dismissed that. I think the OP is on to something

Except the Redcoats are Chinese and they're coming over them there interwebs.

PS: This is only about 1/4 joking.

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