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What would you do?


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Last night I got into an interesting situation, and it got me thinking how many people would do what I did. About 1:30am I got woken up by the girl who lives below me screaming for help. Her boyfriend yelled at her to shut-up and get back into the apartment which she did. After that I could here him yelling more and very loud banging. (I am a person who really likes her sleep, so I was not very happy that this woke me up and was going to keep me up.) So I called the cops. Turns out he beats her a lot. So the question is without knowing that he was actually beating her would you have called the cops, or would you have thought it's none of my business and did nothing?

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did you know her previously? If I knew the person, I'd go an inspect the situation. If I didn't know the person I'd be the asshole that doesn't mettle because I want sleep and I tend to hate people I don't know

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Its a slippery slope. Call for the disturbance it it continues...but there is not much you can do if neither party wishes to pursue charges. Then you run the risk of that creep starting problems for you. I would go to the landlord and let he or she know about the problems you are having get the police reports maybe you can get somewhere that way... Good luck though seriously that sucks....:mad:

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Why else would she scream for help?

bitches are crazy. You know how many times I've heard a chick scream in horror or for help and it was something absolutely moronic? If I called the cops I'd feel like an asshole for dragging them out for zero reason when they could be doing something better like eating donuts or pulling over speeders!

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I tend to look at things like that as 'what if this was my daughter'.....what would I do? Call the police, then go down and ask them to keep it down. If I see evidence of him beating her, then its 'on'.....at that point I could not just stand by.

Being a woman it's best (probably) for you to just call authorities and later let your landlord know whats up.

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Had a similar thing happen in my last place with the guy above me. Heard his gf going crazy, yelling throwing shit only to end up in the hallway crying. I asked if everything was ok and she just states at me then went back in the place. I never saw her again. It didn't sound like he was hitting her just her being a crazy bitch (kept hearing him say calm down and stop. She was throwing shit and screamed like she was dying only to have him say calm down) I didn't do anything after I talked to her for that moment in the hallway since after that everything was quiet. I would have done what you did in your situation.

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I tend to look at things like that as 'what if this was my daughter'.....what would I do? Call the police, then go down and ask them to keep it down. If I see evidence of him beating her, then its 'on'.....at that point I could not just stand by.

Being a woman it's best (probably) for you to just call authorities and later let your landlord know whats up.


But investigate first them call cops if it's needed and I see it as my little sisters since I have no kids :p

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Had a similar thing happen in my last place with the guy above me. Heard his gf going crazy, yelling throwing shit only to end up in the hallway crying. I asked if everything was ok and she just states at me then went back in the place. I never saw her again. It didn't sound like he was hitting her just her being a crazy bitch (kept hearing him say calm down and stop. She was throwing shit and screamed like she was dying only to have him say calm down) I didn't do anything after I talked to her for that moment in the hallway since after that everything was quiet. I would have done what you did in your situation.

THIS!! 10000000% THIS

this is exactly why unless I knew 100% details I would never get in the middle of it. BITCHES BE CRAZY

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I'd have called the cops for sure. Yes, it could have been a girl who was crying wolf, but what if it wasn't? Knowing you could have stopped a domestic violence situation but didn't would eat me up with regret.

At the best case scenario, you get the cops to come out and cool the situation down and you can at least go to bed. If is a crazy girl, then at least it may make her think twice about crying wolf.

At the worst case, you get it officially on police record that there was a domestic disturbance that would help the lady's case if it is a long-term abuse situation.

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bitches are crazy. You know how many times I've heard a chick scream in horror or for help and it was something absolutely moronic? If I called the cops I'd feel like an asshole for dragging them out for zero reason when they could be doing something better like eating donuts or pulling over speeders!

You'd feel even worse if you saw her death on the news the next day.

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to add a a little more to the story. Earlier this summer I filed a noise complaint with my apartment complex because they were blaring techno music til 4 in the morning every night. after that is when I started to be able to hear him yelling and a lot of banging. I never did anything then because I didnt know what was going on. wasnt my place. I only did something this time because of her screaming. I dont know how but she did manage to lock him out of the house and he took off right before the cops showed up. I dont know if she is or isnt pressing charges but i could hear the cops saying that they needed someone to come to take pictures for a DV. So I am hoping she does.

and as far as if the dude comes at me for calling the cops....well isnt that why I bought a gun?

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I'd have called the cops for sure. Yes, it could have been a girl who was crying wolf, but what if it wasn't? Knowing you could have stopped a domestic violence situation but didn't would eat me up with regret.

At the best case scenario, you get the cops to come out and cool the situation down and you can at least go to bed. If is a crazy girl, then at least it may make her think twice about crying wolf.

At the worst case, you get it officially on police record that there was a domestic disturbance that would help the lady's case if it is a long-term abuse situation.

I agree!

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Last night I got into an interesting situation, and it got me thinking how many people would do what I did. About 1:30am I got woken up by the girl who lives below me screaming for help. Her boyfriend yelled at her to shut-up and get back into the apartment which she did. After that I could here him yelling more and very loud banging. (I am a person who really likes her sleep, so I was not very happy that this woke me up and was going to keep me up.) So I called the cops. Turns out he beats her a lot. So the question is without knowing that he was actually beating her would you have called the cops, or would you have thought it's none of my business and did nothing?

If I hear the neighbor screaming for help, male or female, I call the cops. If they are just yelling at each other and no physical altercation, I go down and tell them to argue quieter. I'll never feel guilty about doing something, but I would feel guilty about doing nothing.

However, since they are yelling for help the situation could be life-threatening and time-sensitive, so I also investigate to ensure no immediate help is needed.

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to add a a little more to the story. Earlier this summer I filed a noise complaint with my apartment complex because they were blaring techno music til 4 in the morning every night. after that is when I started to be able to hear him yelling and a lot of banging. I never did anything then because I didnt know what was going on. wasnt my place. I only did something this time because of her screaming. I dont know how but she did manage to lock him out of the house and he took off right before the cops showed up. I dont know if she is or isnt pressing charges but i could hear the cops saying that they needed someone to come to take pictures for a DV. So I am hoping she does.

and as far as if the dude comes at me for calling the cops....well isnt that why I bought a gun?

Well first of all the cops wont tell them who called. I wouldnt make a point of it to tell them that you called either but this shouldn't even be a question. If ANYONE male or female calls for help you should call the cops. Being that you are armed now I would not go investigating with your weapon, It could me misconstrued.

Question: How many people live in this apartment complex? Are there others within earshot? maybe check with them and go to your landlord as a group to get something done about the noise faster.

Edited by hollywood3586
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I stay out of it. None of my business. DV is such a joke to most LEOs anyway, and DV victims usually go right back to the person who is hurting them, hence why most the LEOs I know roll their eyes at DV.

WHAT?! So you're saying anyone getting beat, male or female, you would just look away and do nothing?

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Well first of all the cops wont tell them who called. I wouldnt make a point of it to tell them that you called either but this shouldn't even be a question. If ANYONE male or female calls for help you should call the cops. Being that you are armed now I would not go investigating with your weapon, It could me misconstrued.

Question: How many people live in this apartment complex? Are there others within earshot? maybe check with them and go to your landlord as a group to get something done about the noise faster.

well that's what got me to ask this question. I stayed up for a while after I called the cops and paid attention to what was going on around me. This is one of the biggest apartment complexes in central ohio. I never saw another light come on and I'm sure there had to have been at least 20-25 other complexes that shouldve heard it. I am stopping by later to at least let the landlords know what was going on. and my gun is for personal protection. Thats why I just called the cops and didnt get involved after that. but considering I was the only apt with lights on, Im sure it's pretty obvious it was me. But that doesnt worry me at all. If he wants to come at me for calling the cops, i'll be sure to teach him a lesson he'll never forget. I would never kill him but he'll know not to fuck with me.

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