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Ohio Riders Invades Deals Gap 2013


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It sucks sitting up here in Newark while everyone is down in the sticks

with their bikes.  Everyone have a great time and be careful.  Maybe I

can get in on some of the fun next year.  What's the MJ report?  Did she

make it there safely?



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So two things.. First I believe I passed a group of ya'll sitting on the side of Wayah road. Then passed ya'll again going the opposite direction on 28.

Second, and this an assumption based on the Ohio plate that was on the bike. Who is the jackass that has the bright yellow Shoei helmet, license plate something like ZEB1K maybe?

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Hey guys...I was really looking forward to meeting some of you and maybe making some riding friends, but it was not to be.

Besides meeting the Ohio Riders folks, the National SV Riders Rally was at Fontana too...was gonna be a party!

Crashed on the way down though.

Was somewhere in the middle of a 525 mile backroad jaunt through WV,

KY,TN and NC on the way to the Rally, riding with another SV Rider member from Ft. Wayne IN.(Andy)

Was going through a very long, single-lane, unlit tunnel.

Andy and I were chatting on the helmet coms at the time.

Pitch dark

200 yards in starts getting wet and very cold.

Another few hundred yards in (doing maybe 20 mph) I heard Andy from behind me shout out "whoa...be careful...the center in slick!!"

I was, at the time...IN the center. Immediately the front end went away. I tapped the rear brake to try and get the bike upright again.

Good. Upright, but now heading fast towards the left stone wall of the tunnel.

Impact the left wall. Knocks my left foot off the peg and traps it between the wall and peg so hard it bends the mounting plate for the footpeg with the rear of my left boot.

I tried to use my left arm to push off the wall. Front end went away again, and the SV went down on my right side. After the bike fell on my leg (broken ankle bone, fractured leg bone) the bike slid perhaps 30 feet along the left wall of the tunnel.

As I lay there taking stock of my physical condition, I removed my helmet and gloves. Putting my hand down to help get up, I was shocked to find out the center of the lane had a 3/4" layer of ICE on it.....a slurry of frozen mud and limestone. Ice...in  Fucking JUNE!

After Andy helped me get the bike upright, I got it started and he helped me get on and rode out of the tunnel to assess the damage. Bike was bent and beat but rideable.

I at first thought (hoped) that it was just badly turned (the ankle)

Andy had no GPS and was following a crazy route I made to the Rally. I did not want to abandon him and turn for home. Stupidly I figured I would continue on.

I then spent 3 days sitting in a private cabin in Robbinsville NC hoping the swelling would go down enough to get my boot back on.

It just got worse, so I took 2 days to ride home, arriving home last night. First stop was Akron City Hospital.

Because I waited so long, it may need surgery and to be re-broken and reset. Swelling is so great they have to wait days now just to consider surgery.

So for now it's ice and elevation, full leg cast...and percocets.

Sucks....really was looking forward to my first SVNational Rally, and finally meeting some of you OR riders.


Plenty of time to repair the bike now it seems.


Hope you all have a great time down there.



sorry to hear this, heal well dan, u will get your chance next year as well. and ur one tuff dude to ride the bike home with that kinda leg.

Edited by NinjaDoc
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lol, I rode home once with a foot I couldn't stand on (140 miles). Or even put down on the ground. Balancing at stops was fun (not). Sprained, not broken. x-rays are relatively cheap, compared to surgery. I wouldn't hesitate to get an x-ray done anywhere anytime, if I thought I needed the diagnostics.

Edited by ReconRat
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My bud Joe (Blue 'Busa) and I had a good time riding with Issac's Papa and crew on Friday.

Riding the last 3+ hours in a torrential downpour wasn't nearly as fun, though.

Nice leisurely cruise through the Carolina ./ Georgia countryside on a  warm summers day with friends - hard to beat.

The rabid pit bull with the plastic bottle fetish was kinda funny. As was the cop with the blue flashing lights.

I'd do it again. And hope to. Soon.



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Second, and this an assumption based on the Ohio plate that was on the bike. Who is the jackass that has the bright yellow Shoei helmet, license plate something like ZEB1K maybe?

Proper assumption, yes with us.

If you'd move over though we wouldn't have to pass like that ;)

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Proper assumption, yes with us.

If you'd move over though we wouldn't have to pass like that ;)

I do believe your assumption is quite backwards. Had he not dropped a gear and cracked the throttle in an attempt to keep me behind him and moved to the center of the lane to block this wouldn't have been posted. At the next avaiable, though slightly bad spot I was able to get around, but I do agree with your second note, had he not gotten butthurt about being passed there'd be no issue.

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Hey guys...I was really looking forward to meeting some of you and maybe making some riding friends, but it was not to be.

Besides meeting the Ohio Riders folks, the National SV Riders Rally was at Fontana too...was gonna be a party!

Crashed on the way down though.

Was somewhere in the middle of a 525 mile backroad jaunt through WV,

KY,TN and NC on the way to the Rally, riding with another SV Rider member from Ft. Wayne IN.(Andy)

Was going through a very long, single-lane, unlit tunnel.

Andy and I were chatting on the helmet coms at the time.

Pitch dark

200 yards in starts getting wet and very cold.

Another few hundred yards in (doing maybe 20 mph) I heard Andy from behind me shout out "whoa...be careful...the center in slick!!"

I was, at the time...IN the center. Immediately the front end went away. I tapped the rear brake to try and get the bike upright again.

Good. Upright, but now heading fast towards the left stone wall of the tunnel.

Impact the left wall. Knocks my left foot off the peg and traps it between the wall and peg so hard it bends the mounting plate for the footpeg with the rear of my left boot.

I tried to use my left arm to push off the wall. Front end went away again, and the SV went down on my right side. After the bike fell on my leg (broken ankle bone, fractured leg bone) the bike slid perhaps 30 feet along the left wall of the tunnel.

As I lay there taking stock of my physical condition, I removed my helmet and gloves. Putting my hand down to help get up, I was shocked to find out the center of the lane had a 3/4" layer of ICE on it.....a slurry of frozen mud and limestone. Ice...in  Fucking JUNE!

After Andy helped me get the bike upright, I got it started and he helped me get on and rode out of the tunnel to assess the damage. Bike was bent and beat but rideable.

I at first thought (hoped) that it was just badly turned (the ankle)

Andy had no GPS and was following a crazy route I made to the Rally. I did not want to abandon him and turn for home. Stupidly I figured I would continue on.

I then spent 3 days sitting in a private cabin in Robbinsville NC hoping the swelling would go down enough to get my boot back on.

It just got worse, so I took 2 days to ride home, arriving home last night. First stop was Akron City Hospital.

Because I waited so long, it may need surgery and to be re-broken and reset. Swelling is so great they have to wait days now just to consider surgery.

So for now it's ice and elevation, full leg cast...and percocets.

Sucks....really was looking forward to my first SVNational Rally, and finally meeting some of you OR riders.


Plenty of time to repair the bike now it seems.


Hope you all have a great time down there.

Bummer dude. Sorry to hear that.


I spent most of the time with the FZ1OA guys and on the ride Sat morning on 28, the guy in front of me target fixated and went off the road. DIdn't get hurt but cracked his frame. The kicker is, he rode it all the way down from Cape Cod, MA. He was hatin' life.

So that makes it 2 group rides in a row where the guy in front of me wipes out and I got both on video. Who wants to ride in front of me on the next ride? :D


I did get to meet most of the OR folks at one point or another...mostly around the firepit on Friday night. Hope everyone had fun and makes it home safe.

Edited by ScubaCinci
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Great time.  Made it home safely.  Didn't meet my goal of passing a squid on a Gixxer on the 150 Scoot (with luggage compartment).  But met my other goals.  Glad to meet some old faces and some new.


Never got rained on while riding.  Glad I choose the simple route on Friday. 


I agree with Pauly, the scooters are a blast.  FYI, Honda 150 faster than Zuma 125 with Pipe). 


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Second, and this an assumption based on the Ohio plate that was on the bike. Who is the jackass that has the bright yellow Shoei helmet, license plate something like ZEB1K maybe?


Wasn't me, I don't pay for fancy plates.  ScubaCinci maybe?

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So two things.. First I believe I passed a group of ya'll sitting on the side of Wayah road. Then passed ya'll again going the opposite direction on 28.

Second, and this an assumption based on the Ohio plate that was on the bike. Who is the jackass that has the bright yellow Shoei helmet, license plate something like ZEB1K maybe?

Why am I a jackass exactly?

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