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Epic Attention whoring failsauce


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I think you're the one that hasn't got the picture yet....

Oh I get it. Go back and reread my original post. Not once did I bash her. It wasn't about her, but rather about the idiots with there tongues hangin out. But the fact you all decided to attack me, reinforces the truth.

Keep sniffin!!!!!!

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Keep it up NinjaChic. I'll fit in there nicely. I mean, you'll fit in here nicely.

:lol: If I had more rep, You get one for that. I have a full time job where I deal with nothing but stuck up, ignorant people with no patience what so ever and a stupid muttacunt receiptionist who constantly breaks shit and doesnt know how to do her job. (speaking of which i am in need of a replacement motherboard for a computer she blew up if anyone can help me locate it). and my second job is a mall job - no explination should be needed. I cant have fun at work. So right now you guys all help with that. I can be myself and well most people can take it and understand it and its that much better. A little different because usually I piss of the girls and not so much the guys but whatever. I know how to have a little fun. Do I have the ability to go a little overboard here and there? Yes i will admit that. Sometimes I forget Im a girl or something, idk. I've always been "a part of the guys" and there for have a tendency to act like a guy. I just wanna have fun. That's all. So Im a little different who cares. I'm laughing and that's all that matters to me.

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Oh and also forgot to mention that there are only a very select few on here who have tried to make it more than just raunchy humor and have tried to get all over me. No I am not going to tell you who they are or even how many, because that's just cruel which I am not. So it really is just all in good fun. Don't Cause Drama. Have Fun!

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Well, I for one am not really sure why I had to create this thread. I've never done a rant before, and I guess I felt it was just needed for myself. I'm usually a happy go lucky dude. But something about seeing how the guys act, over and over again, when there's a new chic, just seems a little ridiculous, desperate, pathetic, or whatever, to me.

Then again, maybe it is just me, and I'm looking at it the wrong way. I could be raggin, just give me a week and I'll be better.

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:lol: If I had more rep, You get one for that. I have a full time job where I deal with nothing but stuck up, ignorant people with no patience what so ever and a stupid muttacunt receiptionist who constantly breaks shit and doesnt know how to do her job. (speaking of which i am in need of a replacement motherboard for a computer she blew up if anyone can help me locate it). and my second job is a mall job - no explination should be needed. I cant have fun at work. So right now you guys all help with that. I can be myself and well most people can take it and understand it and its that much better. A little different because usually I piss of the girls and not so much the guys but whatever. I know how to have a little fun. Do I have the ability to go a little overboard here and there? Yes i will admit that. Sometimes I forget Im a girl or something, idk. I've always been "a part of the guys" and there for have a tendency to act like a guy. I just wanna have fun. That's all. So Im a little different who cares. I'm laughing and that's all that matters to me.

You should get a job with CSX so we can work together.

Management never picks of the women...you'd have it made!

Plus, we get to run shit over, hit cars(sometimes with people in them), hit people, stop traffic for long periods of time, and surf the internet while stopped in a dark siding.

Plus, you're much cuter that the other OR member I get to run a train on...I mean with!

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And just for the record, to those that think I tried hitting on Ninjachic and got shot down and that's why I'm, as you called it, "whining", I am not on her list she mentions above.

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman!"

Bill Clinton

Edited by Kent2406
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