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Epic Attention whoring failsauce


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Well, I for one am not really sure why I had to create this thread. I've never done a rant before, and I guess I felt it was just needed for myself. I'm usually a happy go lucky dude. But something about seeing how the guys act, over and over again, when there's a new chic, just seems a little ridiculous, desperate, pathetic, or whatever, to me.

Then again, maybe it is just me, and I'm looking at it the wrong way. I could be raggin, just give me a week and I'll be better.

I'm sorry if we left you out, let's start over.

Hey you sexy man bitch, I saw a pick of you on FB. Wanna hook up? Show us your tits, do you go ass to mouth?



Kick it sideways at 140

Fuck the choppa

Snarky Fucktard

43 rules

Twin Glock 40's

E harmony


Wut meow?

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...busa hauty, red riding whatever, and that one chick from the "today" thread...

you forgot SaraRides...

busa hauty was ok, exaggerated a bit

Kay from today thread got what she wanted (pregnant and joined the Army)

and that red riding whatever... you don't even want to know. stay away.

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...But something about seeing how the guys act, over and over again, when there's a new chic, just seems a little ridiculous, desperate, pathetic, or whatever, to me...

1 of the 3 people in your OP is nothing like the other two, and I ain't be talking about her plumbing... 1 was full-on 'tard, the other half 'tard, both were/are immature/argumentative, and the other is Ninjagirl/chick/whatever.

this is a guns and motorcycles forum, and womenz are very much in the minority here. So, when one comes along that likes the same things we (men) do, we get excited. And if they play along, ever-so coyly, then it's just that much better and fun.

If you work in IT, it's very much the same thing - if a female comes along that isn't completely homely, us server jockeys get quite excited. Think Big Bang Theory, but slightly less dorky and also less smart, but more well-adjusted.

It's all in good fun, and spring will be here sometime soon.

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You should get a job with CSX so we can work together.

Management never picks of the women...you'd have it made!

Plus, we get to run shit over, hit cars(sometimes with people in them), hit people, stop traffic for long periods of time, and surf the internet while stopped in a dark siding.

Plus, you're much cuter that the other OR member I get to run a train on...I mean with!

I would but they probably wouldnt like my available hours because of my full time job. Kind of cant just quite that one. I have too much money invested in it already.

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Bitch please, I could tell by the look in your eyes the day we met that you wanted to tickle my taint and laser my balls

You're cute, no doubt...but I'd have to shave that growth of hair you've got going on underneath your bottom lip.

No worries, I'll get it when we get done with your balls!

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I am kinda dissapointed at the direction this has taken. Oh well it's only December

What did expect me to lash out? Oh come on, it's not that time of the month.... I'm not a raging bitch. And that's what the anti crazy pills are for anyways. :p

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Oh and also forgot to mention that there are only a very select few on here who have tried to make it more than just raunchy humor and have tried to get all over me. No I am not going to tell you who they are or even how many, because that's just cruel which I am not. So it really is just all in good fun. Don't Cause Drama. Have Fun!

Seriously, you have to tell us who it was, and what they said that was such a turnoff, and... errr... what they could have done better... :D

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And just for the record, to those that think I tried hitting on Ninjachic and got shot down and that's why I'm, as you called it, "whining", I am not on her list she mentions above.

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman!"

Bill Clinton

I was not thinking that.

But I am now. :wtf:

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Seriously, you have to tell us who it was, and what they said that was such a turnoff, and... errr... what they could have done better... :D

Not gonna say who. And it wasn't that anything they did is a turnoff. I've made it very clear I'm not here to get involved with anyone. That's all.

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