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Epic Attention whoring failsauce


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This thread made my day. So much rep

What I learned:

-don't switch to syn. Oil if you have a buttload of miles

-how to teach "swallowing"

-ninjachick has nice boobs (at least the top half)

-no one wants to see Kent's boobs

-guns are good

-42% of all statistics are made up on the spot

-and lastly, postwhoring is ok if it's on the NWS section

Carry on and welcome to winter on OR

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I'm sorry if we left you out, let's start over.

Hey you sexy man bitch, I saw a pick of you on FB. Wanna hook up? Show us your tits, do you go ass to mouth?



Kick it sideways at 140

Fuck the choppa

Snarky Fucktard

43 rules

Twin Glock 40's

E harmony


Wut meow?

you forgot this...


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Oh and also forgot to mention that there are only a very select few on here who have tried to make it more than just raunchy humor and have tried to get all over me. No I am not going to tell you who they are or even how many, because that's just cruel which I am not. So it really is just all in good fun. Don't Cause Drama. Have Fun!

Looks like they are the only smart ones here that can spot a challanging woman when they see one.

Sorry guys I’m too old to be a sniffer.

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I have a brand new bottle waiting for somebody to help me kick. Straight from a Mexican dive resort. Challenge thrown down. :D


see you cant just offer me tequila. Then I'm just gonna turn it down because I already know what your up too. Nice try there noob!

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