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Jerry/ Al-z-heimer Needs some positive vibes from OR


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Its with a heavy heart I have to post this up. I been waiting for Jerry to post up some update himself if he was upto sharing it. He was thinking of doing it but I guess too much for him to write up details etc. Today he texted me and gave an okay to share some details with you guys. I know just like me who ever met him for more than couple of rides have always been a friend to him.

The last few rides we went on he was feeling pain in his right upper abdomen, I know he was really feeling it, if not he wouldn't even mention it. We been telling him to get this looked at, scanned blood work etc.  But he was in the process of going through retirement and hence medical insurance in transition. So had to wait till his new insurance card arrived. Over the past week he has been progressively getting weaker and almost bed bound. When he wouldn't get out to ride on some beautiful weather day after retirement and no work to do, I guessed something must be off.

He went in end of last week, the first day he got his insurance card straight to ED. The first set of blood work and liver scan was suspicious.  I guessed the answer, but didn't have the courage to tell him. I guess I was hoping it would be an error and subsequent tests would be okay. After couple more days of tests and scans things are getting more clear. He has primary Cancer in colon with mets to liver. He will getting the colon part removed surgically today at 3pm in trumbull memorial in warren. Then it will be chemo most likely. He will need your prayers / positive vibes/ wishes anything thrown at him. He has good family support. His wife and daughter are rock solid. IF there was no metastasis things would have been much more easier, but just mets to liver is still not too bad. Chemo is going to be a hard, but knowing how strong he is I know he will beat this. And hopefully we be all riding again next season opener.

I feel slightly better now that I can share with you guys. I know many people here were close to him just like I was. He was always a great help to any one who asked for help. Be it family relatives friends neighbors or even strangers. Most time I am at his house I would see some body walking in for getting his help on some knick knacks. on when I am calling him he would be at his neighbors place fixing his lawn mover or some thing. For somebody who has always been a best influence on me and others around him he needs the support when it really counts. So keep him in your thought ORians. I wish and would even pray despite being an atheist for his best. And I have a feeling this will be just a hiccup on his path till next year when beautiful weather and multiday motorcycling trips awaits him.



Edited by NinjaDoc
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I only met and rode with Jerry a few times, but even during my limited interactions with him, I could tell Jerry has stone cold steel in him and he will destroy the ever loving shit out of this piece of shit cancer like he does roads with his supercoc... super chicken.

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Don't know Jerry, but damn sorry to hear this.  Seems to be a spate of the Big C going around my friend base lately.  Two good friends have recently been diagnosed with Stage 4 colo-rectal cancer with metastases to the liver/bone/lung.  One is a guy a few years older than me that I worked with and rode MCs with for decades--been on chemo doses of increasing potency for about 2 1/2 years, first folfox, then folfiri, now receiving erbitux in combination with Avastin--whose weight is down from +200# to 140#.  The other is the wife of my good riding bud, diagnosed with colon cancer about a 1 1/2 years ago in her very early 50s.  Same treatment course as above but with much lower efficacy, weight dropped under 90#.  Hate watching the progression of the disease and cumulative effects of the chemo-toxicity.  In these cases, neither the disease nor the treatment are pretty....

My best wishes to your friend Jerry for a successful surgery and quick recovery.  The chemo treatment course will be more prolonged, but hopefully he will respond in a positive manner to the drug(s) and see a slow-down of the progression of the disease.  Sending prayers!

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i know the average age in OR is pretty high. Many folks are above 50 , make sure you get the screenings done on time. This might be a big difference maker in future. Another one is some folks are on heavier side and built with bigger neck and upper chest mass. Sleep apnea is a silent slow killer and will result in irreversible damage to lung and heart. Its not a mainstream problem yet because not much drug help and hence big pharma doesnt advert much. But if you have snoring issues fit the above profile, make sure you get sleep study done. Not trying to offend any one just giving a heads up as the earlier you start the better the outlook. 

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Damn this is some bullshit news to one of the nicest people I've ever met in this 2 wheel game. The good news is knowing Jerry he's going to kick this things ass in no time and be leaving riders half his age in the dust 

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3 minutes ago, Isaac's Papa said:

For anyone that has yet to meet and ride with the old fart, Jerry is the shining example of the very best of us. 

@NinjaDoc, I wholly expect you to let me know if I can be of service to Jerry or his family. No matter what it is. 

This!!!... and plus one for any help that is needed. .

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