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Guest mrhobbz

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*******: what do u think about me being a stripper just for two weeks so i

can make my rent money


steve: i think you'd have to find a new boyfriend


Whats even worse about the job situation, I had a job lined up for her but she didn't take it? She also claims that she has been absolutely everywhere looking lol.



HA... 'for 2 weeks' thats funny.


Until some white collar type comes in from out of town on a business trip, gets her drunk and spend a few hundred to get his peter wet and she comes home with rent in her pocket.


Just the fact that she's considering it should be a red flag.


DISCLAIMER: Im in no way saying all stripper's do this im just saying this is a worst case scenario. nor am i saying your gf would. Just to clear that up. trying to put it in pespective that she will make some money and it will last longer than "2 weeks".

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If you are secure in your relationship and have no problem with men paying her to dance around their cocks there isnt an issue with it.


Me personally i have an issue with it,If my wife wanted to be a stripper(she isnt hot enough) i am pretty sure that would be the breaking point in out marriage

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Guest mrhobbz
If you are secure in your relationship and have no problem with men paying her to dance around their cocks there isnt an issue with it.


Me personally i have an issue with it,If my wife wanted to be a stripper(she isnt hot enough) i am pretty sure that would be the breaking point in out marriage



I'm definitely not cool with it lol. Found out why she can't pay her fucking rent anyway but she wont listen to me. I broke it down for her..


Washer & Dryer - $44/bi weekly.

Bed - $44/bi weekly.

Laptop - $66/bi weekly




$154 x 2 = $308/mo


$308 x 12 = $3,696/year


Fuck for $308 you can damn near go buy a BRAND NEW front load set or... A used washer and dryer that works perfectly fine, at least a fuckin mattress, and a p3 laptop seeing as all she does is surf the net looking at stupid shit? Some people have seriously fucking flawed logic. When she's spending 35% of her income renting dumb shit.

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I'm definitely not cool with it lol. Found out why she can't pay her fucking rent anyway but she wont listen to me. I broke it down for her..


Washer & Dryer - $44/bi weekly.

Bed - $44/bi weekly.

Laptop - $66/bi weekly




$154 x 2 = $308/mo


$308 x 12 = $3,696/year


Fuck for $308 you can damn near go buy a BRAND NEW front load set or... A used washer and dryer that works perfectly fine, at least a fuckin mattress, and a p3 laptop seeing as all she does is surf the net looking at stupid shit? Some people have seriously fucking flawed logic. When she's spending 35% of her income renting dumb shit.


That's rent centers for you, make it look cheap and jack it on up.

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The easiest way to keep her from becoming a stripper and ending the relationship is simply, next time she asks, laugh and say, "Haha, come on. You know you're not hot enough to be a stripper."


Make sure you have your shit packed.

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She could prolly get all that stuff used off of CL or from me for 2 months worth of payments or less...I have a matress and boxspring for 75 full size. I even have a lenovo laptop i would get rid of if the price was right prolly 300
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Dump her because she was dumb enough to 'buy' things from a rent-a-center type of place. That's where this problem came from in the first place. I can't feel sorry for anyone that buys shit at those places.


Laptop she didn't need.


Washer and dryer she didn't need because she could have went to a laundry mat. Washed clothes at your place or a friends place. Then she could have saved up for a washer and dryer. Seriously, you can get used ones for ~$100 if you shop around. Does she live in an apt? Most apartment complexes that either don't have washers and dryers or only have hookups have coin laundry facilities.


How much does a twin mattress cost? If moneys really tight, sleep on a couch, floor with some blankets, whatever. Then save up for a 'real' bed.


You're just as dumb if you stay with her.


EDIT: So I didn't read any of the replies before I wrote this, looks like EVERYONE agrees with me.

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I'd likely feel I was one of the lucky few who goes to a club and get's laid vs just screwed :o


Girlfriend told you she was going to be a stripper to keep a rented washer and dryer, rented bed, and a rented laptop you would feel.....



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Wow! shit bro I figure anyone dumb enough to buy from a rent-a-center type place isnt worth keeping whats the next step u marrying her and she fuck up your coin to? I dated strippers many of times and never had problems with it(I knew she was coming back to me at night) but a dumbass I couldn't date tell her to kick rocks.
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LOL who really rents a bed? What ever happened to sleeping with a mattress on the floor with no box spring or frame?


I guess it would be different if you had a kid and They needed the bed... shit if you are that hurting for money get a couch from a yard sale for $25 and sleep on it.

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Guest mrhobbz
Wow! shit bro I figure anyone dumb enough to buy from a rent-a-center type place isnt worth keeping whats the next step u marrying her and she fuck up your coin to? I dated strippers many of times and never had problems with it(I knew she was coming back to me at night) but a dumbass I couldn't date tell her to kick rocks.


No bitch cuts into my income, period. :)

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Guest mrhobbz
You'll understand how money works when you get older. Every man pays for pussy, no matter if they realize it or not.


You just got offered a washer and dryer for 50.


And A bed. Buy her the shit, or move on.



I see what you did there...... She found a job at burger king, so she can buy her own washer and dryer :) :thumbup:

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