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How are these tough times affecting you?


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It's really tough job hunting these days. I luckily don't have many bills right now, but I've been out of work too long and it's starting to affect me I think, both mentally and financially. Finally had to dip into my savings last month, which I am not happy about. I now have less of a DP for a house which I plan to buy someday.


Anyone hiring??

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My company has slowed from 110% quarter over quarter growth, to about 90%. We posted a record profit year.


Personally I have looked at things and setup exit strategies for all my recurring bills (no new cell phones to keep the contract ended, paid off my cars, refi mortgage, etc...) I have also setup my life to be more off-the-grid so I can keep my family fed (Garden, Chickens, plan on freezing/dehydrating/canning).

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Right on, I'm at the north end by the parking garage. Place is fucking huge.


You can't be too far from my wife either. She's in the same area of the building.


On the economy front, we lost roughly 20% of our IT department here at my work. Thankfully I"m in a group that's critical to money coming in the door so we are safe and sound.


On the car side of the industry, I'm not actually suprised that the repair / maintenance side of the industry is still doing well. Seems like people realize they might be holding onto their cars for a longer period of time and are more focused on making sure they are well maintained in order to have trouble free time with them. Same goes for detailing. We've had the busiest spring ever. We usually settle into a relaxed pace by this time of the year but I'm overbooked like crazy and don't see that changing in the near future.



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I haven't been affected but I work in DC for a government contractor. We made it to being a billion dollar company last year and the numbers are looking good this year as well. That doesn't mean I feel invincible though as I've been laid off twice before and its humbled me some. I have one credit card I'm still working on paying off which will be gone by years end hopefully, then I will begin saving. I own my truck and my bike so no car payments for me. I also went back to school to get my masters degree to make me more marketable.


It never hurts to have a plan and live by it.

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My job:

Yearly bonus was cut by more than half.

Nobody in our division is receiving a raise in 2009.


My wife:

Was laid off back in June '08 because the non-profit lost a lot of its gov't funding. She just got another job this week.


We had our 2nd kid in Dec '08, so we have cut back on a lot of things. We have saved a ton of money on food by refusing to pay Giant Eagle and Krogers prices on everyday shit. We only go there for good deals (or beer) :)


I drove a 35+mpg Civic for a long time to save gas.


Our 401k is still down ~33% or so. Our savings are way down. Still afloat and thankful to be employed, but def. a different world for my family vs. 2 years ago.

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The only way I have been effected was both the wife and I are not getting pay raises this year. Pretty much our bills have stayed the same. Some of the bigger projects for the house may have to wait a little longer until we have the money saved to pay it. We have 3 vehicles, one was paid with cash, another will be paid off in 2 months and the last one will be paid off by the end of this year when we start doubling up payments.
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I haven't changed anything. I pay my monthly utility bills/mortgage, buy food and gas, put a little in savings, keep $100 in my pocket, and the rest goes to my credit card bill. I dump almost all my monthly profit on my credit card. Fuck them and interest payments.
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I dont think i have gone out more than twice in the last few months. Now i have been spending some on my car, but i have been selling old stuff to help pay for the new stuff. I have cut my cell phone bill down, got rid of cable extras, and since lifetime is raising their rates i am switching gyms.
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I've changed very little. I guess I've been lucky. I'm still very marketable as a senior level software engineer. I'm full time with Abbott now and they are somewhat recession proof. People are still having kids and buying formula, the EAS stuff seems to do really well, and the medical devices area (where I work) still sells a lot. I got a decent raise this past year and should be promoted and get another raise later this year.


As far as debt, well I'm just a few months from being 100% debt free, outside of my house. All the cars and other toys are nearly paid for. Plus I'm still maxing out my 401K, even though it's tanking like everyone else's. :lol: But it will be back. I've still got a few years until I retire (I'm hoping about 25 or so).


So yeah, I've had it easier than most on the board, I'd say.

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I havent slowed down any. I actually am very busy and gonna sign a contract here in the next week for the biggest job that our company has ever done. So it really has effected us to much but there has been a serious decrease in residental work and a big increase of commercial. I am very thankful nothing has slowed down for me. :)
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I am in the buy here pay here car industry. I am doing roughly 3 times the business I did over last year.

I honestly think just from looking at the numbers the credit crunch has ruined there own chance at financing people who have good intentions on paying there loans back.


There loss my gain.

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Rob I don't understand how you stay in business with the killer deals you give.


everyone wants killer deals. thats why my phone's ring off the hook, and i am running out of room in the shop.:D

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My Job:

Wages frozen

Lost 401k match (4%)

No Bonuses

Longer hours


My department:

Laid off all hourly employees Jan-April

Up 132% in sales for first 1/3 of year over same period last year

Hourly Labor reduced by 62% to date



Laid off in October with 8 weeks severence

Employed in February at 20% less

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I have been stimulating the economy of late lol. Honestly it hasn't effected me between the trash truck thing and working for my dad I have more then enough work at the moment. Now thats not to say in 6months I could be homeless and looking for a job. Like v8beast said peole saving every little bit they can are honestly causing more bad then good. You can't jumpstart an economy when there is no money out there, gotta spend folks.
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The last 18 months have been okay to rough in my mind. I was recruited away from a sweet gig to an even better gig that busted after only 8 months. I don't regret the move as it paid me more than I imagined making and still am benefiting from, but it ended and put me to where I'm at today.


I'm doing okay, not making what I was, but have a job but the company is struggling so yes....I'm with you and concerned. I'm actively marketing myself and am close on several new opportunities. Nothing that makes me feel safe and secure though. They are all well paying gigs, but they are also new to me and newer companies. The way I see it, nothing is safe today and to be rewarded you must take risks. I'm will to do that as it's paid off before and I know it's a matter of time before I can ride the wave again.


Chin up. Being laid up at home, you should look into some kind of online gig or work from home support desk role or call center if there are such things available.


Work the network out there guys/gals. Linked In is a good tool when used correctly. I use it all the time. tow weeks I knocked out over 75+ phone calls into contacts and have uncovered 5 leads. Two interviews so far, and two more next week. Not small time paying gigs either.


IMO, it's a buyers market and you have to distinguish yourself, your market and it's ever so much more important to show a company why they should hire you vs someone with the very same background. I'm in sales so it's a bit different as I work with a number of markets and key accounts that I bring as a portfolio of accounts.

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I still get to travel so I am doing my part. I tend to eat at nice places and stay at good hotels. When I throw events I can negotiate crazy good deals.


If you want to have a convention of any size in Vegas, they practically throw hookers in with the deal.

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I lost a lot of money for school from the stock market crash, but immediately being effected? No not at all. If anything it will only be better for me. I just got a "sales" job and am fine w/ the pay and commission, and it can only get better as the economy grows so...
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On the car side of the industry, I'm not actually suprised that the repair / maintenance side of the industry is still doing well. Seems like people realize they might be holding onto their cars for a longer period of time and are more focused on making sure they are well maintained in order to have trouble free time with them.


I don't know who you're talking to? Most of the Chrysler dealers are closing, Ford dealers are closing, and a lot of the GM dealers are closing. Maybe on the aftermarket side of everything, but even then with so many out of work techs it's getting cut throat out there unless you own your own shop. I've gone in the last year from making 110 hours a pay to roughly 70-80. Actually last pay I had 49 hours, for two weeks. Yeah that doesn't cut it.


But anyhow.


My house is going into foreclosure. (No I didn't buy something I couldn't afford, $750 a month, $74K house)

My bills are piling up.

My credit rating I'm sure is below 0 if possible.

Who knows where my son and I are going to live after the foreclosure goes through.


None of this stemmed from the economy though, it's all b/c my wife decided to take all the money out of our bank account and leave me. Causing every bill I had sent out to bounce and collect overdraft fees. It all went down from there b/c I don't have her extra income to keep us afloat. It took me a good 5 months to get things to where they were managable, then hours started going down. FML


Hopefully my job come through with the Sherrifs office, my brother's been there 18 years and is talking to HR about me coming aboard. Then things might allow me to get my head above water.

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I've gotten two raises at work, continue to go to school and generally have not changed much. I do not go out to eat as much (twice a week) but that is so I can save just in case anything unfortunate were to happen.
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Business profits are up at least 10% each month, every month. Already have 80% of my planned year in, so income wise, well ahead of expectations. This includes spending to buy clientel lists of other companies going under. I refuse to let a man 500 miles away in DC dictate things like my money.


Investments, took a small hit last year with new advisor, didn't have much there at the time thank god, things I have chosen are doing good, the 401k through fidelity is way ahead of what I could have hoped for, and my new advisor has gotten me over to some solid foundation investments.


Bought a used boat a few mos ago, a big ticket go fast, just sold it and broke even, looking at going brand new and bigger.


So will probably spend more this year than any other year, with how cheap EVERYTHING is, I can't see not buying. Should own a few houses shortly, rental market is strong. I don't watch the news anymore, if a month is looking down, I just work harder. Sooner I make it, the sooner I can retire.

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I recently got a promotion at the car wash ive been working at throughout college. But since I graduated in December I have my student loans comming up for payment soon. The bad thing is I have not had an interview or any positive leads since Nov. of '08. So we will see how things turn out, I have a good chuck of change saved for school or down payment for a house if I ever find a job. So.... time will only tell
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