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If you had the chance, would you date a pornstar?


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I'm just curious how you cam to acknowledge this?... Like how did she break the news to you? Good thing she did too +1, if you got into it then found out I'd be really pissed. But like said before, go for it dating wise, marriage is a different story and your penis doesnt know the difference, plus its pretty badass bragging rights.
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I'd say go for it. This is a girl that really would go for just about anything. She's clean, has a legitimate career now, and is in to you.


Every guy wants to fuck a porn star. DO IT!


Honestly, I could name a few pornstars I would give a left nut to fuck.. So, I can agree with that one, lol.

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Would you date her and overlook her shady past?

Remember, all her movies are still out and ur friends and others will prolly find out about her.


I would put out some demo tapes, mainly POV kind and share them with my friends at CR. :bangbang:

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How the fuck do you know she is clean? did she hand over her medical records for every fuck she has had?



Yeah...im clean now but I did have.........



Yeah..im clean now because usually hiv takes 2 6 month window's to show up, but yeah im clean now.


Yeah im clean do not have purple poka dots yet........

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Lets say she's a young girl who made some mistakes when she was 18 and ended up in porn for a few years but decided she wanted more in life and so she quit porn, went to college, and now has a legitamite job.


She's an 8-9/10






Would you date her and overlook her shady past?

Remember, all her movies are still out and ur friends and others will prolly find out about her.


Everyone has a past, doesnt matter if your girl did porn or she was a saint. Me and my girl have a simple rule, dont ask a question that you dont want to hear the answer to. She knows my past so she doesnt want to know my "number". I compare your situation to that simply b/c you may know her past but that doesnt mean thats what she's like now or in the future (like myself). If your friends are gonna hold it against you or her, then their not very good friends.


Oh and as far as clean, your average porn star is probably cleaner and healthier than your average corner bar slut that half the guys you know have taken home. Ive been with a porn star (not bragging just saying) and ive heard all the stories. She practically wanted a signed document i was clean before she'd do the dirty. Best 8 and a half hours of sex of my life.

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How the fuck do you know she is clean? did she hand over her medical records for every fuck she has had?



Yeah...im clean now but I did have.........



Yeah..im clean now because usually hiv takes 2 6 month window's to show up, but yeah im clean now.


Yeah im clean do not have purple poka dots yet........


First of all, he did mention that she did the dirty years ago and it is in PAST, Im sure she's been tested since then. Secondly, if she has a good head on her shoulder's she would know that if your in that business you cant afford to take chances. Ive talked to a few girls who are in that industry and they all say the same thing, why take the risk of losing their main money maker just to bump some uglies?

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Thinking further into it a lot of women that go as far as doing porn have deep rooted issues. Having the mind state to be able to do porn as a woman is something that ties into a few things... Usually its because they have self esteem issues, or they are open with their sexuality and love sex. Either way you are getting a person that used to (and could still) hate themselves... Or likes the booty so much that they are more likely to follow urges and cheat on you.


I would be hesitant to have her as any more than a friend with benefits. If she tells you she was a porn star then I would assume she personally thinks there is something wrong with it. This can turn into her feeling she is not worthy of you, or her thinking you think she is dirty. I wouldnt run away but I would be careful..


(Yes I'm that bored right now )

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First of all, he did mention that she did the dirty years ago and it is in PAST, Im sure she's been tested since then. Secondly, if she has a good head on her shoulder's she would know that if your in that business you cant afford to take chances. Ive talked to a few girls who are in that industry and they all say the same thing, why take the risk of losing their main money maker just to bump some uglies?


Im just going from what it states on the "AIM" website anyone that has had multiple partners in the sex industry are 300% more likely to get a disease. It even still says on the web site even AIM pays for free check ups and testing that 70% of the sex industry still do not get tested. on the site from 2002-2008 from just from the people that did come get checked out that almost 3/4 were positive for some type of std/aids/hep.


Here is it directly off the website


"By industry standards, an adult entertainment worker should be tested for HIV/AIDS every 30 days, though there is no standard for testing for other STDs"


Your crazy to think or believe that someone who sleeps with multiple partners unprotected is more safe then some bar skank. IT says the average sex worker has 100-130 partners their first year. Now times that by 50 for each person that other person has sleep with to be on the low side.



From one company alone AIM tested the company.


"AIM administered voluntary tests to a group consisting primarily of adult film workers. Of 483 people tested between October 2001 and March 2002, about 40% had at least one STD. Nearly 17% tested positive for chlamydia, 13% for gonorrhea and 10% for Hepatitis B and C"


Out of the 40% who was tested positive for a std they did not add the 13 people that was positive for HIV. and half of the 40% had more then 1 STD.


It also said most sex workers do not get tested often enough, and the average porn actress makes 32,000 a year.

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