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What is the background on your screenname...

Clifford Automotive

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when i worked at GM, i was a Team lead, meaning i called the skilled trades people over to fix things when i couldn't fix the machines.. when ever I called them, they knew i wouldn't let them "band-aid" things, they always blamed my "damn red" hair for my stubbornness of making them do their jobs right.
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"Mudcrutch" is one of Tom Petty's bands from the early 70s that eventually became Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers.


I actually run the largest Petty fan site at http://www.mudcrutch.com


Sidenote: Tom Petty did a reunion album and tour with Mudcrutch -- management tried to buy my domain. I declined.


I use it as a screen name because it is an obscure reference to TP & the Heartbreakers and I am obviously a fan.

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I'll try to make this quick... I was tired of Kwitcherbitchin (and I had a hard time using it in some places) and couldn't ever find something I wouldn't eventually find someone else using. I always hated adding numbers to a name to make it unique. At the time, I worked for a very large medical lab in California. One of my jobs was receiving papsmears and running tests on them for "flora and fauna". Basically, I was partially your gynecologist. I could meet a woman at a club on Sat and she was from southern Cali, chances are, I could know if she was 'dirty' on Monday.


So, came up with the name ImUrOBGYN. "I'm Your OBGYN", for those who still have a hard time with it.


There's a bit more story to it that involves a speculum... but that's for another day.

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I used to be a pretty big religious kid growing up and when I joined my first forum (unixpunx circa '99ish) I thought of a username that kind of had to do with it, so I picked verse. Normally I use v3rs3, but I don't know why I didn't on this forum.
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Back in 9th grade a kid called me "Billium" since my name is Bill and then other kids and friends in highschool started to say it as well from time to time.


Once I bought my 2001 Camaro SS, I needed to come up with a username for car messageboards so I combined the 2 somewhat - "Billiumss"

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