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What is the background on your screenname...

Clifford Automotive

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Ohhh shit Oldskewl


A long time ago I went by another handle on BBS's. I was a kid at the time. I had a friend tell me I needed to reinvent myself and I had always been into dragons. There was a dragon in a DnD series he liked named thorne so it was bestoyed upon me. It's been that ever since.


confessed DnD Nerd here to, got my name through the game as well.

a lot of my characters had sticky fingers. through a round about way, it was given to me. "he's gonna rob your ass" wordplayed into "i'mo rob you"

crunched and changed, along with my affinity for Asian culture to "Morabu". now pronounced like Mo-Rah-boo


goofy....sure, but original.

and been using it for about 15 years



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HOTCARL, yes its a sex move but thats not why i chose it.


Its actually an inside joke between me and a friend. We were talking to this stripper (first mistake) she told us her name and asked ours, my buddy whitey gave some bogus name and I said "hi, my names carl. But everyone calls me HotCarl" so for the rest of the night this stripper was calling me HotCarl. It was pretty damn funny.

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waaaaaaaay back in the day when I owned my first camaro, (and was dumb enough to street race) I would "smoke" 5.0 mustangs.... now the only thing my car smokes is paint drying.... stupid thing has a blown motor and i have no urge to fix it at the present time. (nor do I care to make it fast anymore... it's just fun to go cruising with the roof out)
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I am a truck driver. CRAWDAD is my CB handle.


In high school I was making fun of a friend named Jeremy Hein calling him b-hein (in referance to an ASS). He tried to come up with something funny to go with my last name "crosby". He called me Crosby Crawdad. Needless to say his joke FAILED.


So back in 1999 when I started driving a truck, I needed a CB Handle. I chose Crawdad.


I go by it every day, not just on the internet. The plate on my car says it too!


Clifford-you probably already knew this, now everybody else does!

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Guest 614Streets
okay so back in like 88-89 i was on tour with Motley Crue and it was backstage after a show on the dr feelgood tour i was doing blow with tommy lee and nikki sixx then all the sudden ozzy and the guys from Ratt came walking in doing all this crazy shit with literally 4 of the hottest girls you have ever seen so one thing leads to another and all the girls end up naked and one thing lead to another once again then vince neil came out of no where singing same ol situation with david coverdale from whitesnake and i knew the guys from whitesnake for sometime now and coverdale was so fucked up that he called me stimmel andrew in his crazy drunken brittish accent so ive pretty much gone by my last name since that day on and never looked back.




Go see KIX and also you missed Great white at alrosa , and also I think you should play some UFO tonight. Yeah... Scorps man , last tour...........

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first name + my house number (938) when i joined my first forum...not very creative. i think i had signed up here once, and then lost my password so i rejoined with 9381. its evan938 everywhere else. ive posted in the name change thread and its still 9381 here
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My first and only brand new car was a 2001 Ford Focus that I bought as a DD while I still had my Fox-body Mustang. I only had the car for about 2 weeks when I slid on ice while coming around a curve and slammed the whole right side into the guardrail. It took Germain almost 2 months to get the parts right and reassembled correctly. I actually overheard one of the guys at the body shop referring to the guy working on my car as "Crooked Bob".


Anyway, a few weeks later my old Yahoo email address got hijacked and closed so I chose a new one. WreckedFocus was actually taken, so TwistedFocus it was from then on.

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Started Cr with Trudat, Because back when I was 16 I failed to spell out True That and thought it was more ghetto so I always wrote Tru Dat. Then I got M1114 because it was the Humvee I gunned in Iraq. Then I got No. because I asked to be the Chatbox Mod. Hoebag came from one of Di's pool friends drunkenly calling me a hoebag and since I was in the Marines as a cpl I changed it to Cpl. Hoebag I think it time for a new one lol
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I am a truck driver. CRAWDAD is my CB handle.


In high school I was making fun of a friend named Jeremy Hein calling him b-hein (in referance to an ASS). He tried to come up with something funny to go with my last name "crosby". He called me Crosby Crawdad. Needless to say his joke FAILED.


So back in 1999 when I started driving a truck, I needed a CB Handle. I chose Crawdad.


I go by it every day, not just on the internet. The plate on my car says it too!


Clifford-you probably already knew this, now everybody else does!


Yep, I knew that!

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Ohhh shit Oldskewl


A long time ago I went by another handle on BBS's. I was a kid at the time. I had a friend tell me I needed to reinvent myself and I had always been into dragons. There was a dragon in a DnD series he liked named thorne so it was bestoyed upon me. It's been that ever since.


Indeed... Even prior to that I was "Ryno". Some boards required screen names longer than four characters, so I choose cinergi.


I figured your name had some reference to DnD.

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Back when mIRC chat was the cool thing to do I just used Buck or Bucky. I signed in one time and some gay dude randomly started talking to me about sex and crap. Then I looked up his name and found he was in #gaychat, #gaywhatever, and it goes on. He thought I was one of his buddies or something.


531 is my birthday (May 31st). Buck is part of my last name.. Bucklad.

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my original s.n. was 9t1tsi. which was my first real toy car. I bought it as a better when i had my mach 1. I did all the free mods, then bigger turbo injectors and this and that. Car ran ok, but i wanted a vr4 since my uncle had one and no on knew what they where


so now my name is 9t1gvr4, because i had a 91 green vr4. Ive sold that car and now have a 92 vr4. lol

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