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What is the background on your screenname...

Clifford Automotive

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I was looking through latin words to see if anything would be cool for a Counter-Strike name and I found Supplicium which means:


A corporal punishment ordained by law; the punishment of death, so called because it was customary to accompany the guilty man to the place of execution and there offer supplications for him.

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Watched Hogans Heroes with my dad growing up. The German Sargent was named Schultz spelled different than my actual last name Schulze.......


So.....I always thought the dude was funny and I adopted the name.

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In the Brady Bunch movie, Greg Brady wants to be a rock star. He creates a stage presence/alter ego that goes by "Johnny Bravo." Johnny Bravo is this douchey guy that thinks he's cool but, in reality, is just just a douche.


When I was in graduate school, my friends and I would joke around and I'd act all douchey - and natually the moniker "Johnny Bravo" seemed appropriate and stuck.


Anyone who knows me knows that I have, over the years, made up various names for myself - Johnny XXX, Johnny Porn, Ron Jon Johnny, Johnny Two Times, Johnny Abs, etc. It's all done in fun and, contrary to what it seems, there's really no ego behind it. Just the opposite, the monikers are self-effacing. The premise is that the names are meant to be irreverant and retarded and just for fun. Anyone who really knows me knows this to be the case.


Through all of the nicknames, though, Johnny Bravo has always been a mainstay since, well, it was the first.


There is also a cartoon called "Johnny Bravo." This cartoon came about years after the Brady Bunch movie. Some people (even some on here) have assumed my screenname was a reference to the cartoon. Those people were wrong.

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okay so back in like 88-89 i was on tour with Motley Crue and it was backstage after a show on the dr feelgood tour i was doing blow with tommy lee and nikki sixx then all the sudden ozzy and the guys from Ratt came walking in doing all this crazy shit with literally 4 of the hottest girls you have ever seen so one thing leads to another and all the girls end up naked and one thing lead to another once again then vince neil came out of no where singing same ol situation with david coverdale from whitesnake and i knew the guys from whitesnake for sometime now and coverdale was so fucked up that he called me stimmel andrew in his crazy drunken brittish accent so ive pretty much gone by my last name since that day on and never looked back.


Please tell me this is not fiction.

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hahahahaha i wish it was true but then again if this was true I would most likely not be here to tell the tale



P.S. where have you been Tilley CR needs you to stage a come back tour and put some humor on this site.


I've been busy with life, I guess. :)

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I was living in Vegas when CR started (moved there right after 9/11). The previous tenants of the apartment I lived in had run up a cable bill of over $500. It took me two weeks to prove I was in no way related to them before I could get my cable turned on. I must have watched the movie Snatch (only dvd I owned) around 100 times during that period. Hence: The Pikey was born!



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