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Why dont you come out to meets.


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The only meets I like going to are Doc's and CC&C (obviously :) )


Jason, you know we're cool but KWITCHERBITCHIN. All the posts you've made are whiny excuses why you don't get out. THe Audi is cool, and if you don't get the roadster rolling I'm going to buy it from you and finish the job.



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1. Jones make's fun of me.


2. Everyone thinks I'm that creepy guy there looking for his daughter.


3. No one races any more anyway



I don't make fun of you old man.

I remember last fall Holland rolled up in his wife's benzomatic.

We laughed, we cried, and minimal penetration was involved.

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3. No one races any more anyway

I'll race you on foot.. After we drink a fifth of shine screaming this shit is weak.


I have not been to any track days, cars and coffee due to my previous job. As for Doc's it's a little far for me.

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1-I'm always finding out to late

2-i really don't know anyone

3-have no F'ing clue where people hang out

4-I'm sorta a social outcast-but can talk cars all day every day

5-I had my own "team" up north, and now I'm a peon


Thats why I don't come out, but trust me I want to!!!

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Because you are a bunch of fucking idiots and I can't stand most of you. So help me if I saw half of you in real life I would tie you down, snip you with nail clippers, and shit on you until you died slowly from infection!



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No way, that far away and my anxiety kicks in, I am screwed.


I used to be in your shoes. It only gets better with exposure. Of course I don't get social anxiety, my anxiety gives me problems when my asthma does. I've since learned to keep it under control.

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I used to be in your shoes. It only gets better with exposure. Of course I don't get social anxiety, my anxiety gives me problems when my asthma does. I've since learned to keep it under control.


Fear of suffocation isn't just a block in the mind man.

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Used to come out, moved 30mins away, get tired of everytime I come out people asking if I wanna run and then ask if I am scared after I declined...frightened let me tell ya lol. Plus I hate most car people, you have the know nothings or the know it alls, there doesnt appear to be any in between. Idk maybe I need to get away from the Honda fags lol
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Fear of suffocation isn't just a block in the mind man.


When it causes panic attacks and all that, it is. I used to have issues riding in the car due to a couple times I've been caught out away from home with no inhaler. I'm better about carrying my inhaler now, and I simply don't push myself when the air quality is bad. I know my limits now, and I'm comfortable. Back in 06 you couldn't get me in a car for more than a 10 minute drive. Although I gotta say my anxiety has been high lately given that I had discovered a black mold issue in my house, and my health has been suffering. Hopefully it will all be sorted soon, I still need to steam the carpets. I envy those not sensitive to mold.

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