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Offical Coshocton Ride 7-26-09


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a lot of you fuckers here work at chase...anyone got any insider scoop (aka help me find a jobby)

I can get you a job but can you last 6 months. I just need to last that long so I can get 600 bucks for referring you or I can give you like 200.

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I can get you a job but can you last 6 months. I just need to last that long so I can get 600 bucks for referring you or I can give you like 200.

holy shit..i've had request to last longer than 2 minutes but 6 months is a lot to ask :lol:

whats the job and what are the requirements. just send me a PM

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What did I miss? Not trying to stir the flames..just curious.
With James? lots of wheelies, and general recklessness. Nothing serious, no accidents, but just made quite a few of us nervous. Its all good tho

what I like wheelies , now your bringin me down how am I supposed to ride allday and not bring out some one wheel action :D

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what I like wheelies , now your bringin me down how am I supposed to ride allday and not bring out some one wheel action :D

I don't pretend to speak for the group..but I'm sure said wheelies are fine in moderation and with a dash of common sense. If you're not endangering yourself (LOL..you're riding on one wheel..how is that not dangerous!) and most importantly , if you're not endangering others...I don't think you'll hear any complaints. Again..I don't wanna speak for the crew.

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Damn it. Why for must you plan things on vintage weekend. I want to come out there and play on that 675 of yours :D
u can skip one day!
Hmm, that's a really long ass ride from Dayton, but the roads would be worth it. Decisions decisions.

come it will be fun!

The wife may be giving me the pass for this weekend so I might be able do this. I will keep on her good side for extra measure.
Wow.. your wife has a good side?? Mine's a base model.. I didn't get options. :(

fucking had me rolling!!!!

ive been waiting for this thread since the last ride.. and of course I have to work. damnit

call of seth is going to!

I think I'm in. Not a fan of big group rides...would rather see them split into smaller groups..but that won't stop me.

the group will split it self once we take off. ill go where i need to' date=' to make sure everything goes smooth, i just enojy being on the bike.

last ride was great... well except for that one crazy ass on the motard :lol:

haha yeah he broke his foot last time we wnet to cirlceville...

i'm glad to see that everyone got to experience having james around(the one on the motard) :lol:
him flying off the road at 60 through a field that was like a 1/4 mile long :eek:

those are whoops for sumo's haha

I mentioned earlier in this thread about if anyone didn't like something about the last ride they should say something, well I just remembered something. Even if this ride goes the exact same way as last time I will gladly do it again, with that said. The first loop we took was great but about half way through the second loop we started to make a few stops for decisions on which roads to take. If we are going to get the Cleveland crew home before dark the ride might be a little more planned out ahead of time. I'm just say'n.

i have roads picked out already and ill make sure to set and exact route before the ride.

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james' wheelies are not him showing off thats just how he rides when he pulls a beer from his riding jacket then does a wheelie thats showing off and im not kidding he will do it:lol:

:plus1: been there, seen that

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I just watched the weather channel. I fucking hate rain because

A. It ruined today's trip that I had planned to go to Cedar Point


B. It's supposed to rain Sunday and I really want to go on this ride

We'll see how it goes I guess...

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Of course Buddha’s pants are sagging because he can't get them up over his belly.

Do not try to suck me... into a debate in the hopes of getting me banned you leghumper. By the way is it insensitive of me to call someone a leghumper?

Edited by Uncle Punk
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