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  djisle said:
I swear dude tread lightly when u talk about my family I don't have a lot left but dude seriously ur a dumbass for talking about my family

You talked shit about his family first amigo.

With that said, off to the Edumacated Fucksticks section...

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My two cents-

I've found that damned near everyone I've met through this site has been pretty damned cool, and most would probably be willing to help out someone in need (like Mr Anderson, Strictly Street, and I forget who else all thought they were doing).

Mooching off people, taking advantage of what is really a pretty rare kindness, is really fucking low. As someone who has been both well-off and broke as shit in my lifetime, I can say that sometimes your good name is all you have to get by on when times are (genuinely) hard. Squandering that on stupid shit, mooching for drinks and whatnot, is the picture of foolishness.

I think DJ has taken the opportunity presented by meeting a large group of really decent people, and wasted it trying to exploit them for free chow.

What an ass.

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  Aerik said:
My two cents-

I've found that damned near everyone I've met through this site has been pretty damned cool, and most would probably be willing to help out someone in need (like Mr Anderson, Strictly Street, and I forget who else all thought they were doing).

Mooching off people, taking advantage of what is really a pretty rare kindness, is really fucking low. As someone who has been both well-off and broke as shit in my lifetime, I can say that sometimes your good name is all you have to get by on when times are (genuinely) hard. Squandering that on stupid shit, mooching for drinks and whatnot, is the picture of foolishness.

I think DJ has taken the opportunity presented by meeting a large group of really decent people, and wasted it trying to exploit them for free chow.

What an ass.

Well stated...rep points for you!

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  1000rrrider said:
Im not reading all 26 pages of this thread "im lazy and not real interested" so sorry if its already been said but ...... I want to see this settled old school at the meet and greet ufc style we can rope off an area take bets place odds the whole deal winner gets bragging rights and a % of the bets that would be cool and could become a regular event ....... then could be followed up by pudding wrestling by some of the female members and the winner of the pudding match takes me on :) I prolly wont put up much resistance either :D
  InyaAzz said:
I'll ref the match

Chicken wings will be allowed in the cage.

I'll handle the action. I'm not sure I met Luna before, but I'm pretty sure I know what djisle's capable of, so I'll say 3 to 1 odds on Luna.

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  Aerik said:
My two cents-

I've found that damned near everyone I've met through this site has been pretty damned cool, and most would probably be willing to help out someone in need (like Mr Anderson, Strictly Street, and I forget who else all thought they were doing).

Mooching off people, taking advantage of what is really a pretty rare kindness, is really fucking low. As someone who has been both well-off and broke as shit in my lifetime, I can say that sometimes your good name is all you have to get by on when times are (genuinely) hard. Squandering that on stupid shit, mooching for drinks and whatnot, is the picture of foolishness.

I think DJ has taken the opportunity presented by meeting a large group of really decent people, and wasted it trying to exploit them for free chow.

What an ass.

I consider us fortunate that he used it on chow and not something more substantial. Lesson learned.

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  Aerik said:
Lol Alright. I wear size 13 steeltoes. I'll totally sign your casts afterward though-- I'm a nice guy.

Of course, I pretty much always say yes if someone just asks.

Nope nope, I'm doing it on principle now!

I usually don't sit on peoples' bikes, I reserve that for the showroom.

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  Aerik said:
My two cents-

I've found that damned near everyone I've met through this site has been pretty damned cool, and most would probably be willing to help out someone in need (like Mr Anderson, Strictly Street, and I forget who else all thought they were doing).

Mooching off people, taking advantage of what is really a pretty rare kindness, is really fucking low. As someone who has been both well-off and broke as shit in my lifetime, I can say that sometimes your good name is all you have to get by on when times are (genuinely) hard. Squandering that on stupid shit, mooching for drinks and whatnot, is the picture of foolishness.

I think DJ has taken the opportunity presented by meeting a large group of really decent people, and wasted it trying to exploit them for free chow.

What an ass.

:plus1: I agree everyone I have met on this site has been great. Although you guys kid it's still fun :).

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  kawi kid said:
this kid did jump on my bike as soon as i got there, hell i didnt even have my helmet off before he was on my bike with his cig and beer in hand :nono:

Unless you seriously really really REAAAAAAAAAALLY know the dude.. its a major no no and even then... its sketchy

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  kawi kid said:
this kid did jump on my bike as soon as i got there, hell i didnt even have my helmet off before he was on my bike with his cig and beer in hand :nono:

Yeah I was there. I was going to greet you and he sat on your bike asap. :nono:

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Yeah, it's one thing if someone says, "I was thinking of a bike similar to this, care if I sit on it and see how it fits?" Then, no prob. When someone plops down on it like it's a goddamned couch, someone better bring me my stabbin shoes.

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  Aerik said:
Yeah, it's one thing if someone says, "I was thinking of a bike similar to this, care if I sit on it and see how it fits?" Then, no prob. When someone plops down on it like it's a goddamned couch, someone better bring me my stabbin shoes.

I sat on a couple of bikes last night but that because I wanted to get a feel for which 600 I wanted to buy. I asked each rider and v4junkie was kind of enough to let me ride his r6. Not much of choice right now but leaning more torwords an r6 but once I ride a cbr600rr and the ninja 636. I will buy one. I do say I like the stock 636 that kawi has but sitting and riding are two different stories.

Aerik if you sat on my bike I dont think I would say anything cause your bigger then me and those steel shoes...

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