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  Lunatik3 said:
So I'm not going to elaborate. Especially since we have Lurky McLurkerson. But... If you read this and catch my meaning. Well, you know.

Low doses of cocaine or crack cocaine generate euphoria and mental alertness. The abuser may become talkative and energetic. Cocaine abuse also increases a person's sensitivity to visual and tactile stimuli during the acute effects of the drug. Some cocaine abusers take cocaine to complete simple tasks faster.

High doses of cocaine or crack cocaine can produce violent and paranoid behavior. A pattern of cocaine abuse called binging (repetitive cocaine abuse at increasingly higher doses) causes increasing restlessness and paranoia that may culminate in hallucinations and paranoid psychosis.

  • abdominal pain
  • blurred vision
  • bowel gangrene (from "chewing")
  • chest pain
  • chronic malnutrition
  • coma
  • convulsions
  • fever
  • headaches
  • heart attacks
  • heart rhythm disturbances
  • hoarseness (from snorting)
  • impotence
  • loss of appetite
  • loss of smell (from snorting)
  • muscle spasms
  • nasal inflammation (from snorting)
  • nausea
  • nose bleeds (from snorting cocaine)
  • respiratory failure
  • runny noses (from snorting)
  • seizures
  • strokes
  • needle puncture (track) marks from injecting cocaine.

and the plot thickens... :popcorn:

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  shittygsxr said:
Damn I missed this thread since it has been moved. Hopefully Ben will create a new subforum for "super awesome threads" or "best of edjumacated fucksticks" and this thread can live on for future generations

or at least until Mr A gets some wings

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BTW, my girl and I will be out tonight (8/12/09) on our "no name 200" at QSL for bike nite.

Yeah the thing can't get over 70mph.

Yeah I've had to make improvised repairs since I haven't got replacements parts. (Long story, have to import thepart I need but it's safe to ride don't worry)

But as far as I'm concerned. It's 2 wheels, puts breeze on the knees, and my girl love to ride on the back with me (till we get her one of her own)

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Hey, don't let anyone give you shit about your bike-- it's a fucking bike. I don't care what someone rides, as long as they ride.

Incidentally, how much do those things go for? I'm still looking for a cheapass starter bike for my ole lady. I bet she could handle one of those.

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Mine is an 07 had 1500mi and I paid a grand. They go for 15-1700 new.

And I could take it on a track. I just don't know really if I trust it and my skill level that much. I'm ok with riding it in town and on the freeway. But pushing it that much... I'll need a little more time in the saddle.

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  shittygsxr said:
Damn I missed this thread since it has been moved. Hopefully Ben will create a new subforum for "super awesome threads" or "best of edjumacated fucksticks" and this thread can live on for future generations

Yeah, this is a thread to be proud of. A "Thread for the ages" :rolleyes:

Lets get the Granny beat down thread in there too.

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  Lunatik3 said:
it was none other than


I understand that according to the rules on here we're really not supposed to talk bad directly about other members. But oh well. I'd be happy to show anyone the evidence. I think he did it all just to look benevolent. But in all honestly I think he looks like a total fool. She wouldn't have a thing to do with him regardless of what he promised or would buy her.

Sadly, I have to work with him because he is the DJ on the patio at Screamin' Willies (shameless plug) Where I have been a DJ for almost 9 years. So Richard when you read this.

Go shove it up your exhaust, after a loooooooong ride.

and if you don't read this. Well, you won't see the storm coming.

I haven't read past page 1...... But I heard some members saying Sunday he's a TOTAL douche & was bumming $$ off everyone at Bike Night last Thursday, and sob storied some of them into buying his food & drinks, while none of them knew the others were also hooking him up until they figured it out later

Then he had the nerve to show up at Pig Iron on Sunday & a few were instantly pissed as soon as they saw him

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  Casper said:

Is that a Chips Ahoy? That's a lot of chips :D

I can't believe I missed this thread for almost an entire week?!? :confused:

It's quite simply, the gift that keeps on giving..... Kinda like the Nixon tapes :lol:

  TwiztedRabbit said:
to clarify IT WAS NOT HIM at the pig iron people were getting pissed at the wrong person they saw STEVECHASE from here one of my good friends.. talked to him bout it

Sooooo....... How's he doin'??? Outta the ICU yet?!? ;)

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  Lunatik3 said:
Hard drive is property of Screamin' Willies. Try it. You'll lose more than your job.

Then you'll have them after you

This is pathetic. I'll be at the bar soon. I have to finish up at my JOB

I'm guessin' they'll just fire both of you after all this :lol:

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  Casper said:
No he didn't. Someone else left you rep for that post, but it wasn't negative or positive. It was neutral because they don't have enough posts for their rep to count. FYI. Djisle has never left anyone rep.

^ ^ ^ Kinda like the voice of God talking down from the heavens.... 'Aint he?!? :lol:

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  TwiztedRabbit said:
to clarify IT WAS NOT HIM at the pig iron people were getting pissed at the wrong person they saw STEVECHASE from here one of my good friends.. talked to him bout it

Both DJISLE and SteveChase have the blue 636's but are not the same person... although saying that I dont think I have ever seen them both out at the same time...... hmmm

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I have more dirt on this dude. Why hold back now?

long story short.

He sent me a few messages about DJing the meet n greet. I told him TwistedRabbit had it covered. He wanted to know what Rabbit was charging. I said free. He said he coulndt do it for free. So he messages Rabbit and says he will pay him to NOT do the event. And I believe Rabbit told him to fukin bounce.

Has this been covered yet???

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