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Ride Mandates&Rules for Group rides this year!


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I was just happy my wittle vtwin actually got around someone ON a straight. Sadly, it was another wittle vtwin. :D:cheers:

I'm not a fan of blasting down straights to get to the next corner, wind buffet above 120 mph is annoying and you can't avoid it unless at full tuck. Don't let your ego get too big. :p

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Ahhhh you finally dropped in. Perfect example here, JRMMiii was riding faster than I last time in Coshocton, I noticed he was behind and instead of feeling the pressure to push harder into corners I waited for a straight and waved him past.

Now that wasn't so hard was it? Fast in front, slow in back, experienced in sweep.

winnar winnar chkn dinner!

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I let my narrow chicken strips shine...I know where my limits are, and where I'm comfortable riding, if something unexpected happens I might have a little more leeway if I need to lean it further than I anticipated, and I'm happy with that.

If I'm not going fast enough for you, please feel free to come on by...you won't offend me.

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So if we follow Flounders rules, Mr Anderson will HAVE to lead all group rides. :lol:

Go Bambi!! :rolleyes:

As I recall, Bambi was tearing shit up on the noob ride last year. I didn't see it first hand, I was too busy in the back trying to find my bollocks.

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EDIT: To expand on #1 a little bit. I know a lot of you are good friends with Ben, and thats great. However its been said that this place seems like a small group of friends that have a website. I think threads like this are discouraging and un-welcoming of new members.

2: The OP states:

So asking for riding tips on OR is pointless, UNLESS its group riding tips from you? :nono:

3. Most everyone in this thread bitching about noobsauce is an experienced rider telling everyone "if you can't keep up slow down". If you're leading a ride, why don't you just slow down? Then you don't have to worry about noobs riding up your arsehole.


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If they (tires) have a giant flat spot down the center then you' date=' obviously, don't spend too much time leaning side to side. [/quote']

I just think any form of pre-judging is silly and pointless.

if you look at the tires on my 500cc 50hp commuter that shuttles me to and from work, that's hardly going to give you an accurate picture of my riding ability.

the more I read of this thread, the less I want to participate in any group rides. "120 mph in the straights" - great. I hope you 'lose' me. That doesn't sound like anything I need to be associated with.

if i get the chance to make a group ride, I hope the real thing proves to be more fun than this thread makes it sound. I'll pitch-in for popsicles.

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I just think any form of pre-judging is silly and pointless.

if you look at the tires on my 500cc 50hp commuter that shuttles me to and from work, that's hardly going to give you an accurate picture of my riding ability.

the more I read of this thread, the less I want to participate in any group rides. "120 mph in the straights" - great. I hope you 'lose' me. That doesn't sound like anything I need to be associated with.

if i get the chance to make a group ride, I hope the real thing proves to be more fun than this thread makes it sound. I'll pitch-in for popsicles.

Just dont go on any of the noob training rides or 40 bike Kershockton rides and you'll be fine. ;)

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Parades are for Harley's...:p

It wasn't a parade, trust me. :lol:

It was actually three groups. Beginner, intermediate (me), and expert. Each group was led and swept by a local or experienced rider. The only time the whole group of 30 bikes was together was at the stops. It actually worked quite well for such a large group of bikes.

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I just look over my shoulder and tell the guy behind me "Don't try and keep up" and turn back, click into 1st and roll.



Bullshit... what you do is come hauling ass by me on the straights and damn near clip me each time out of the keyhole. If you do it again this year that will make 3 yrs in a row we've had the same exact "o-shit" moment at the same exact spot on the track.

Cant wait... fun fun. :)

Prick.... oh yeah and the marked up tires will be on the street bike very very soon. :)

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