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need you advise, got in an accident.


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im sure most of you are happy to know i wrecked the mustang this morning. All i have is liability on the car AND BIKE...

rear ended a lady in a civic! mad.gif its not horribly bad but still. smashed my pass headlight, bumper is cracked, radiator is a little messed up but not overheating or leaking, both airbags deployed, and worst of all my hood cracked in a few places!!!!frown.giffrown.giffrown.gif ill post pics when im not at work.

its going to cost $4,900 to fix it. now being an 03 with 85,000 miles its prob only worth 5-6k. Now the guy at the shop says if he left the airbags deployed that it will only be $2,900. is it hard to find a steering wheel cover and install it with out an airbag? Also my rents have some $ stored away for me which i could potientially use to get a new car. If i did it would be around a $15,000 car and i would sell the mustang as is for like $3,000.

what would you guys do, seriously, please...

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looking for street sings. cause i was trying to pick up a book for school. the 2 people in front of me slammed on their brakes, the lady i hit almost hit the only in front of her. i was looking for the name of the rd in front of me and i hit her. Wasnt real bad. her car is almost fine.

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If you're looking for an honest opinion, I think you should take that money that your parents have saved for you and consider using it for education and/or real emergencies.... hate to say it but I think having a nice car should probably be the least of your worries.

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I'd say hit a junk yard and find stuff in the same color. Piece it back together one part at a time if you have to. I did this with an '88 CRX I loved that got hit by an idiot. It came out perfect. Sounds like you just need a bumper cover, hood and light assy. and probably a fender, too.

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Fix safety-related items (headlight, air bags).

Save your pennies and fix cosmetic items as it becomes financially feasible.

Rent, utilities, food, insurance - necessities.

Nice looking car is an extra.

Bike is also an extra, fwiw. You could sell it and repair the car completely, but I wouldn't. Drive the car as-is (after fixing the safety items). Who cares what it looks like? Gets you point A to point B, right?

And NO, I'm not happy to hear you wrecked.

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Advertise your services in the Other paper, under Adult Services Offered. Pimp yourself out for money one cock at a time, and buy a cool car. You hold your own future in your hands.

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its going to cost $4,900 to fix it. now being an 03 with 85,000 miles its prob only worth 5-6k. Now the guy at the shop says if he left the airbags deployed that it will only be $2,900. is it hard to find a steering wheel cover and install it with out an airbag? Also my rents have some $ stored away for me which i could potientially use to get a new car. If i did it would be around a $15,000 car and i would sell the mustang as is for like $3,000.

what would you guys do, seriously, please...

Well, here's my take on it.

Don't ever go without airbags. ever. If you were thinking about selling it, I'd hope you'd at least be honest with those folks and TELL THEM that the airbags have already deployed and don't work. That's asking for trouble, for you and for them.

Second... why would you need a $15000 car AND a bike? You're what, 21? Waste of money at your age, especially considering how much money you throw into modifying your vehicles.

Dump the car you have and get something cheap to insure until the accident comes off your record (and to give you a bit of time to mature as a driver) and then get something nice when you hop off the parental teat.

That's my advice.

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you have 3-6 grand to put on a down payment on another car youre going to wreck?

If you want some honest advice, fix your damn car and learn some financial responsibility. Actually, after reading the post above, sell the fuckin "stang" and buy a civic. The car you drive does not determine your penis size, your penis does. And stick with the "learning financial responsibility" please.

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get the parts online and do the work yourself. parts will cost less than 1200.

i would but the fender is rubbing on the pass door. and theres a part of the frame in front thats bent but i think they will just hammer it back or cut and weld it. its a small spot. and they have to fix the fiberglass hood. i mean most i could do is get a new bumber cover and headlight and install it and id be afraid it wouldnt all line up right away

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i see you've skipped over the people telling you that you don't need a new car.

take the 3ish you'll get and buy a used import. yes we like toys, but we also don't use parents money...

im at work. havnt been able to read any responses.

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+1 for at least having insurance. Even if it is only liability.

called the insurance company and i guess i had it on the bike the whole time? i didnt even know. i called to get it insured and they said i was already covered.

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Fix safety-related items (headlight, air bags).

Save your pennies and fix cosmetic items as it becomes financially feasible.

Rent, utilities, food, insurance - necessities.

Nice looking car is an extra.

Bike is also an extra, fwiw. You could sell it and repair the car completely, but I wouldn't. Drive the car as-is (after fixing the safety items). Who cares what it looks like? Gets you point A to point B, right?

And NO, I'm not happy to hear you wrecked.

might just have them repack the driver side airbag. is it really hard to install an airbag yourself?

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might just have them repack the driver side airbag. is it really hard to install an airbag yourself?

no idea, never tried. JPorter on here should know. I know you need to pack an explosive charge/device, and I suppose that's where the $1,000/bag to reinstall cost comes.

Seems to me like something best left to a professional.

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might just have them repack the driver side airbag. is it really hard to install an airbag yourself?

That's probably the dumbest thing I've heard all week. Yes, it is really hard. No the airbag isn't like a fucking parachute, once it deploys, it's done.

Face facts kid, you done fucked up. I assume you were cited for this, or that the insurance knows it's your fault. Get ready for the ass-reaming to come on insurance rates, 100x more so if you run out and drop 15K on what I can only assume would be another "baller" sports car that between the car payment (or lack thereof, depending on what cash you come to play with) and the in-fucking-sane insurance premiums, the only mod you're going to be able to afford on it is treating yourself to 93 gas.

If you're truly looking for advice, I'd find a reasonable, cheap to insure car and use that as your daily beater. If you feel the need to throw money at something, mod the bike. Parts for bikes are (usually) cheaper than cars, it's amazing what 3K in parts will net you in bike mods. I bet you probably spent that much if not more on your supercharger. Or, you can put a little away in the bank, and in a few years when you hit 25 and your insurance backs off, if you haven't wrapped the GSXR around a tree and are still alive, you'll be in a much, much better position to get something you like.

Sorry for the tough love kid, but that's how it is.

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