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Riding in the snow...


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  swingset said:
I rode on the snow today...in 14 degree weather...because I'm better than most of you.

Just laying it out there.

I didn't fall over, either. Ok, that's a lie. Maybe 3 times, tops.

Yeah, but you fall over a lot more than that on a normal day. :p

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  swingset said:
I rode on the snow today...in 14 degree weather...because I'm better than most of you.

Just laying it out there.

I didn't fall over, either. Ok, that's a lie. Maybe 3 times, tops.

Hell, it is snowing now and I fell over...

In the garage...

Off my bike trainer...

Trying to reach for a water bottle...

That was empty!:D

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  magley64 said:
You're part of the cool group that can view more than 10 posts per page...


  magley64 said:
Wasn't concerned with how we got the ability, just that we have it.

No kidding, Way to give away the secret jporterputz.

  John said:
me too.

people on page 10 are apparently wee-todd-ed


Man, where have I heard that before...? :scratchhead:

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Just because this thread entertained me while not being able to sleep again, I think I'll post up, and yeah, it probably will irritate/upset people some more, but that is NOT my intention. Sure, I'm probably going to be flamed for my opinions too.. If that is what makes you feel better, go right ahead.

The 140 and sideways is an inside joke. He even said that, but people still think its just ego? Inside jokes are not ego.. They are jokes, meant to make someone laugh.. If you didn't laugh, then you don't know the joke.

135mph on his bike is believable. Don't forget lots of bikes often have a 7-10% speedo error!

Riding in marysville in snow, isn't that big of a deal. The streets are usually pretty deserted, and the cars that are out, are all scared to go more then 5mph. The biggest danger, is they like to dump 5ft of salt at the stop signs/lights. Marysville traffic is absolutely Nothing compared to Columbus or a suburb.

I know him fairly well.. He jokes, and does not really have an ego. If my health acts up, he is always the first to volunteer to leave a ride, no matter where we are, to make sure I get home safely. Trust me, not everyone would do that, and from my personal experience of 8yrs of bad health problems (5 or so actually riding) it is actually rare for people to leave a ride early, just to help someone who is sick. (Injured yes, lots of people will leave to help.) No questions asked, doesn't even get upset, or disappointed with it, or with me. To me, that fact alone tells me he is a stand up type of guy.

He is right in that if you actually got to know him in person, then you would understand his posts better.

Why do people give someone else a hard time for something they choose to do? Its just negativity at it's finest. What's that saying? "Judge not, lest ye be judged." (something like that, too lazy to look it up) If he, or anyone wants to risk riding in the snow, (I've done it too, and I have no ego), then you should wish them well. He isnt out there stunting, or leaving black marks on the road in front of peoples houses..( Oh wait, he dis do that one) he isnt out there running from the cops, or giving bikers a bad name to the police. He really only risks injury to himself. If he is willing to take that risk that all bikers take to start with, then the added risk of some snow, more power to you, and to anyone. He/they/we are simply Living life how they want to, and not sitting around, living it how Other people want them to live it. Just be careful is all I can say. Instead of negativity, how bout saying hey.. Remember to wash that Salt off your bike when you get home.. Some people, just do it for the love of the ride. Life is too short, and precious to just sit around and wait for a perfect day to ride. Negativity is simply a waste of energy. It accomplishes nothing good, and often results in detrimental effects upon yourself, and/or others.

I'm one of those people that don't care about the skill level of a rider, but the quality of the rider themselves. I have no problems riding with him at all. If I were setting up a ride, he would be one of the first invited.

Why can't we just support our fellow brothers and sisters who are out there riding?

This is after all, Ohio RIDERS forum.. Not Ohio cagers.

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Well said Dan!!!

My first ride on the SV1 it started to snow on me, I think riding in the snow is not a very good idea, if I get caught in it that is one thing, but to leave in it is not a good idea to me, with that being said I have a choice to ride or drive, some might not have that choice and have to ride regardless if there is snow or not.

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I love that Xmas vacation sled scene.


When I was 18 and bought (paid by myself) my 1st 5.0 I remember going into snow covered parking lots and ripping the shit out of some donuts. Also, get going about 40mph and pull parking break and whip in circles with the G's sucking you in your seat. :lol: I'd be afraid to get caught doing that now that I'm 33 and wiser. I hate fines.

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