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Riding to work, 4-lane highway. Left lane.

Signalled to change lane to the right, and moved over to the right side of the left lane, about 2' from the white line. Mirror clear, but when I checked my blind spot I realized there was a car there. So I stayed in my lane waiting for a space.

Then I realized that the car that was behind me was actually passing me while I was still in my lane - he was sharing my lane. Apparently he couldn't wait for me to exit the lane before he got past.

He passed me within inches (I was doing about 30, he was doing about 50), then as he got past me he nearly rear-ended the stopped left-turner I was changing lanes to avoid.

The guy who was next to me slowed down and gave me an exit. The impatient guy got stuck so close to to the stopped left-turner than he had to wait and I never saw him again.

All went down in seconds. I swear his mirror was inches from my arm as he shot past.

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Rolled up to an intersection this noon, yielding to a box truck on the cross street with the right-of-way; Crotchety-looking old guy in the truck waved me to go across as he approached the intersection as if he was going to slow down and let me cross...'cept he didn't. :wtf:

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Wow people suck. Glad you're ok.

Went on a ride with oldschoolsdime last night, and when i was heading back home I almost got rear-ended. Car was on my ass, turned on the turn signal a good 1/8th of a mile before a right turn. Flashed my brakes as I slowed, even used a hand signal, and the guy about locked up his brakes when I went to turn.

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A younger guy did a u-turn right in front of me on SR 97 Sunday, I was at road speed +...no road rage, just a glare and a head shake, as I came to an abrupt rolling stop beside him...the killing glare was useless I guess, I had my tinted shield on...:nono:

I saw it coming, good thing I was paying attention at the time...I assumed that was what he was going to do by his actions, and sure enough, he did!

Assume the worst out there, this is when assumptions are usually correct, and justified...

Have a safe & fun riding season!

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Glad nothing happened, but to me it looked like you were attempting to change lanes by the shift in pattern, so I can assume they may have made the mistake and done it by accident.

That plus the fact its mid march and people still(well always) suck at driving, I wouldn't expect anything else. They didn't get a long enough break in the seasons to forget what bikes look like and be surprised.

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video or it didn't happen!

Oh, wait.....:lol:

Looks to me like you started to change lanes and then changed your mind. Not saying he was right to pass you, just saying you may have confused the dipshit with your actions. And those roads look like a 3rd world country. Must be Cleveland.

Edited by max power
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You can clearly see the guy approaching at a faster pace than everyone else and he's pretty much determined to get around everyone and anything to get where he's got to go. I catch myself doing this once in awhile and have to remind myself to calm down and relax and stop being an idiot.

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was the Audi the alleged car in the blind spot?

Yes. I knew he was behind me as the road went from ne southbound lane to two. I also knew he was a ways behind me. When I went to do my lane change, though, he had closed the gap (mostly due to me slowing down for the van in front of me) so I didn't expect him to be there. Luckily I saw him when I checked over my shoulder.

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I understand the hesitation then if he closed the gap quicker than expected. When I watched the video I was thinking wtf is he talking about there is plenty of room to move over with no problems

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I understand the hesitation then if he closed the gap quicker than expected. When I watched the video I was thinking wtf is he talking about there is plenty of room to move over with no problems

It's a fisheye lens - he's only 4' behind me.

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lol, looks like normal morning traffic to me. More crowded and in the dark. I have to watch what happens behind me about equal to what's happening in front of me. At least in morning traffic in certain areas. People get to dicing it up with rapid lane changes and hard acceleration/braking way too much sometimes. Makes a motorcycle nervous.

edit: I hate being overtaken from behind where I didn't see it coming...

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