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What makes a good group ride?


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I know you cant please all the people all the time but I would like some input.

What makes a ride enjoyable to you?

Is it the pace?

The route its self?

The people?

The scenery?

The destination?

Just wondering, trying to put one together.

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call group rides with every thing u planned explained, like routes, stops, destination , timing etc.

People who like that set up come and join.

As far i seen almost every body in OR likes all kind of ride except for pauly of course who only rides and no stops or talks for him. :D ... "all miles no smiles"

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Route is important, but i think the people are most important...

pace should be discussed, that way people aren't surprised when they show up on a s1000rr and get stuck doing a parade ride with a bunch of old wingers, or just as bad show up with a passenger and a busa trying to keep up/catch up on an uncle punk ride...

Destination probably matters least, but it does give some false sense of purpose to the whole thing.

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Proper placement of riders as to ability and duty. For a group ride to go off well even on dirt it takes at least two responsible people. One in front with good road and route knowledge and one aft with good mother hen skills, "for lack of a better term". :lol: It obviously helps if riders are of a similar skill set. Nothing like being a fast rider in a slow group or slow rider in a fast one.

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Nothing like being a fast rider in a slow group or slow rider in a fast one.

I find myself volunteering to run sweep when I am in either of those situations.

If I'm the slow guy, I can "catch up" in the straights, and if I'm the fast guy, i can "catch up" in the turns...

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The route, and mainly, good, solid roads without potholes, gravel, and many intersecting roads.

And of course, no crashes!

I am pretty patient and I don't mind waiting for slower paced people to catch up when changing roads.

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Small number of riders with the same skills and preferences that you have. That's the only recipe I can come up with that seems to ever work, no matter what else is going on.

Some people enjoy a good stop for food. Others (even in this thread) seem to think that's something bad. Some people ride on the ragged edge and aren't happy unless they're flirting with disaster on every turn. Others enjoy relaxed pace. Some want to keep the group in sight and account for everyone at every turn. Others just say "follow me" and seldom look back letting everyone account for themselves.

Without the group being on the same page, it's a shitty group ride doesn't matter what it is.

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Kickstands up more time than they are down. Small egos all around, lots of courtesy, & regard for safety. Riding group without a huge range of riding skills. Lots of turns without much debris. Nobody gets a helicopter ride.

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I think, at least for me, the ride I went on with bad, Alzheimer, j Copeland, doc and malasian invasion was about perfect. Everyone met at the right time, the route was awesome, everyone was pretty well matched as far as skill; our intervals were pretty constant through all the twisties. Nobody ditched or ran out of gas and the weather was great. My only complaint was my ass was absolutely killing me by the time I headed home, mostly due to the thin seat on my old fzr.

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I like to cover lotsa miles, which means a fairly brisk pace and keeping stops short. High corner speeds, moderate speed in straights (tends to keep the group from getting too spread out by traffic, curves, etc).

I like riding with quick groups, but don't mind a dialing it down if someone wants to work on technique.

Edited by Tpoppa
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That's different than some asshole that won't speed or make a pass because "fuck you...I don't race on the street!"

That rider can go self-formicate with an iron stick. There are plenty of rides you can attend. This isn't one of them.

Sounds like you have someone in mind.

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