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How would you handle this?


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I have neighbors who did the same thing. I told them about it and they just couldn't understand what the problem was. They said, 'If you encounter any mess, just tell us and we'll come and clean it.' I said, 'So let me get this straight. When I step in your dogs shit, I'm supposed to walk over here, knock on your door, hope your home and then hope you'll clean it up? I suggest we skip all that and you just keep your dog off my lawn.'

Of course that didn't do anything so I called animal control, they stopped by, checked for license tags (you guessed it, none), grabbed the doggy by the scruff of the neck and carted him off. I waved.

The funniest thing was that they have young girls who play in the neighborhood and I asked them, why didn't you just let him out in your nice, fenced-in back yard? They said, our mom doesn't like to do that because he poops in the yard. Tragic

:lol: classic

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So I was discussing this with my gf last night. She told me she has seen a woman walking the dog, let it poop in the yard and just kept walking. She wanted to say something but she said the woman "looked scary and was twice her size" so she didn't. Something tells me this is going to be a long battle.

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Start with #2, and if they are big, hulking masses of woman as your better half described, fashion them into truffles and deliver them in a Whitman's Sampler box. Then fill his mailbox with his dog's shit.

Just be nice about it.

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So I was discussing this with my gf last night. She told me she has seen a woman walking the dog, let it poop in the yard and just kept walking. She wanted to say something but she said the woman "looked scary and was twice her size" so she didn't. Something tells me this is going to be a long battle.

Technically, that's trespassing. Physical invasion into your real property.

Got any friends who are attorneys? A well worded letter might care them. Having an attorney sign it adds some teeth, or at least the threat of teeth (when you're bluffung.)

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Wait....you have landscaping, Brandon? Or is that a euphemism for the graveyard of those whose souls you have absconded with? Either way, the neighbor's dog need not punch grumpys there. Wouldn't hurt to find someone with some legalese like red suggested. Or at least someone who stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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I would find a way to make the animal fear my property. I could get creative.

It only works if the dog has a functional brain. I've nailed my neighbor's kickdog with a super soaker when it decided to start coming into my yard to bark at my back window. This went on for weeks and only stopped when I put up a baracade to keep the dog on its property. (There's no fence other than a line of bushes between mine and my neighbor's yards.)

Don't shoot the dog' date=' even with a toy gun. Seriously, sack up and handle your business like a man. You don't have to be a cock about it, but your neighbor needs to understand the seriousness of be situation. Be polite, but assertive. Point out how disrespectful it is to you as his neighbor. Make him understand that his actions aren't the way civilized people treat their neighbors. Let him know that you don't want to escalate the issue, but you will if he forces your hand.[/quote']

Again, that only works if your neighbor has a functional brain. The owners of the dog I mention above are straight out of the trailer park and only have their house due to an inheritance. They're rude, thoughtless, lazy pieces of shit that have zero regard for anyone other than themselves. I've called the police on occation due to their dog (some medium sized white thing that's stupid as hell) coming into my yard and charging my girlfriend. I tried confronting the bitch wife and her reply (in that glass shattering, high pitched trailer trash voice) "it's on a leash, it couldn't have been in your yard". She must assume everyone is a stupid as she is.

I'm sure Mentor has some sort of pet nuisance law. Fairview has one and used that to bust my neighbors. If this continues after confronting the owner, get photos of the dog in action and start calling the cops. Take photos when the dog comes back, and the police will start issuing tickets. Making them pay a fine when the dog shits in your yard usually works, it's the only way I've found to get through to the creatins.

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Hey man, I had the same issue, except small dog that just wandered all over the neighborhood. I actually got one of those battery powered, low grade, plastic BBgun things from like Walmart. The ones that shoot the BB's that are red/yellow, etc. I forget the name right now, but it was full auto or 3 rd burst and ran on like AA's so it wasnt painful for the dog, but did let the dog know I was there.

I would shoot it a few times and then it stopped coming around. Well then it died cuz it was super old.

Don't hurt the dog but definitely confront the owners. We have had more issues than just that one, but the others we simply said something to the people, and even some of them being dicks, the poop stopped.

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go down there and take a shit in their yard.

I shit in my sister's cat's litter box during the brief period I lived at home after college.

She would let it go way too long without cleaning it, and laughed when I threatened to start shitting there too. She wasn't laughing when she had to empty it.

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Brandon - I can save up a serious amount of dog shit for you to leave on this guy's lawn, porch, driveway, etc. if it comes to that.

I've got 120 lbs. of shit machines dropping loads in my yard. I have to pick it up regardless of whether it ends up in the trash, or your neighbor's yard...

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Brandon - I can save up a serious amount of dog shit for you to leave on this guy's lawn, porch, driveway, etc. if it comes to that.

I've got 120 lbs. of shit machines dropping loads in my yard. I have to pick it up regardless of whether it ends up in the trash, or your neighbor's yard...

Go into business, you might make some money like these guys: http://shitsenders.com/order/

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The next time you see them outdoors, scoop up a big handful of shit and go over, say hi and shake his hand. He/she might not take the bait, but they will fear the crazy. They will keep their shit machine off your lawn if they fear the crazy.

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