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The EPIC Ohio Group Ride


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Don't let UP lead you all to ruin! 555 is a shit road and he just wants to laugh at you when you dump your ride. At which point he'll rifle through your pockets for spare change while you lay on the ground writhing in pain.

And don't you worry about my cruiser you prejudiced SOB. You'll never be worthy enough to sit on it.

I love you

Call me.

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I don't think we'll be moving at 'shin-gina and a helicopter ride' pace on 555 for this ride, so hopefully it won't be too bad.

Also, I was told that the pocket-rifling was part of the club rules, right after signing my title over to UP.

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I don't usually ride the Hocking area, 555 is a road I know, and I’ve heard that 93 is decent but haven't been on it that far south. So sitting in my easy chair I picked one good road I knew about and tried to get a loop with decent roads and facilities to handle large numbers along with making the route easy to memorize. I'm positive there are better roads in the area but would mean a complicated route that would require people to lead with knowledge of them and I'm expecting that if the weather is good the crowd will be too large for local guys to handle. It's not my decision to make I'm just suggesting a starting point that I think will work.

I'm not all that interested in riding four hours to do a 100 mile loop to turn around and ride four hours back home. That's why I'm suggesting a longer loop. The people that are camping and getting rooms should get some access to a longer loop as well.

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I don't usually ride the Hocking area, 555 is a road I know, and I’ve heard that 93 is decent but haven't been on it that far south. So sitting in my easy chair I picked one good road I knew about and tried to get a loop with decent roads and facilities to handle large numbers along with making the route easy to memorize. I'm positive there are better roads in the area but would mean a complicated route that would require people to lead with knowledge of them and I'm expecting that if the weather is good the crowd will be too large for local guys to handle. It's not my decision to make I'm just suggesting a starting point that I think will work.

I'm not all that interested in riding four hours to do a 100 mile loop to turn around and ride four hours back home. That's why I'm suggesting a longer loop. The people that are camping and getting rooms should get some access to a longer loop as well.

TL; DR: I'm lazy and you'll ride my route or go home.

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I supposed ill wait for the final plans post instead of reading though all the bickering :)

Sent from my iPhone

We are soliciting bickering that way we can be sure that everyone isn't happy.

Tell us how and what you would like to see and I'm sure the powers that be will accommodate you.

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SR 374 is a must, if you are going to be down for 1 day. You can catch it from 33, and ride it south until 56. Take 56 East to 93. It would extend your route a bit.

Only downside is you ride through tourist land on the strech that's combined with 664.

Just $.02 to add.

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...555 is a road I know...

I rode the 555 last year. As I remember,

555 south of Chesterhill is the better part

of that route. And, I noticed that's precisely

the section of 555 that you have selected

for our route. I found it to be a fun road.

Good move.

Keep up the good work, UP. We all appreciate it.


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Anybody got any plans for Sunday?

My Sunday plans are to ride down again, from Newark, bringing with me anyone that

didn't get to ride Saturday, and anyone that wants to ride down again on Sunday.

This depends on a ride plan already being in place for Sunday, with time and location engraved in stone.


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SR 374 is a must, if you are going to be down for 1 day. You can catch it from 33, and ride it south until 56. Take 56 East to 93. It would extend your route a bit.

Only downside is you ride through tourist land on the strech that's combined with 664.

Just $.02 to add.

Thanks for the suggestion but adding to the route doesn't seem to be an option. Adding better roads is an option but we need to take something away when adding, along with not complicating the route. If everyone shows up we could have seven groups of ten riders (My idea of maximum group size.) that hopefully have all the group leaders, sweep riders with the route memorized. I would like the route to Google Map at about 3:30, with a gas stop close to the middle of the route and facilities large enough to handle a crowd.

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SR 374 is a must, if you are going to be down for 1 day. You can catch it from 33, and ride it south until 56. Take 56 East to 93. It would extend your route a bit.

Only downside is you ride through tourist land on the strech that's combined with 664.

Just $.02 to add.

I can't make it Saturday but definitely want to ride Sunday if the weather isn't rotten. Distended bowels should not be a factor.

Same route again? Or try for Cdub's route? Wife and I need to check out of our cabin no later than 11am, and we both work early Monday morning.....so our Sunday plan is to be home by supper time to offload the trailer and unpack to make bedtime a decent hour. If the Sunday route is done and we're on our way by 3pm, we are game for it

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Same route again? Or try for Cdub's route? Wife and I need to check out of our cabin no later than 11am, and we both work early Monday morning.....so our Sunday plan is to be home by supper time to offload the trailer and unpack to make bedtime a decent hour. If the Sunday route is done and we're on our way by 3pm, we are game for it

here is a route if you guys are interested in, i was working on this. But UP suggestion makes sense to keep it simple to avoid confusion. I selected this route based on many good comments about these roads and its good condition. Hopefully u fund it useful http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-374+E&daddr=39.5551079,-82.5751279+to:39.5304091,-82.5593107+to:OH-180+W%2FOH-374+W+to:OH-374+W%2FOH-374+Scenic+to:OH-278+S%2FOH-278+Scenic+S%2FState+Route+56+Scn+to:OH-56+E+to:39.448916,-82.200406+to:Burr+Oak+Blvd+to:OH-685+to:OH-37+E%2FOH-78+E%2FOH-78+Scenic+E%2FState+Route+37+E+to:OH-669+W+to:S+Columbus+St&hl=en&ll=39.649055,-82.21756&spn=0.92309,2.113495&sll=39.778332,-82.253437&sspn=0.115171,0.264187&geocode=FQ3fWwId8qUU-w%3BFSOQWwId6QAU-ymf2g2Hw5JHiDE8qrjxE_qIDg%3BFakvWwIdsj4U-ynLEiGl0-xHiDGct-KPUmgWLA%3BFez5WgIdxX0T-w%3BFR_LWQIdgq4U-w%3BFWEFWQId-icY-w%3BFfI-WAIdAh4Z-w%3BFVTxWQIdqrgZ-ylbwiZGbApIiDEMWITOdcZJlA%3BFcAhWgId-bkZ-w%3BFYopWgIdd1Ub-w%3BFSsGXQIdhtAe-w%3BFZ9XXgIdTRIe-w%3BFfNmXwIdyTcY-w&mra=mi&mrsp=12&sz=13&via=1,2,7&t=m&z=10

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I thought none of them wanted to go back to logan as all checked out already

Sucky part of this is packing/loading the truck and trailer to go somewhere and offload the bikes to ride Sunday. Not a huge deal, but I'd like to return to where we start so I can get loaded back up to head out. I do like the 374 rt though, at least around Hocking ( SW of Rt33 )

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to avoid confusion we will stick with UP route, very easy to memorize and it includes the famed triple nickle which will be a hall mark for Ohio ride :D

the sunday ride start from same location with a general consensus and work out the finer details later.

One most important thing now is to find volunteers for lead and sweep

updated first post with some details

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