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Whats up with that screen name?

max power

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Okay. In Spanish:

Bala= Bullet

(h)Ormiga = Ant .....I left the H off by accident but left it that way.

so = Bullet Ant - a very large Costa Rican Ant with a vicious bite and sting. I'm into entomology what can I say.

Large, vicious but nonetheless still an ant which pretty much describes my riding abilities LOL

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Mine is chevysoldier because I needed an email address and couldn't think of anything. So since I pretty much always had a chevy car or truck and I was in the army, I combined the two and had chevroletsoldier for my email. When I started getting onto forums, it was easier to type chevysoldier and it has stuck for pretty much everything. My email addresses and screen names are all a variation of this.

I had never seen this thread so I was reading through it. I get to CBRGirls post and all she put was :moo: Then I found it hilarious when I looked at her current avatar!:lol:



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I put an alien sticker on my bicycle when I was in highschool. I got a license plate for the bicycle from toys r us, and it had ALIEN on it. Then after getting Matlab on my computer I computed pi to 10,000+ digits and eventually memorized it out to around 30 places and ended up using the number in a lot of passwords, of course in combination with random letters and symbols. I thought instead of alien(circumference/diameter) or alien31415926535897932 I'd just make it efficient.

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I put an alien sticker on my bicycle when I was in highschool. I got a license plate for the bicycle from toys r us, and it had ALIEN on it. Then after getting Matlab on my computer I computed pi to 10,000+ digits and eventually memorized it out to around 30 places and ended up using the number in a lot of passwords, of course in combination with random letters and symbols. I thought instead of alien(circumference/diameter) or alien31415926535897932 I'd just make it efficient.

:lol: Wow.

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I put an alien sticker on my bicycle when I was in highschool. I got a license plate for the bicycle from toys r us, and it had ALIEN on it. Then after getting Matlab on my computer I computed pi to 10,000+ digits and eventually memorized it out to around 30 places and ended up using the number in a lot of passwords, of course in combination with random letters and symbols. I thought instead of alien(circumference/diameter) or alien31415926535897932 I'd just make it efficient.

Geek is strong in this one.

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Coyote, because I normally hang out on the fringe of the crowd…quiet, watching, listening, always thinking and by and large opportunistic with regard to a joke or a point. I am liked by few and generally considered a nuisance.

Also a nickname given me by my relatives, based on the Native Trickster character, as my mind is always working the angles to make a joke, a point, or to generally catch someone off.

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One of my dogs is named Lincoln, we have always called him Link, so I stole it from him.

He is always at my side nagging at me, and of course he was there as usual when I was setting up my account on here...So instead of trying to be clever or original I used his name.

Boring I know, but that is the story behind the name.

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